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I too have considered a Vipassana retreat.  I've read John's book "Deep Clearing," bought his CD's, and have been doing a 45-minute emotional clearing session more days than not for about a month now.  In my case there is a Vipassana retreat center a 5 hour drive away, with a session beginning 3 months from now assuming I can get in (website says it fills up 24 - 48 hrs after registration opened).

My motives are same as yours.  I often feel 45-min a day is not enough, and while Vipassana retreats are a slightly different approach than John's approach, my thinking is that the 10-days of silence would allow me to go that much deeper and hopefully clear that much more "gunk."

My online reading suggests a Vipassana retreat is not for everyone.  Some say it represents an inferior form of Buddhism, some say it has a rigidness that is more harmful than helpful, and some have seen a worsening of mental health during a retreat.  But of course, many have found Vipassana courses extremely valuable, possibly life altering, and experienced greatly enhanced mental and emotional clarity from a retreat.

I wish you the best whether your path leads to a retreat or not.  I am evaluating the possibility right now same as you.

As you say, the work can extend over periods of time, but this is just a reflection of the deep release of lifetimes of negativity. You appear to have come across an energetic holding that was previously not apparent. So, that's good - you're continuing to make progress. There's no reason to become discouraged, just keep on with the work. I hope you've read Deep Clearing carefully, since it goes into more detail than the previous book.

Also important to never forget is that our personal subconscious Karma determines the childhood we are exposed to. It's vital to drop blame.

What you are describing (block of energy that was stuck in my chest) is typical of what my clients report. We just apply processing techniques to the block and it starts to unravel.

I was somewhat dismayed by the title of your post - struggling, but then you explained further about calming. EC work is never about struggling, it's about acceptance. It's to relax deeply into the alpha state, and just be present non-judgmentally with whatever is there.

If you're asking about other complimentary modalities, sure, other approaches can augment EC work, but they should be right-brain, energetic, such as chakra clearing. Body work such as non-power yoga can help loosen up energetic congestion. It's not a bad idea to do a few sessions with an EC Facilitator.
Hi John,

I hope you are well.

For the past 10 months I have been making good progress with the clearing of 'emotional debris' that lies within. It has become a process of calming the body and mind, breathing into the chest and acknowledging the energy that comes up for me. After each session the emotional energy tends to linger with me for a few days but I have noticed that the intensity has lessened greatly over recent months. I now understand that the process truly is slow and gradual, but I am sticking with it.

Something that I have noticed is that I seem to have what feels like an 'island' of energy in the pit of my stomach that is waiting to be released. The reason I say this is because there have been 1 or 2 occasions where I have had an urge to cry/grieve and don't seem to be able to. I recently realised that I was emotionally neglected as a child, and have been working with a therapist to process these emotions. In one of our early sessions we explored my past, and my therapist explained to me that my upbringing was quite abnormal and must have been tough. I immediately felt the urge to cry, something that does not happen often, but what coupled this urge was what felt like a block of energy that was stuck in my chest. I certainly wanted to cry, but it was as if this block (of energy?) was preventing me from doing so. I was able to cry slightly, but I could almost tell that there was a lot more to be released.

Since this occurrence, I have had 2 other scenarios where this has happened. One in a group therapy setting, and another during a dream.

Would you mind sharing your thoughts on the above? The practice of sitting with myself and slowly dispersing the energy is working well, however I feel as though there might be a number of opportunities to release energy that are being missed here.

Thank you
« Last post by John Ruskan on October 07, 2022 »
Louis - Nice to hear from you. Please get my new book Deep Clearing which has a section Attuning for Health page 280 for working with physical ailments in conjunction with suppressed emotional energy. I don't want to have to repeat what I said there. However, in addition to that section, there are a few points: First, of course, you want to get professional medical advice and follow any prescribed suggestions along with the psychic-emotional healing that we do. Next is the concept of acceptance, which is subtle and easily misinterpreted. As I have tried to emphasize in the books, we do not force ourselves to accept outside conditions; what we focus on accepting is our inner experience - feelings and emotions - to the outside stimulus. Your throat constriction can be considered to be both an external and internal event. Therefore, do not stress yourself out on trying to accept the limitations that the throat conditions brings. Just maintain as much as possible a neutral passive attitude, and keep shifting your focus away from the limitations and on to the inner psychic-emotional experience in the chakra. As you have concluded, there is some kind of deficiency, constriction, or build-up of negativity in the throat chakra manifesting in the physical.

You have not given any indication that you have a processing practice. With a somewhat serious issue like this, you should be dedicated to two 30 minute alpha processing sessions per day. It would probably take a few months to clear up the condition. Don't get discouraged, think of it as this is your meditation practice for now. Follow the instructions in the aforementioned book section. You sit, you may visualize the condition to bring it up, then you focus pointedly on the throat chakra, feeling it, breathing into it, bringing in the healing Earth and Light energies, allowing your awareness of the chakra to keep expanding.

As you work, eventually any associated emotional issues such as you mention will come up if appropriate. There’s no way to tell in advance what feelings are trapped, and maybe even no emotions will come up at all but a healing can still occur, so you don't have to be set on discovering feelings. It usually doesn't help to hypothesize about what feelings may be suppressed. The idea is to clear the mind so as to allow suppressed material to spontaneously emerge in your meditation practice. It would not be out of the question to get with one of the EC Facilitators.

Good luck, and let us know if you are on Spotify. And why is your English so good?

« Last post by Louis H on October 07, 2022 »
Hello John. A pleasure to be able to communicate and I’ve had a really interesting time reading through some of the other forum questions. I’m happy that there are so many invested readers.

I actually read your first book some years ago but have recently come back to it as I’m currently in the middle of quite a painful time. I’m a singer songwriter much like yourself and perform in small venues all over Bucharest. I’m still trying to fully understand the notion of chakras and how one in particular is causing me a lot of discomfort and affecting my career at the minute. I’ve noticed over the past year during speaking to people that my throat becomes extremely tight and I find it very hard to fully project my voice. It almost feels like there is no energetic force in my larynx and it causes me to sometimes trip over words and slur sentences. It has now trickled over into my tongue function (or lack of) and I can’t seem to fully enunciate words. I know that my resistance of the painful feeling in this area of my body as well as associated feelings like frustration and panic make it worse but at the same time, I am finding it extremely difficult to accept and experience the blockage as it is now really starting to hinder my music career. To accept it feels somewhat counter intuitive although I know that it isn’t! How can I accept these feelings when the come up in the middle of a performance? Does the fact I have this dilemma point to a deeper cause such as me not feeling worthy of being heard etc or is it simply down to the fact that I am resisting the physical pain? Also, is there anything else that is worthy of knowing about the throat chakra that would help fellow singers? It is definitely not spoken about enough in this industry, at least where I’m from.  Thanks so much. I hope you can shed some light on this for me.

Kind Regards

John Thanks for getting back and for advice

I had never considered actually taking physical pain through the steps , this is something I must try. Also the Body work sounds like an obvious good idea that I can look into.

Regarding an emotion I detect deep anger when I kind of scan that area  or sit with it  with intent. My hunch is that its the rage of the suppressed feminine trying to come back into balance
When we encounter energetic blockages like this, our main strategy is to just be present with it, applying the steps of the process. It's always good to review if you are observing the steps optimally while breathing into the perceived blockage, for example, the acceptance step can often be improved - am I truly accepting, is there still unconscious resistance to the sensations?

You can keep working with the physical-energetic sensations and at some point we would expect some emotions/feelings to come up, which you have not described, except for the reference to the possibly suppressed feminine.

My favorite method of determining inner male/female balance is to observe the affinity for the light and the earth in the induction. Also, of course, you can just objectively evaluate your personality characteristics and judge if one is overriding the other and then deliberately cultivate the undeveloped side with activities and attitude shifts.

Body work is always helpful and highly recommended with body sensations, especially a hatha yoga practice that would stretch out that area of the body.

Hi John,

I was listening to your podcast titled: Severe Trauma / left Brain Dominance /Inner male and female.

In it one of the participants mentions pain and blockage in the feminine left side of the body.

I am experiencing for nearly a year now a very intense and often debillitating dull ache under my left armpit. It feels like an upward force that is unable to move past an obstruction. It some times migrates upwards through the throat and into the head and will cause the third eye area in the centre of the forehead to pulse and feel like there is something rotating in there. This aspect is quite pleasant and very calming. I imagine that when this force reaches that centre it activates some kind of calming parasympathetic nervous system circuitry.

Then the cycle begins again with the very uncomfortable pressure buliding beneth the armpit again.I should add that medically I have been physically examined and nothing shows up of note.

Reflecting on the content of the podcast I am suspecting there is some sort of blockage to feminie energy on that side of my body. I grew up in what in retrospect was a kind of toxicly masculine environment, going to an all male school and being surrounded by very macho sports coach type male role models. The feminine was deeply supressed and openly mocked and made to be seen as a shameful aspect of personality. In my home I did not have a mother due to bereavement so the feminie was absent there too.

Have you any thoughts on trying to work on this blockage and help this energy flow more freely or experiences from the peope you have worked with through the lens of emotional clearing?

Thanks again,

« Last post by Anvas on August 24, 2022 »
Thank you John!
« Last post by John Ruskan on August 24, 2022 »
I think you have explained it beautifully and correctly. Burning Karma in my understanding usually means the surrender to difficulty with equanimity, understanding that the negativity encountered in the world is a karmic debt that must be paid off. In our work, we take it a step further and recognize that if we release the inner negativity through meditative processing, we no longer have the need to attract difficult experiences in the outer world. With regard to the revenge, your thoughts are correct  - if one party no longer blames and seeks revenge, they are released from the bond with the other, and the other will then have to work out the negative energy in other ways, by attracting other conflict, for example.
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