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« Last post by jocelyn on August 26, 2023 »
Points well taken.

Thank you.


P.S: More than likely, working with my feelings directly is all I need to do!
« Last post by Ila on August 25, 2023 »
Taking this thread slightly off topic but what would a core feeling outside of shame be? 

I stumbled on John’s latest book today (thank God) and have devoured it and even attempted to sit with some feelings.  What is becoming quickly apparent to me is that I’m “feeling-illiterate. “ Based on what I’ve read so far that means I’m out of touch with my body which makes sense.  I can feel feelings but it’s like those typically identified as negative all feel the same and I struggle labeling them.   

I have major work to do and more reading (I’m on page 79)… but I’m wondering how important labeling the feeling is when working with it?  Can I witness a feeling when I can’t properly identify it?  Should I take a step back and learn about feelings to work with them properly?  That likely sounds funny but when you dodge them long enough you don’t really get to know them. 

And, John… huge thanks for writing your books.  Ignoring feelings has been disastrous, mantras haven’t felt authentic, attempts to put a positive spin on feelings has compounded issues.

Everything I’ve read so far in Deep Clearing resonates so deeply.  Thank you! 
« Last post by John Ruskan on August 25, 2023 »
Thanks for sharing, but these questions call for a highly speculative philosophical reply and are not what I consider myself to be a prime resource on. Perhaps other readers may want to join in. However, I might suggest that you focus on accepting your feelings as they are, instead of intellectually focusing on future events or circumstances. You are not to be concerned with trying to accept death or not, but what are your feelings about death? Always take it to a feeling level and work with those feelings. Most likely you have fear - so that's your starting point. As you work with / integrate fear or whatever else comes up for you, it will modify your 'acceptance' of death itself.
« Last post by jocelyn on August 24, 2023 »

I would not be on this field trip 'in the weeds' right now were it not for the possibility of World War III. I'm against being killed that or any other similar  way.  Can ACCEPTING violent kinds of death without resistance HELP release me from the "curse" of desires to move toward The Light and the Light alone?

Painful as that kind of death might be, could I relate to it as I would toward any other event--knowing the "pendulum" (of experience) has swung away from The Light and that I can look forward to its perpetual return AND release?

Can bad Karma come just from an addiction to the need to hold EXCLUSIVELY on to The Light?

It's said Higher Self can endure whatever life experiences we have--"It's 'all good.'" If my feeling that "it's all good" is healthy, it's also good if I have not yet grasped that.

I appreciate your response.

Interestingly, right after I left posting at the library, that same basic answer to my post came to me.

Must have been having a "senior moment."

In theory, we attract people who correspond to our emotional holdings, or with whom we have karmic relationships. As we release those suppressed feelings, we assume the relationship is likely to spontaneously change so that it no longer is experienced as being so oppressive. However, real life situations call for an enlightened judgment about whether to continue or break off or maintain protective boundaries after you may feel you have released much of your personal negativity. I think it can be assumed that you gain a clarity about how to proceed as you work on yourself, no one can advise you about this.
THE EMOTIONAL CLEARING PROCESS / followup on Mr-Patrick's posts
« Last post by jocelyn on August 09, 2023 »

My childhood was, it seems, similar to Mr-Patrick's, as nearly as I can tell. EC has allowed me to "stabilize" [for the better, not the worse] the "relationship" I've had with one certain essential(?!?) individual human being who is a narcissistic bully. I, however, have yet to feel, accept, and integrate the entire extent of the feelings I've felt over a lifetime resulting from my "upbringing."

What I'd like to know, is, if I succeed in processing the rest of the negative parts of my childhood in its entirety, will I automatically and intuitively know exactly how to create a fully win-win "partnership" with the bully that's still in my life and who's not likely to leave "the scene" anytime soon?

In other words, I realize that processing one's emotions can greatly alter relationships for the better, but after a lifetime of living with few boundaries, will the person now freed from the tyranny of the narcissistic bully automatically become an expert on how to build a win-win relationship with a dyed-in-the-wool bully?

Dr. Albert Bernstein has written a perceptive handbook called "Emotional Vampires" (with a subtitle momentarily forgotten; it's about dealing with people who drain others emotionally dry.) His opinion is that narcissistic bullies cannot be cured. Their victims must break off contact as much as possible, and even end the relationship.
You appear to understand the work. Energetic experiences like you describe are all valid and under the control of the unconscious. It's often not easy to specifically relate chakras and feelings to the energetic experience. Just go with what you are feeling at the time and allow the energetic to complete its cycle. You can't get hurt.
You've got the correct understanding. If you are unable to assert your boundaries without an emotional reaction, it means it's too soon and it probably will not go well. You are probably not objective. I would advise working more on your own to clear the feelings or getting with an EC Facilitator for a few sessions since you appear to be having strong feelings before engaging in a confrontation.
Hi John,

I have been working on clearing feelings based around the Power centre, and wanted to ask for your thoughts around a particular situation.

Since childhood I have been aware of emotions of anger and rage. These emotions seem to arise whenever I feel taken advantage of, used or invaded. It was not until I read DEEP CLEARING that I realised that these feelings originated from being bought up in a strict religious household. At that time I felt ignored, helpless and restricted without any say in my own life.

I now realise that this energy has been attracting similar (if not the same) type of relationships into my life. At 35 the energy is currently manifesting in the form of a narcissistic and overbearing boss, the type of individual that I believed I had "escaped" from just last year.

My thoughts are that this is something to be processed and learnt from, and that setting boundaries or regaining my own power in the form of "standing my ground" might be necessary. I recognise that the feelings of being dominated and manipulated need to be felt and processed also.

My question is how do I set boundaries and protect myself without getting carried away by the anger and rage I feel. Any time I attempt to set boundaries, the emotions of anger and rage come up, my voice starts to quiver, and the urge to cry comes up. How can I avoid being swept away by the feelings of being used and taken advantage of AND set the necessary boundaries to protect myself in the moment?

Thanks again
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