Author Topic: Plateau-ing?  (Read 8986 times)


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« on: April 25, 2014 »
Hi, I have been practicing the EC process for about 2 months, not every day but as often as I can, probably 3 maybe 4 times a week. At first I noticed a definite change in my moods, less anxiety etc. Now I have noticed that I am much more distracted during meditation, seems like every little thing is 'snapping' me back into my head, it even seems like I am more itchy suddenly in random spots etc. It's as though I am unable to go deeper anymore. In the beginning I felt much more connected. So I was just wondering if this was just a common phase that one simply must get through or maybe I am struggling with something more specific? As usual thanks for all your helpful insights.


John Ruskan

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Re: Plateau-ing?
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2014 »
I don't think it's a common phase. I would guess it's just a matter of your personal cycles. We all are always experiencing a number of concurrent life, or energetic, cycles all the time. Planetary transits to your astrology chart can give you an insight into these. You probably have something going on that is adversely affecting your Mercury, for example, so you feel unable to relax the mind. Just stay with it patiently, witnessing, and you will no doubt come out the other side. A cycle of this type can last anywhere from a few days to a few months.

You may also have had a particularly beneficial influence going on at the start, which may no longer be with you. This sometimes happens when we start on the path, to give us a taste of what it can be. Don't worry - just keep on. There's nothing you are doing that could cause the symptoms.


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Re: Plateau-ing?
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2014 »
I am not familiar with astrology, although what I have read on the subject from your book is intriguing. I feel propelled forward (gently nudged onward) now, considering so many factors that must come into play in our work, most that are still beyond us (me). So I will remind myself of this every time I feel 'stuck' or distracted during meditation, and not be so quickly hindered by these seeming obstacles and instead simply witness. Thanks for the nudge:)