Author Topic: Use of binaural beats for EM clearing sessions  (Read 5782 times)


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Hello John,

I've read "Deep Clearing," purchased the CDs, and had a 45-minute EM clearing session most days now for about 4 weeks.  I'm now beginning to do EM clearing sessions without the aid of your CDs.  I ask for your opinion about my use of binaural beats.

My phone has an app where a steady binaural beat can be provided.  One can choose the hz.  I pick hz at random anywhere from 4 - 12.  The hz remains constant for my entire session, which includes all the steps of relaxation, awareness, acceptance, direct experience, witnessing.  A nice feature of this app is that I can overlay the tone with relaxing noises like crickets, campfires, ocean waves, or other such things.

The way in which I'm using binaural beats comes from reading on your website there should be variation from one session to another.  I achieve that by varying the hz session to session within a range of 4 - 12 hz, as well as changing the relaxing sounds superimposed upon the tone.

In your book you use "alpha" but if I understand you correctly, you don't mean to restrict to a technical definition of alpha as 8 - 12 hz.  Rather, you're referring to a deeply relaxed state of mind, the kind that emits electrical waves at alpha or lower, such as theta.

Could you kindly confirm if I'm going about this correctly, or educate me if not?  I'm a neophyte in sound use, but I gather you are very experienced.

Thank you so much.  I'm impressed by what I'm learning from you and seeking to build it into my daily practice.  I have given your book "Deep Clearing" a 5-star rating Amazon along with a wordy review.


John Ruskan

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Re: Use of binaural beats for EM clearing sessions
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2022 »
Yes, when I say 'alpha' I'm implying alpha or lower, so the 4 - 12 range is fine, and the extra nature sounds are ok as well.

Thanks for the Amazon review!


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Re: Use of binaural beats for EM clearing sessions
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2022 »
Thank you, John.  I appreciate your reply.