Author Topic: Getting started  (Read 6665 times)


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Getting started
« on: August 01, 2012 »

This isn't really a direct question to John rather its an airing of my feelings surrounding emotional clearing. I'm excited and I'm inspired. After reading the book and relating to it deeply I can't wait to download the mp3 files and begin my clearing. I deeply related to what you wrote about it not being necessary to analysis why you feel the way you do or find the root cause of the problem. I believed that analysis would be the way out of all my pain yet identifying the causes and having a fairly in depth 'timeline' of where and how things occurred did little to heal my pain. In fact it probably made things worse. Now I could clearly identify what went wrong and because there was a stock pile of bad things I became for afraid of my life and what still existed in my unconscious mind. I've been terrified of my fear and have found very little comfort or ways to address things accordingly. I know I've found something that is going to work. I've read some of the posts from other people and many seem to be dealing with the same things as me. Looks like we've come to the right place. Thank you for your work John. I've been pouring through books on eastern spirituality and books about western psychotherapy and you've combined the two. Thank you :)