Author Topic: Physical pain  (Read 7889 times)


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Physical pain
« on: December 15, 2016 »

So I just listened through the free Deep Relaxation exercise and would like some advice. Basically as soon as I start relaxation exercises like that I have hard time focusing on the mental paths, since I start feeling physically painful areas in my body. Has happened with other relaxation/meditation techniques before as well.
As I got to the visualizing and turning to Witnessing part, I get my attention drawn to the pains in my lower back, today also tension and pain in the upper parts, plus some random swooping pains going through an arm or leg occasionally.
How should I deal with this? Would it be a part of the clearing process to let these feelings 'play out'? Or how to approach such problems?

I know that my lower back hurts because of a curved spine that got diagnosed when I was about 10y.o (I'm 30 now). As there didn't seem to be any reason for my spinal curvature (childhood accident or anything), and it didn't go away, I got some information that it's from a past life trauma (broken back). I have no way to prove it, but that's what came up in some 'testing'.
It's not a pain that affects my daily life (aside having a fluid movement from my hips) or even on a level that I would pay attention to it, but when I do some body and mind relaxation exercises, the pain seems to get intensified (I'm just getting more sensitive I guess) to a level where it's hurting and interfering with the exercise.

So I'm not sure if it would release once the paired emotion comes up, or should such physical feeling be addressed first when going deeper into EC?
Thank you for any advice!

John Ruskan

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Re: Physical pain
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2016 »
Good questions. Don't confuse mental and emotional. You are supposed to be getting out of the mind and into feelings

Both body sensations / body ailments in general and emotional feelings are assumed to caused by suppressed negative psychic energy. If body sensations are dominating your meditative experience, it's not a problem. Let them become your focus point and take them through the process. Stay with them for as long as necessary - minutes, days, or months. Body sensations are a completely valid pathway to subconscious holdings. Eventually you will be led to the corresponding emotional feelings, and then you include them in your process. Go with whatever is most dominant - body or emotional, they both lead to clearing the suppressed psychic negativity.

You don't necessarily need to push back to historical memory of how things originated. In theory, the past is projected upon and reflected by the present, and working with present manifestations in body or feelings will release the past. In practice, however, if past memories spontaneously jump up as you are processing present experience, you should include them in your process, just as you would a present-day event. See them as if they are happening now. They have particular significance for you and can lead to helpful past life recall, if that's what you need. Let yourself be guided by your unconscious higher self. Just remember that when you go into a recall, whether it's childhood or "past" life, to apply all the steps of the process to that scenario. For example, make sure you are taking responsibility for the recall experience and not falling into blame.


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Re: Physical pain
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2016 »

Thanks for this info. It seems that I have the physical feelings that draw the most attention in such exercises, so I will work with them when they come up. Just wanted to make sure that it is a part of the process and should be approached so.
Also, as you mentioned in your book, it's good to know that there isn't need for a past life regression to deal with any physical or emotional trauma from before. I haven't done any regression therapies, but worked with a person who's in the field of sciences that relate to mental schemas, so through some methods we tested and found some info about my past life traumas and how they happened.

I'll take this info and keep on working. Thank you!