Author Topic: Recurring dreams  (Read 9264 times)


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Recurring dreams
« on: January 09, 2014 »
Hello to John and users of the forum, best wishes for 2014.

My dreams are so vivid they are more real than reality these days, but one theme is recurring and I have had it approximately 6 times over a couple of weeks. There is a male figure, usually someone successful and recognisable from celebrity culture and I reach out and embrace them and feel a connection and then wake up. I wake up feeling there is something missing from my life. The male person changes with each dream but he is always successful, famous and creative. So I started to think maybe I was trying to reach the masculine part of myself in the dream, and the embrace is somehow trying to integrate the two parts.  Sometimes the dream has gone further than just an embrace. I read about Jung and the Animus in Emotional Clearing and did a bit more reading around it and it sounds likely that I'm trying to integrate the parts. But the dreams are continuing and when I wake up the 'missing part' feeling seems stronger. I feel a bit stuck knowing what to do next, should I just wait it out? I am still quite sure/ unsure of things and well, vacillating all the time. Many thanks for any advice.

John Ruskan

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Re: Recurring dreams
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2014 »
It's exciting when dreams become as vivid as you describe. To me, this means you're developing your psychic/astral consciousness, and the astral world, where we go when we sleep, is becoming more real, which is desirable. Your interpretation is as good as I or anyone else could offer. From the viewpoint of our work, however, the key to all dreams is the feelings that the dream evokes. Dreams are another type of projection. Find that feeling, and take it through the process. What's the feeling behind this dream? Is it something like inadequacy, and the dream figure compensates for it? I wouldn’t strive too hard to try to figure it out - just enjoy the ride.


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Re: Recurring dreams
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2014 »
Many thanks for your reply, John. I am starting to process the feelings which are sadness, longing and a sensation of emptiness. The feelings aren't painful as such, they're just mainly tinged with sadness. I've got so many questions that I want to ask and its very tempting to keep asking someone who appears to have all the answers! But I know I have to take responsibility for my own growth and learning along the path too. Its all still very much a work in progress, but I'm picking up some clues along the way. Thank you again for your advice - I have been making use of all the opportunities that have been presented to me, and I'm enjoying the ride more than I ever imagined possible.


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Re: Recurring dreams
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2014 »
Hello again. I've been having lots of intense dreams regarding the same issue and last night I met a spiritual guide in my dream. He was very stern and not at all happy to be there, but we went on a journey together and he let me walk with him a while. Energetically he was very dense, and heavy. He was a heavyweight.  I have felt very light anyway recently, but felt even lighter standing next to him. I think the quality that I have, which I once thought was endearing, of drifting along seeing what happens next might need a revisit. I think I need to look at discipline and maybe focus more. If I'd known how intense this process was going to be I have to be honest and say I don't think I would have posted this initial topic, but I am grateful for your response, John.  I am not overwhelmed by whats been happening, it has been life-changing, but I am just amazed and thankful for it. I have been writing the dreams down because they are very important to me, and I want to remember them always, and in as much detail as I can, and keep them safe. Thanks again.