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Messages - Fiona

Pages: 1
Dear John, Jarek and Hesuk,

I was pleasantly blown away by your heartfelt replies! I read your entrys over many times with much gratitude. Even though I have a wonderful network of close friends and family with whom I can share pretty much everything, there was something that really touched me to have ‘strangers’ respond with such kindness, thoughtfulness and heart . Kindred souls.  Thank You!  Hugs back!

Logistical question for you John.......if I want to reply to someone who replies to my post do I just hit the reply button on the existing post or start a new post and reference which post I’m responding to?  (Like I'm doing right now)

« on: March 16, 2011 »
Dear John,

I have recently finished your book ‘Emotional Clearing’ which I have really resonated with and am on a second reading.  Two questions pop up for me, one is regarding survival anxiety.  I have made my living for the past 20 years as a freelance illustrator ( and have been on a financial roller-coaster that I’d like to shift into a more stable ride through Life.  Along with doing my usual marketing, doing what I can to stay visible etc., I am working with your approach to the chronic anxiety by simply accepting the feeling and affirming to myself that it’s OK to feel anxiety about money.
According to your approach, by my accepting and integrating the experience of lack and it’s consequent anxiety I will at some point no longer need to project/create experiences that trigger these suppressed feelings. Correct?

My second question regards crying.  I ended a 6 year relationship just before Christmas and have been crying deeply almost daily in an attempt to heal and release my pain.  My partner was a wonderful man and provided me with TOTAL financial security but was not able to deeply connect at an emotional/conversational/spiritual level.  Ultimately my integrity and inner guidance led me to end the ‘romantic’ aspect of our connection but it has triggered all my survival anxiety to the max.  During my crying bouts I am not blaming him for my predicament but I feel so vulnerable again and I wonder if the crying is indeed helping me to integrate all the feelings of anxiety.

Thanks for making this forum available.  I for one truly appreciate being able to ‘dialogue’ with you about  these troubling issues.  Many thanks in advance.

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