Author Topic: Questions, doubts  (Read 8115 times)


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Questions, doubts
« on: June 09, 2014 »
Hello John again after a long break.

As you know, I have founded your book very useful.
But I must admit that I have strong mathematical - analitycal mind
and for me the chacra part is hard to belive. It like - this concept exist, because you focus on it and you make it real.
But there is no proof for all chakras you desribe, John, in the book.

Astrology is another part which is very hard to believe for me.
For me it is strange that such person as You wirtes about astrology.
There is no proof at all thak astrology works. I think our ego maybe wants to that stars, sun and planets make infuencess on his life. But this is no science. And how you can know which planet postitions gives you this or that...??
Can you explain me why you believe in astrology (do you believe in horoscope in newspaper?)

I am very grateful that you make clear how important is to feel our whole range emotions and created very good system of emotional clearing process.


Jarek J.

ps. sorry about my English mistakes.

John Ruskan

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Re: Questions, doubts
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2014 »
Chakras and astrology are very well represented in the New Age - Consciousness - Esoteric literature. If you wanted to find out more about them, and get some verification from others about their validity, all you need to do is search for them on the web, and you'll find tons of information. I think I discuss them adequately enough in the EC book, and also in the Emotions section of the website, to answer your questions. There is no "proof" in the book because I am not attempting to "prove" them. You have to be ready and open enough to grasp them.