Author Topic: Clearing 30 Years of Repressed Emotions  (Read 5061 times)


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Clearing 30 Years of Repressed Emotions
« on: January 10, 2022 »
Hi John,

A big thank you for your books, Emotional Clearing especially. I feel privileged to have found it in this lifetime.

To quickly summarise, I have been struggling with suppressed emotions for the past 30 years. A severe sex addiction (through masturbation) has sadly left me with symptoms of impotence for the past 4 years. After reading your book and realising that my addiction was the effect and not the cause, I begun emotional clearing.

For the past few months I have been experiencing muscle tension and bodily shakes whenever I reach what feels like the negative emotions. Upon breathing into the relevant chakras, my muscles twitch, then start to tense, then a strong urge to shake comes over my physical body. I believe I am dealing with feelings of shame and loneliness, and whenever I mentally remember past scenarios that involved those feelings, the muscles in my arms begin to tense up and my body begins to shake (quite violently) if I allow it to. It is not painful in any way, but it can be difficult to breathe correctly. It is an extremely strange sensation that is difficult to explain in words. I also notice energy moving up my spine during the session.

Once the session is over, I feel quite relaxed but I also notice that the feelings being processed are stronger for the next day or 2, almost like old feelings have been bought to the surface.

At this point in recovery I have no idea if I am moving in the correct direction, or if this work is having a positive affect. Not to say that I doubt the process, but this has been a cycle for me for around 2.5 years. Friends and family are worried about me and say I have changed, I struggle to relate to the people close to me, and I just feel as though life is passing me by while I wait for these old feelings to pass. Am I right in thinking that I am going through the process of processing 30 years of suppressed emotions?

Thank you

« Last Edit: January 10, 2022 by mr-patrick »


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Re: Clearing 30 Years of Repressed Emotions
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2022 »
Hi MrPatrick:
I have only been attempting to work the emotional clearing process for a couple of months but I too have experienced the shaking and muscle tension every time I get in touch with negative feelings or emotions while meditating. I find this very strange and am not sure what to make of it.
Ditto with the experience of the feelings appearing more intense and frequent in my day to day interactions subsequently.
Not sure what to make of this but it’s good to know the experience is not unique to me.
Thank you for posting.

John Ruskan

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Re: Clearing 30 Years of Repressed Emotions
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2022 »
It's so nice to read such a well-expressed, objective appraisal of your circumstances. I think it would not be inaccurate to say that you are dealing with extreme, perhaps extraordinarily extreme, negativity. It may not be just the 30 years but since you have referred to "lifetimes" implying that other lifetimes are in the background, how many lifetimes "past" have contributed karmically to the present day experience? I'm only saying this to try to point out that this lifetime may be quite important and may be a turning point. It may be helpful to proceed on the assumption that karma is real, and that major negativity can be brought into this life to be resolved. Hopefully, this might promote patience, tolerance, and detachment (the key) from oppressive forces.

In practical terms, the shaking is nothing to be concerned about. Any reasonable spontaneous body movement during emotional release work in general is allowed and even encouraged, and I have seen this often in clients. I would take it as a sign that you are doing effective work. I especially like that you are breathing into chakras, and have identified the core feeling of heart-based loneliness, with its accompanying first-level emotion of shame, which has driven you into the addictive acting-out. On the other hand, anything can be taken to an undesirable extreme, referring to the body shaking. The energy going up the spine could be construed as kundalini movement, and this can be both good or premature, in which case it can be harmful. Just take it easy and make sure you are not pushing too hard with the work. Maintain balance. If you are having intense sessions, maybe do just one or two a week. Be careful with the kundalini and keep it under control. Maintaining a slow smooth breath with no pausing between in and out can help calm down violent inner energetics.

On the feelings lingering, make sure you are ending the session carefully according to the steps. Close the door to the subconscious, ground down, seal the aura again, etc.

The sexual issue is critical. I agree that it can be the effect of the other heart-based feelings -  and that's a nice insight - but also it can have either developed into, or can actually be a core karmic issue in itself. This would pertain to the third, or second chakra, in the 10 chakra system I use. So go into that chakra, focus there, feel it, breathe into it, process the feelings there. The excess activity and then the inability to express sexually are both indications of blockage in the lower chakra(s).

I would recommend that you find someone to work with. The energetic blockage in the lower (and heart) chakras will respond to energetic therapy. There are many types of healers: EC Facilitators work energetically, even at a distance, and direct energy into the chakras to free them up. Other energy healers can also be used: Reiki, shamen, crystal healing, energy healers in general, but I probably would not recommend EFT. The object is to direct strong positive pranic healing energy into the chakras, and to give you more of an energetic boost than you can provide for yourself. This unblocks and releases the negativity into awareness so it can then be processed with the EC steps. In addition, you can gently incorporate yoga contractions (mulabanda) on the perineum to work from the physical to free up the energy in sexual chakras. I talk about this in Deep Clearing with regard to a sexual addiction case. Also a meditative yoga practice in general if you are not doing it now can be healing and smooth out the body shaking.

Last, and I don't want to alarm you, but don't want to hold back anything either: Your case strongly suggests the possibility of entity attachment. I am no longer seeing clients, but in my last 8 years or so of practicing, after I became aware of this phenomenon, I included working on this level with about 20% of my clients, and found it very helpful. The entities take hold on the psychic level and it can sometimes be hard to dislodge them, but it can be done. Refer to my article on Spirit Releasement on the emclear website in the Emotions section. There are two ways to approach this: continue to work energetically and with emotional processing and assume they will drop off as negative feelings as cleared, which often happens; or if things don't seem to improve, try to release them directly with the help of a spirit releasement specialist, which you'll have to search for, and which would be my choice. The spirit attachment condition is actually common and should not induce fear or panic.

So, hang in there. I know the system works. Try these suggestions and assume you are undergoing a major life redirection.


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Re: Clearing 30 Years of Repressed Emotions
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2022 »
Hi John,

Thank you.

Much (if not all) of what you have said here has rung true.

The entity attachment for me was the big one. After reading your article on spirit releasement and doing some research I realised that I seem to have all of the symptoms pertaining to an attached entity. The depletion of energy, the poor concentration and focus, unexplainable depression, dramatic weight loss, irregular back pains. Not to mention personality changes and mood changes. The realisation has definitely taken me by surprise.

Yesterday I was able to get myself an appointment with a spirit releasement therapist. I talked him through my symptoms and we then went through the process of removal. There was definitely a struggle on my part to allow my subconscious mind to come into play, and there were certainly some strange sensations that took place. I felt quite a struggle to let go and surrender myself to the process but was also able to understand my life situation a lot better. The therapist made clear that an attachment had left and emphasised (as you did) how important it is to clear and ground oneself always.

After finishing the spirit releasement session, I expected to feel 100% back to normal. While I do feel better, it has made me realise just how much my blocked energy points have been affecting me emotionally. After yesterday’s session I have realised that the cause of my energy blockage relates to shame from a previous relationship. I was in a relationship that turned out to be quite toxic. The partner at the time fell pregnant and being young and from a traditional Christian family I felt a lot of shame around not being married to her. In short, I began suppressing my sexual urges, the unconscious shame cut me off from a lot of people that were close to me, resulting in loneliness (and likely further blockage). In conclusion, the shame and loneliness has left me in a ‘safe’ routine-based lifestyle, with little to no pleasure, keeping me blocked.

Thanks John, your single message has set me on the right course to finally fixing and understanding my life. If I can follow up with a final question:

I have begun yoga (using the exercises listed on your site), however I am lost at the best way to unblock the relevant chakras. In my first year of experiencing the chakra blockage, I went to a reiki practitioner for help clearing things out. While I felt extremely relaxed after the session, it wasn’t long until I felt back to my 'old self' with strong heavy feelings. Would you still suggest going down the Practitioner route? My worry is that I attend a session, only for the blockage to remain. Can these blockages be cleared out myself?

Thank you