Author Topic: Anxiety Painbody  (Read 13501 times)


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Anxiety Painbody
« on: July 19, 2012 »
Dear John. I have recently bought your book emotional clearing. I find it very insightful but I am having a serious problem of not being able to stop resisting the pain. It is anxiety and fear of rejection/abandonment which I am suffering from and it feels like the energy is stuck. I developed it last year when my ex girl friend and I were having a hard time. We broke up and I went to my doctor. He described beta blockers which did wonders but i decided to come off them as I did not want to be dependant on drugs to live a normal happy life. I was completely fine for about six months then I met another girl. I felt fine for the first three months of the relationship then I started to develop the feelings of anxiety again. It is now worse than ever before and not a moment goes by where I do not feel it. I have tried everything to accept the pain but I cant stop thinking about it, I constantly feel like a victim even after reading your book saying we create circumstances to release pain. I now fear that this pain is attracting unwanted circumstances into my life and it feels like I am as bad things seem to happen when the painbody is active. I know I should just feel it and direct my attention into it but when I do that I cant stop thinking about it. Also I have been advised to take beta blockers again while my body heals itself, can that work? and also I notice i cannot watch or hear my thoughts or step out of my mind even when im aware and in the present moment, it feels near impossibe. Thank you for reading this and I look forward to hearing from you. Carl

John Ruskan

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Re: Anxiety Painbody
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2012 »
Hi Carl - nice to hear from you. It sounds like a core issue for you is the rejection/abandonment. It came up in the last relationship, it got suppressed with the meds, and now it's come up again, possibly attracting the kind of relationship that will correspond to or evoke those feelings. Understanding this is a good start. If you use more meds, you take the risk of again suppressing, but sometimes meds are needed short-term if things get too intense and you're not getting immediate help from the process. You have to be the judge.

Try to see the upside: Here's the opportunity to clear this difficult part of yourself that's been around for lifetimes, and the relationship is serving that purpose. It will take some time. It's just a matter of developing the skills required as you apply the EC process, which is based on meditation principles. You wouldn't give up on meditation after trying it for a week, right? Its the same here. Be patient, start a dedicated personal practice, and there's no question it will kick in at some point.

Include: A basic yoga (not power yoga) practice 5 days a week. This loosens up the energetic congestion. Breath practice as well - sit and breathe as I describe in the book twice a day for 10 minutes. This will do a lot to relax you. Keep studying the steps of the process and carefully apply them.

Acceptance can be thought of in several ways: You look at the normal resistance in the mind to the pain and put the resistance aside for the moment: Become a little more ok with the pain - relax into it. Then work on the witness. When you're in the witness, you're beyond the question of acceptance or rejection - you are present with what's happening now. Witnessing is one of the things to cultivate so you can step out of your mind. You can include the third eye focus (that I describe in the book in the EC Process induction) for 5 minutes twice a day with the breath. Be careful as you practice that you're not pushing yourself - this can be another problem. Just relax and be confident that you're going in the right direction.

The EC Guided Training Set would be very helpful, and of course if it's an option, there's nothing better than some personal counseling to jumpstart you. But you can do it on your own. Use the tools. You'll get there.


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Re: Anxiety Painbody
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2012 »
Thank you John. Two days ago I started to look at the pain differently, I see it as an inner child that is crying to be heard, it helped me accept it more so and felt a slight release but it is still there. And it is less so more difficult to pinpoint.
I also felt like my body was a live wire and could feel the inner body as eckhart describes more so than ever. The pain seems to be a lot worse in the morning than at night. I hope I can stay strong enough to face and feel this because now I know this is a very important time in my life. Thank you for your book. All the best. Carl 


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Re: Anxiety Painbody
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2012 »
Ps, when you say basic yoga, do you mean the few healing postures like a head stand and avoid ones the stretch hamstrings etc? Also I have a hypnosis book and accompanying mp3 which has had great reviews to boost confidence and attract better circumstances by changing how you think. Can I work with the hypnosis as well as emotional clearing process or clear feelings before hypnosis so I do not just cover them up with positive thinking? Thank you. Carl


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Re: Anxiety Painbody
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2012 »

I think Mr. Ruskan refers to meditative yoga, as opposed to "power" yoga. As he describes in his book, meditative yoga includes basic postures, mostly sitting and lying and long holds (1 - 5 minutes, sometimes longer). As i see it, this type of yoga is similar to so-called Yin Yoga.

Here is the link to Yoga section from his website:
