Author Topic: Dark in us or beside us?  (Read 11222 times)


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Dark in us or beside us?
« on: April 21, 2012 »
Hello John.

From the begining, I am sorry about potential english mistakes...
I would like to address an important issue to me and I have question for you and also to a wider range of people.

Does your experience of evil, is as being, which is seen as separate darkness from you, (even as a negative power [devil], who attacking you, and who can be "eliminated" by a positive light?

Or rather this is only our projection (unitegraited part), which we need to accept, feel, learn and realease, and be wiser from now, and more creative people! Because we know that all human traits are in us, both-side, the worst and the best ones ...
Responsibility of this awareness is very large!
I am scared!

John, can you say precisely about what do you think on this?
Mayby we can create onother part in this forum to this case?...
(about issuse of religious foundations/ basic beliefs in us?)
I just don't know - and I "feel in my heart, I think a voice of Jesus Christ", who calls me to be a better person...
but there is so much difficulty and toughness in today's world paradoxically...
I feel there is battle on ideology! Mayby it's happen only in me??
Please help me with you knowledge and what you recommend me,
couse maybe you see something more than I (from my words)?

I wish the whole range people who use EC method, a lot of courage,
cautiousness and peace and joy arising from the feeling that you are on the right track ...

With love. Jarek. Now, I need some rest...

John Ruskan

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Re: Dark in us or beside us?
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2012 »
We know that there is indeed evil in the world. In fact, I would probably agree with the those philosophers who have suggested that evil rules the world (the material world). If this is true, how are we to reconcile it with love, well-being, and spiritual evolution?

Evil came into being when some of the angels "rebelled" and were "cast down" into hell. But hell appears to have a close connection to the earth, because it is here that evil rules. So the formation of evil and its operation upon the earth appear to be part of the plan, because we are unable to imagine existence without negativity and the poles of light and dark.

What is the function of evil? It's something like, we need adversity to overcome in order to grow. Adversity makes us strong and triggers growth.  We grow through pain. Pain results when what we believe, want, or depend on is denyed us. It starts to get more complicated when personal karma is factored in, since when we act in evil ways, we create a debt that must be paid off, and we invite future suffering into our lives.

We then perceive evil around us - threatening, hurting, undermining, bringing pain and suffering - the basic problem of mankind. Is this evil projected or is it real? It is both.
There are the forces of evil, which we can't see with our eyes, but they are as present as could be. They exist on the inner, subtle planes. They can sit right next to you, like any spirit can. They are individual entities, with varying degrees of intelligence. They see you, they try to influence you. They control the world's events. You feel their influence, but it's up to you whether you will allow yourself to be influenced.

Then, there are the negative forces inside you, lodged in what we call "the subconscious." These usually consist of painful energies. In an effort to dispel the inner pain, we may act in unenlightened ways, blaming, using, hurting others. We have allowed ourselves to be influenced by the darkness when we act so. But if we do not allow ourselves to be influenced, we adopt a more enlightened approach to resolving the pain we feel.

It's helpful to think in terms of levels. On one level, when you place the sphere of light around yourself, you do create a psychic, energetic defense from the overt manipulation and influence of objective negative forces. This is why it's part of the EC protocol. It's basic. We expect that the light around us shields us so we can address the inner subconscious issues without interference.

In meditation, and in projection when we go about the world, we encounter our inner negativity. It may invite and attach to outer negativity. But always try to separate the outer influence from the inner, and work with the inner. You have this beautiful method for doing that.

Then, your stance is basically - just as you place the light around yourself - to shield and protect yourself from outside influences as best as possible, but still, you can take responsibly for the appearance of the negativity. You have attracted it because of inner negativity, but you can still shield yourself. You are both accepting and shielding at the same time.

As I often tell people, don't try to directly accept the outer when you are applying EC. Apply acceptance to your feelings, as they are.

This results in the attitude of compassion. You are not blaming the negativity for making itself present, because you have attracted it. But you understand that mere retaliation and fighting will not be a solution.

As you keep working on yourself, your vibration keeps building, and you move more and more into higher, witness consciousness. As you lift yourself up and clear suppressed negativity inside, the negativity from the outside is less able to reach you. This corresponds with the inner integration of the poles of light and dark, concerning any particular part of yourself.

To sum it up - yes, it's a battle. That's what earth life is about. But we all have chosen to come back, because it's only through the earth experience that we evolve.
Often, we make the mistake of thinking that the purpose of life is happiness, and that becomes our goal. The purpose of life is not primarily happiness, but the deepening of experience, both inner and outer, and the evolution of the soul - moving more and more into the higher witnessing consciousness that comes from it. When you look inside and work with what you find, you are making the most of the earth-life opportunity.


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Re: Dark in us or beside us?
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2012 »
John, thank you for your real help and apprehension.

From the child, I feel and see this darkness, but I would prefer for a while not to see this and want ingore this and explain everything with my Rationality.
But this is not solution - this is some kind of mistification.
We see world - as we are.

I would be honored, if you let me quote your words on my profile on facebook.
I want to spread your wisdom to the public.

Love, great nutrition and light to you, my friend!


John Ruskan

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Re: Dark in us or beside us?
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2012 »
Yes, you have my permission.