Author Topic: Activating the Witness and increasing capacity  (Read 6025 times)


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Hi John,

Within trauma healing spheres I have come across this idea of "increasing capacity" .  The language around it is a little obscure at times but I have taken it to mean an approach that increases the capacity of the nervous system to deal with more and more difficult degrees of trauma and deeper types of emotional pain without disassociating or falling into compulsive addictive behaviors.

I like the analogy I read of upgrading a person from only being able to handle a 30watt charge of emotion trough increasing capacity to being able to handle a 50watt charge and so on.

With your Em Clear approach in mind I see a parallel between this concept of increasing capacity and the idea of activating the witness in the third eye location as you describe it in your book with that dual witnessing approach where you both feel the intensity of an emotional charge but still are in touch with that higher perspective.

So I am wondering if increasing capacity and evolving more and more witnessing capacity are one in the same thing although framed differently. Is witnessing capacity something that you can always build upon? I mean can you develop the ability to witness deeper and deeper and thus handle more and more difficult subconscious material. Does it work like that?

Thanks for Reading,



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Re: Activating the Witness and increasing capacity
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2023 »
James -

I believe we both share an interest in comprehending EM clearing more fully.  Your description of witnessing, as used in EM clearing, as increasing one's trauma capacity makes sense to me. 

A metaphor that comes to my mind is like afterburners that boost a jet to faster speeds.  John does seem to describe witnessing as something that boosts a person's ability to process adverse subconscious material better.  And, that would be an increase in one's trauma capacity.

But I am a lay person.  Hopefully John will respond.
