Author Topic: Physical disability  (Read 7662 times)


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Physical disability
« on: July 31, 2014 »
Hello there,

I extremely appreciate the marvelous work you’re doing here, Mr. John.

I’m excitingly reading the articles that you posted on your awesome website, and already downloaded your free version of the book, and I’m going to buy the whole book very soon.

My question is very simple, yet very deep and complex.

I’m a twenty-seven years old male, who is currently suffering from muscular dystrophy. although I say currently, because I know that my condition is going to get better one day. I was firstly diagnosed with muscular dystrophy. When I was two years and a half old.

As you may already know, doctors believe that this is an incurable disease. I personally don’t believe that, and then I met with this pranic healing guru, who told me it’s my karma. I personally believe in karma the way you described it in the article on your website. And not the way that most of them describe it, as the punishment of past life wrongdoing, etc.

so I wanted to know what you think about this, do you think that your work could  be of any help to my physical condition?
Also, did you come across any case, or situation in which people experienced healing/betterment from such physical conditions just through doing emotional or inner work...?

Thank you so much again


John Ruskan

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Re: Physical disability
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2014 »
Thank you for your heart-felt message.

For those of us who regularly work with the body-mind-emotion continuum, there's no question that the build-up of inner negativity eventually carries over into and creates most if not all of the body's physical illnesses. This inner negativity has an energetic basis, and so can be related to the energy body, the chakras, and the pranic system. The energetic negativity becomes known to us as feelings and emotions, so when we are working on a feeling level, we are not only affecting our emotional health, but most directly our physical well-being.

A case like yours would definitely be karmic, especially since it occurred at an early age. Even if there were outside factors that might be pointed to as contributing to the condition, it makes no difference. You attracted and were susceptible to any such influences because of your karmic predisposition. As you mention, I prefer to view karma as the carry over from the past of the suppressed subconscious. Feelings/energies that were not released come with us into the new life and attract or create appropriate circumstances in order to be worked out.

So - working on a feeling level with the intention to clear the negative subconscious is, I would say, a most effective route to healing the physical. There are other modalities that work on an energetic level, such as Pranic Healing, with which I am familiar, that can be helpful as well. I always encourage people to try any modality they are attracted to. But I tend to believe that any form of energetic healing must include releasing into awareness the trapped feelings involved. When you are experiencing Pranic Healing then, it is reasonable to expect that feelings will be coming up if the healing is having an effect. You can't assume that you will just be 'healed' without your participation; working with the feelings is a critical way you participate. At that point, you apply the ECP protocol to the feelings, because if you don't they will be just re-suppressed; simply having them come into awareness is not enough to bring about the cleansing of the subconscious. This principle applies to any type of energetic healing. In this way, ECP integrates with any valid form of energy work, as well as being effective on its own.

I had a client a few years ago, with whom I worked for about 8 months. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer. At the end of our work, the cancer appeared to be in remission. In checking with him some years later, it was still not a problem. He was also doing many other things such as diet, supplements, yoga, breathwork, etc., but our work was the primary psychological/medical intervention. He never did chemo or radiation or surgery, which is what was advised by his doctor. Here's how we worked; it's actually quite interesting: As we surveyed his emotional landscape, it became apparent that his core emotional issues were based in the Power chakra, which in my schematic is located in the perineum, which is close to the prostate. I would say that the energetic negativity in the Power center had carried over to the nearby prostate, weakening it and making it susceptible to the cancer. The Power center feelings were that of being controlled, manipulated, dominated, used, mostly in the workplace. These are the feelings we addressed, using ECP. We also sent light to the prostate and brought witnessing consciousness to it. My presence as the facilitator accomplishes much the same thing as a Pranic Healer would, since I am consciously sending prana, or the light, to all clients as we work together. Indeed, all forms of energetic healing could be thought of as being very similar in how they work.

For you, I would advise a similar approach. Learn the ECP system, find out what your core feelings are, which chakras they are connected to, and do the work. I'm not sure what chakras would correlate to your particular condition, but as you get into it, it will start to become apparent. Energetic assistance from others can be helpful, but I always make a point of saying that you can do the work on your own. Is any condition incurable? I would tend to agree with you. There will always be an end point. At the same time, everyone doing this kind of work on themselves must realize that we are undertaking a momentous task in clearing the residue of many lifetimes, and it is going to take time. But when you start working, you realize that that's enough - knowing you are going forward, experiencing the gradual expansion of the soul.


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Re: Physical disability
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2014 »
Dear Mr. John,
thank you so much for your thorough answer. I highly appreciated it.

I'm actually certified as a third level pranic healer myself. And so are many of my friends. I kind of given up on using pranic healing for this specific physical condition, when one of the biggest masters of pranic healing, said that he will no longer continue doing any kind of healing for me, because it is karmic and I have to be "paying off the debt". Although I do believe in past lives, and I can very easily sometimes relate to why I came in this physical body. However, it's not in resonance with me at all, that I'm here to "be punished" and suffer until I paid off the debt for something I've done in the past life.

And that is one of the main reasons why contacted you, because I felt that your belief system in your perspective on karma, is very resonant and similar to the one that operate from.

So here is what I'm going to be doing, I'm still reading your book, and I'm still learning so much about suppressed emotions/negativity releasing techniques and such. And if I found even more resonant with your teachings after read the book, I'm going to why the six-week course as well. But mainly, I'm doing that for a lot of the contrast and problematic/negative realities that I've attracted so far due to all of this suppressed negativity within me. Once I feel I'm ready/most of the negativity if not all of it have been released, about the big things that I was struggling and suffering from in my life.
I'm going to be thinking about applying this to my physical condition, or even better, I may be contacting you for private paid counseling, of course of that is something you are still offering and willing to do with me.

And one more last question if I may, how do I go about specifically releasing or even understanding the suppressed emotions that caused the attraction of this physical condition? Because as I mentioned, so far, everything that I've been doing, I've been doing it to release the suppressed negativity that attracted so much abusive and dysfunctional relationships in my life and the little bit about some minor physical and career issues..

I hope that you would be able to respond to this message, simply confirming or declining this future option.

Until then,
