Author Topic: Trash Messages  (Read 15530 times)


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Trash Messages
« on: March 15, 2011 »
I've been watching the forem since the start. quite cool. I was inspired to come up with this post when I noticed, on only the 2nd day of the forum, that someone had posted the 'penis enlargement' topic. This was irritating, and I felt like a disrespect for us wanting to be serious. Then, it was taken down, i guess by John.

But then, I couldn't get it out of my mind - why had so many people cliked on this posting!? Why would any mature person - especially anyone who found their way to this forum - do this? Is it idle curiosity, I'm so fucking bored I'll clik on anything, or a scientific thirst for the latest in the field? Or something else?

So, in order to take advantage of what first appeared to be a pain in the butt, to find the silver lining, to turn crisis into opportunity, and shit into shinola, I came up with this idea. I'm giving you another chance. Can you resist cliking on this?

If you're reading this, you cliked on it. You cliked on the hate. Why? I'm giving you a mirror.

I'd like everybody to respond to this. If you read this and don't respond, especially if you cliked on the original PE posting, you're a wimp. And we'll know exactly how many wimps we got here because your clik has already been compiled and we can see also how many postings are there. (ok, that's not quite the way it is, but fuck it.)

My idea is that the hate is irrepressible. It can't help reaching out to anything that will feed it. See it in you. Stop feeding it and take the pain.

I channeled both Bill Maher and Hank Moody on this - its not my fault. Get loose, bro. Johns talkin about the rite-br. Teleport. Ground out. Get real he says. Ok im real, can you handle it or will you flake out?

(If you want a privileged inner view of the dark side and the rite-br in action, check out Hank on Shotime's Californication. Pay close attention to what comes out of his mouth, and everyone else on the show. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant dialogue - ultra rite-br and dark. He just might wake up the artist in you.)

your true love, jugrl

I can't wait to hear from you, and yes, I have to admit I cliked on the penis enlargement posting. I just can't get that kind of thing out of my mind.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2011 by John Ruskan »

John Ruskan

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Re: fuck you
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2011 »
Clever, colorful, and I do believe there is some value here in making conscious the dark side. I too would like to read other responses - it might turn out to be an interesting exercise in honest sharing. I clicked on this post because I need to see if there's anything in it I should know. But I could also find the part of me that was drawn to it. It appeared to be a hate message directed at me or everyone, and that part wanted to be stimulated by and tie into the hate energy. It's no shame to find this in yourself. Remember my basic theorem of the subconscious - we all have the complete spectrum of dark and light - the collective subconscious. Finding that inside yourself is an essential part of the journey of self-realization and the foundation of authentic compassion. The key is to keep it under the control of the witness - don't be motivated by it or act it out. Shift your sense of "I" to the higher-self witness.

I had irritation and disappointment about the PE post as well, and did remove it. I clicked on it and looked at it for a half second for similar content reasons as above, but with no interest. In the future, I will remove without reading any obviously promotional posting, vulgar or not.

And, I do share your opinion about Hank! I recommend the show also.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2011 by John Ruskan »


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Re: fuck you
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2011 »
Hi, I clicked on this, so I'm obviously in the right place as my dark side is alive and waving at me, even as I'm a newbie to Emotional Clearing and hoped my first postings would be 'best behaviour' posts - wanting to belong and fit in with no problems and .... well I fell straight in! I go with the mirror and also, had noticed some sexual topics listed and avoided those, imagining them to be soon 'removed' (magically by some kind 'good' fairy??!) .... So, this is really interesting and makes me smile too. I see the whole of me is here (even though for some silly reason I didn't expect or want it to be so public)!

Thanks for posting - Susan

PS I didn't click on any of the other postings you mentioned


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Re: fuck you
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2011 »
Hi Jugrl,

        I guess I was really surprised at how upset you were by the spam and the fact we all clicked on it. It seems to have brought up a lot of stuff for you- have you been using it in any clearing work? You felt the spam was disrespectful and you really tuned in to it! I don't believe anyone or anything can cheapen or lessen your experience with EC or John or the forum but you seem personally offended by the whole thing. Did you believe we would be 'better' somehow and not click? I just think we're all human with the finer higher qualities and the lower baser desires- maybe on good days we're swinging somewhere in the middle! Personally I can be so loving with an open heart filled with compassion and I can also be selfish, posessive and an emotional fuckwit! Hiding it from myself or the forum or John or you wont change that!
        There are lots of motivations for clicking on the spam, the dark side of us-a dare- will we be shocked? Curiosity- boredom and small faint optimistic hope that it isnt spam- ie this posting of yours isnt spam but if we hadnt clicked it we'd never have known! So the click paid off- the penis enlargement one didnt - it was spam. So they balanced each other out!
        I don't like sanitising things and hiding them away though- you can open the door and face whats there but you dont have to go inside or react to what you see!

I don't mean to glib just adding a viewpoint. Cheers for a thought-provoking post jugrl- i'm definitely questioning if I try to hide my dark side. HES


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Re: Trash Messages
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2011 »
OK, so i guess i'll have to be satisfied with 2 replies out of 60. I was starting to feel like i had dropped a bomb. Yes, i can see yr point that i may have reacted more than necessary to the orig PE post, combined with a cynical viewpoint of my fellow man. Yes, i thought that somehow we would be better and not clik on an obviously trash post. Maybe curiosity is a valid reason, but honestly what got me was more a digust about the stupidity of cliking on the post rather than the fact that it contained any dark side matl. I recognize that the perceived stupidity is my projection, and part of my issues - my resentment that i need to work on. So i'll do that....!!! Or maybe it really is stupiidity, but i should make a place for that..... that works too.

Thanks for the replies