Author Topic: Kundalini  (Read 7653 times)


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« on: June 09, 2015 »
Hi there,

In brief I have had a huge amount of suppressed energy come to the surface over the last few years. It culminated with a suicide attempt a couple of years ago. I went on antidepressants and have been slowly making my way back. The Emotional Clearing book has been so helpful, thank you so much. I have faced so many blocks and fears and after having been off the antidepressants for nearly a year now, felt like I was really making progress.

This weekend just gone I had a strange dream but the message that I got from it is that I should do some kundalini yoga. I have a dvd which Ive dipped in to a couple of times but nothing more. So the other morning I really went for it and had a 30 minute intensive session. I had been feeling a bit wobbly at times over the previous week anyway but a few hours after the session I started to feel really anxious and low.

Now I would choose to believe that I have just brought a huge wave of supressed emotional energy to the surface to be cleared so really Im just looking for some reassurance. I am doing my best to stay awake and just be with and  experience whats going on inside but the worried part of  my mind is saying that I am descending back in to a very dark place.

Any words of wisdom would be much appreciated.

Love and light

John Ruskan

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Re: Kundalini
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2015 »
Hi Tom,  Sounds like you’re working with major clearing issues. Keep in mind that this may be the lifetime you’ve chosen to take on this work. It’s crucial and you shouldn’t allow yourself to be overwhelmed. Your primary focus should be to be stabilized within the light, in the witness, unidentified with any lower self negativity that’s coming into view. From there, you open to the dark at your controlled pace to process it.

There are different Kundalini schools, so I don’t know what you did specifically, but it probably doesn’t matter. I don’t think you could do any real damage from just one session, whatever you did. You could have stirred up some negativity, as you say.  So just back off and take it easy.

The basic idea behind Kundalini work is to raise the root chakra energy to the upper chakras. A nice way to incorporate this into your practice without going overboard is to just visualize and feel energy going up the middle of your spine as you inhale with the yoga breath; and down the front as you exhale, for maybe 10 breaths. Doing this regularly every day sets up the pattern in the subconscious, and over a period of time, it’s likely the energy will respond. I believe the kundalini energy is related if not identical to sexual energy, so your sexual needs may change as you practice over time. But be careful about trying to modify ordinary sexual release with celibacy, etc; especially with heavy issues as you mention, this is how you could get into trouble. Let the sexual expression modify itself slowly as you just stay with the breath repatterning exercise.


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Re: Kundalini
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2015 »
Hi John,

Thank you very much for replying, it is very much appreciated.

Best wishes
