Author Topic: Johns book  (Read 6941 times)


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Johns book
« on: November 01, 2016 »
John Ruskan is a phenomenally talented and amazing being who has graced this earth with his work on so many levels.
His book Emotional Clearing does not do itself justice in the title as it is so much more than meets the eye.
In his book, John lights the way through doing your inner work and learning true acceptance of the reality inside of us all on a deep level.
If you desire to have the questions so many of us ask ourselves to be answered, and wish to not only understand on a feeling level but to also transcend the mind and conditioning of how society has failed us of true knowledge and growth. Then his book will take you on that inner journey to awakening.
It's not a hold your hand and make you feel good kind of experience, but rather the truth and practical guide to truly seeing the path and walking it with open eyes internally. It has transformed my life to say the least. I no longer suffer, instead I consciously evolve and embrace life on a whole new level. Say goodbye to emotional roller coasters and be the navigator of your life when you do the work in the book that is a true gift to humanity
Thank you John for teaching me what society, school and family failed to as I know this information is something that should be taught at school as an essential to healthy individuals and therefore a healthy society
We can't complain about the world around us if we are not prepared to do the work within us.
I also purchased the CD series as it helps clear so much suppressed internal turmoil, making it easier to navigate and lessens the emotional volcanic release begins
With much love and gratitude
Amy Lewis

John Ruskan

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Re: Johns book
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2016 »
Hi Amy- Thanks so much for your beautiful words. They do encourage me. I am always so pleased when I see that my work has been understood, appreciated, and has been effective.  In today's world, with the immense challenges we are facing, working on yourself and raising your vibration is really the best way we have to counter the negativity. If you have not already done so, I would ask you to please post this testimonial on Amazon, where more people will see it and be encouraged to do the work.