Author Topic: Pain on the left hand feminine side of the body  (Read 5331 times)


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Hi John,

I was listening to your podcast titled: Severe Trauma / left Brain Dominance /Inner male and female.

In it one of the participants mentions pain and blockage in the feminine left side of the body.

I am experiencing for nearly a year now a very intense and often debillitating dull ache under my left armpit. It feels like an upward force that is unable to move past an obstruction. It some times migrates upwards through the throat and into the head and will cause the third eye area in the centre of the forehead to pulse and feel like there is something rotating in there. This aspect is quite pleasant and very calming. I imagine that when this force reaches that centre it activates some kind of calming parasympathetic nervous system circuitry.

Then the cycle begins again with the very uncomfortable pressure buliding beneth the armpit again.I should add that medically I have been physically examined and nothing shows up of note.

Reflecting on the content of the podcast I am suspecting there is some sort of blockage to feminie energy on that side of my body. I grew up in what in retrospect was a kind of toxicly masculine environment, going to an all male school and being surrounded by very macho sports coach type male role models. The feminine was deeply supressed and openly mocked and made to be seen as a shameful aspect of personality. In my home I did not have a mother due to bereavement so the feminie was absent there too.

Have you any thoughts on trying to work on this blockage and help this energy flow more freely or experiences from the peope you have worked with through the lens of emotional clearing?

Thanks again,


John Ruskan

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Re: Pain on the left hand feminine side of the body
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2022 »
When we encounter energetic blockages like this, our main strategy is to just be present with it, applying the steps of the process. It's always good to review if you are observing the steps optimally while breathing into the perceived blockage, for example, the acceptance step can often be improved - am I truly accepting, is there still unconscious resistance to the sensations?

You can keep working with the physical-energetic sensations and at some point we would expect some emotions/feelings to come up, which you have not described, except for the reference to the possibly suppressed feminine.

My favorite method of determining inner male/female balance is to observe the affinity for the light and the earth in the induction. Also, of course, you can just objectively evaluate your personality characteristics and judge if one is overriding the other and then deliberately cultivate the undeveloped side with activities and attitude shifts.

Body work is always helpful and highly recommended with body sensations, especially a hatha yoga practice that would stretch out that area of the body.


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Re: Pain on the left hand feminine side of the body
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2022 »
John Thanks for getting back and for advice

I had never considered actually taking physical pain through the steps , this is something I must try. Also the Body work sounds like an obvious good idea that I can look into.

Regarding an emotion I detect deep anger when I kind of scan that area  or sit with it  with intent. My hunch is that its the rage of the suppressed feminine trying to come back into balance