Author Topic: Qualities of Feeling Integration  (Read 5215 times)


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Qualities of Feeling Integration
« on: June 13, 2023 »
Hello John,

Many heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the Emotional Clearing process that you've developed - I love it! A question for you ...

For each Center of Consciousness, you’ve clearly described three categories: reactive emotion impulses, first-level emotions, and core negative feelings. What I’m wondering about: is there a fourth category relating to feeling integration? For example, in the Power Center when victimhood, anger, and feeling used are released do the qualities of strength, wisdom, or courage, that may have been in the background, now come forward into conscious awareness?

The above is based on my clearing this morning when I was working with a rather mundane recurring angst around driving when people cut in front or move ahead of me at an intersection when it’s not their turn. As I tuned into the feeling level, I could see clusters of curled up tendrils nested in my body, as if the tendrils represented the many repetitions of this angst habit and I was observing them unfurling. My body was moving a bit as often happens in my sessions. Then I became aware of my hands and the strong sense of eagle feet and talons. My hands began literally transforming into eagle’s feet with my fingernails as talons. As I flexed and extended my hands/feet I had the feeling of true strength, and the thought of how strong eagle’s feet must be to pluck their prey. The sense of STRENGTH that emerged felt really good!

Many thanks for your insight and perspective.


John Ruskan

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Re: Qualities of Feeling Integration
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2023 »
Great question. The quick answer would be yes, positive feelings that have been kept submerged because of the inner blocking to negative feelings will now be free to come into awareness. Your example of strength emerging after victimhood is released is excellent, and this could be important for you in your psychological unfoldment. At this stage, you are working on clearing out the suppressed negativity, and flashes of strong positive complimentary feelings are an indication of successful work, and you should allow yourself to go with the positive and fully appreciate and integrate it.

However, there's more to it. What you have described is still operating on an ego level. This is the level on which popular psychology as well as most current New Age thinking operates. You don't want to forget that, on an ego level, feelings are always dualistic, meaning they are complimentary and depend on each other for their existence. Moreover, your comments suggest that you still have an attachment to the positive and an aversion to the negative.

There's a place where, having accepted both positive and negative, that a genuine transcendence occurs. This means you are no longer tied up with being controlled and dominated vs. being strong and free. The genuine transcendence of any center does convey a type of unconditional 'positive' experience. In other words, the ultimate goal is the middle path, neither being compulsively attached to the positive nor avoiding the negative, where you witness both.


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Re: Qualities of Feeling Integration
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2023 »
Ha ha, yes I'm aware of the ego wanting to muscle in and appreciate your directional clarity very much. Many thanks and back to the proverbial drawing board for more practice around witnessing duality :)