Author Topic: should I stay or should I go  (Read 5775 times)


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should I stay or should I go
« on: May 04, 2020 »
Hi John,

My external environment (where I currently live) is not congruent with me (over developed, lack of respect for nature, few like-minded individuals, etc.).   I very much want to move away and have an area picked-out, but it’s not easy for me to move at this time for various reasons.  Yet, being here causes me much distress.  I have practiced emotional clearing for quite some time, but know I still have a long way to go.  Based on the principles of ECP, do I continue to live in an area that does not resonate with me?  If I continue clearing, will it be more likely that I will be able to move to my ideal (more rural) place (that things will somehow easily fall into place)?

Thank you.

John Ruskan

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Re: should I stay or should I go
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2020 »
This is an important question that applies not only to where you live, but to relationship issues, job issues, anything. Do I stay or do I get out of town? We want to understand the question from a spiritual perspective, and also a pragmatic perspective, if indeed the two can co-exist.

From a higher consciousness point of view, we are placed in circumstances and relationships because we have unfinished business, or something to "learn," or karma to work out. These experiences are often difficult, and we can fall into the trap of fantasizing about / living in the future, missing the present moment and the opportunities it brings for growth. On the other hand, someone with a high vibration will not be comfortable or appropriate in a low-level vibration environment, and will not feel any qualms about moving out of it - it's just not right for them.

How are we to "grow" and "learn" from our present circumstances? That's where ECP comes in. We attract negativity on the outside because of inner negativity; inner negativity becomes known to us as painful feelings; if we work on a feeling level, we clear the inner negativity and fulfill our karmic purpose. If you move on too quickly, before you have released the negativity that attracted that situation to begin with, you just attract the same thing again in your new environment. We see this in the classic example of someone who keeps getting into an abusive relationships, either emotional or physical, over and over. Or someone who fails in their career attempts, over and over, because of no apparent fault of their own.

I generally advise clients to make a diligent effort to apply processing techniques to the situation for a certain time period, say a few months, before making any radical moves. See if this results in an inner shift in you. You say you have been doing EC work. Take a look at the feelings you've been working with - try to determine how they relate to your question. Look at the feelings your environment is bringing up in you. Try to go deeper.

At a certain point, after you've given it your best effort, hopefully you'll be able to see that you've cleared at least some inner negativity and are ready to move on. If you are apparently being prevented from moving on by circumstances, this would seem to suggest that higher guidance is telling you that you have not completed your mission yet with regard to the situation. In theory, when things are complete, a shift will happen spontaneously, without your needing to exert a huge effort, or you will no longer feel the need to move. Sometimes, however, things don't go according to theory, and some effort is required. But when it does happen spontaneously, it's a beautiful experience, and it becomes clear how inner blocking has been responsible for the outer experience.

There's also the pragmatic side to it, that we have just reached our 'toleration point' and can't handle it anymore. This needs to be taken into account as well. That's when we bail out, but usually it means we can expect the situation to repeat at some point.


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Re: should I stay or should I go
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2020 »
Thank you so much John.  That was most helpful.  I really appreciate your insight.