Author Topic: Panic attacks and energy lodged in the body  (Read 2964 times)


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Hi everyone,

I've been working through the emotional clearing process by following the Deep Clearing book and the accompanying audio EC program. Recently, I've been experiencing panic attacks almost daily, which started quite suddenly. Additionally, I've noticed a sensation of an energy ball getting stuck in different parts of my body for days at a time. This energy feels like a bubble wrapping around its surroundings, and it’s challenging to dissolve. Occasionally, during processing, this energy moves to different parts of my body. During one particular session, it completely disappeared, but the next day it returned with even more intensity, seeming to "enter" my body from the neck upwards.

I've also started having paranoid thoughts, wondering if this energy could be an external, malevolent force trying to harm me. Is it possible, or is this just a projection on my part?

This situation is becoming increasingly difficult to handle, and I'm seeking advice on how to develop acceptance towards these overwhelming feelings. Right now, it feels like flipping a coin—sometimes I can accept the feelings, but other times I just clamp down even further.

I appreciate your words, they could serve as a guiding light for me.

John Ruskan

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Re: Panic attacks and energy lodged in the body
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2024 »
There are 2 possibilities here. We could assume that as you approach deep-seated negative holdings, anxiety is being thrown up as a form of resistance and defense. The negative holdings try to protect themselves from discovery and release. Processing the anxiety will eventually break through to the deeper core feeling behind. You don’t have to get hung up on ‘acceptance.’ Just go into the moment and be choicelessly present with and witness the feelings as they are now – the anxiety – and wait for clearing. Keep breathing into the feelings. Visualize prana and light coming in, surrounding the ‘bubble’. Try using gold light instead of white light. At the end of your meditation, visualize the negative residue being drawn to the earth.

The other possibility, which I hesitate to mention because I don’t want to incite paranoia, is that of ‘spirit attachment’. This is thought to be commonplace and not anything to become distressed about. See my article ‘Spirit Releasement’ on the emclear site. It is possible to attract an external 4D entity, which could be malevolent. Baldwin in his book Healing Lost Souls (pg 11) says that if the sensation in the body moves around, it’s a sign of an attached entity. If so, the entity could have been dormant, but now is being challenged by the work you are doing. This adds another element to your healing. Will the ‘entity’ be released as you continue with EC work or follow the brief instructions I give in the article? Probably - but it might also help to explore another more direct intervention. I would say continue on your own for a month or 2 more, using the Spirit Releasement article as a guide  (with gold light), and if it doesn’t seem to be shifting, you can seek out a ‘Spirit Releasement William Baldwin method’ practitioner on the internet. Unfortunately there are no certified EC Facilitators at this time who also do SR work. There’s no rush, relax into it and take your time. Even if it is ‘malevolent’ it is limited in it’s ability to influence you, especially if you invoke psychic protection as I describe in Deep Clearing. It will resolve.


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Re: Panic attacks and energy lodged in the body
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2024 »
Hi John,

Thank you so much for your detailed response. I truly appreciate your insight and guidance.

I’m following all your suggestions. The article about Spirit Releasement is key, and I feel an intuitive resonance with it. Your words have had the opposite effect of inciting paranoia; they’ve actually boosted my confidence in the emotional clearing work and in facing the situation with consistency and trust.

I’ll post updates on my progress here (in this thread) for those who might find it useful.

Thanks again!