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Messages - John Ruskan

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« on: January 13, 2023 »
Beautiful! Please post this as a review on the Deep Clearing Amazon page!

I talk about the value of breathwork and give detailed instructions in Deep Clearing. I'm not familiar with anapana breath, but it's probably as good as any. The important thing is a conscious and deliberate breath practice, which draws in prana and energizes the chakra system. The 15+45 plan sounds great.

By the way, if you are reporting accurately, to deny anyone spiritual training because they have a "history of depression" seems completely ridiculous to me.

It's just a matter of practice and developing right-brain meditative skills.

Negative emotions and feelings are perceived as painful and distressful. When we work with the Light, we are bringing in a protective energy that has the power to dispel superficial negative energy that may accumulate around us, but the main thrust of EC work is to extend acceptance and experience to what we normally think of as undesirable emotions and feelings so they can integrate and release from being trapped in the subconscious. The Deep Clearing book explains this in detail.

You have a good understanding of the principles, but I don't agree about 'reframing' emotions even though you say you were helped by doing so while you were also using the EC Process. Reframing, or seeing things differently, is what CBT relies upon, which I consider a completely ignorant travesty that has evolved psychology backwards, in line with the current backward evolution of society in general as technology advances. Reframing may spontaneously occur after feelings have been successfully integrated, but it is not part of the EC protocol. The whole thrust of the EC Process is to go beyond the mind and be present with the energetic experience of the feelings.

What I'm seeing here is that you may have been processing regret, but this is only a first-level emotion, and not a core feeling. (Similar to guilt and shame being first-level emotions, but the core feelings behind need to be addressed.) You have not indicated that you have been working with a core feeling, which would be something like insignificance, worthlessness, failure, not being good enough, etc., relating to the solar plexus Significance center. The core feeling is part of a dualistic syndrome such as accomplishment/insignificance. Striving for the positive will never bring the suppressed negative into balance, hence, the need for EC work.

Regarding your other question, I think you have a point, but once awareness realizes that it may be ok to live with some degree of confusion, it becomes a personal judgment call about when to allow confusion or seek to understand.

« on: November 16, 2022 »
Interesting questions, but here's where you're going wrong: "why spend time disidentifying with the lower Self; why not honor it as much as you do your Higher Self." Maybe this point is made better in Deep Clearing, but a central idea of EC work is to validate (accept, acknowledge, experience, honor) lower self feelings and spend quality time with them instead of unconsciously rejecting (dishonoring) them. Breaking identification is not the same as dishonoring. Unconscious identification with lower self attributes (body, emotions, thoughts, intellect) is the quagmire from which we are attempting to evolve. Shifting awareness to the higher self through witnessing has always been the emphasis of traditional Eastern enlightenment. The EC philosophy imparts a new attitude towards the lower self which I would say does indeed truly honor it without being enmeshed in it.

As you bring heightened enlightened awareness to the lower self, you can think of it as co-existing as a dualistic complement to the higher self if you want but your goal is always to maintain witnessing detachment of the lower self while at the same time recognizing and honoring it. In other words, you are 'owning' the lower self while detaching. You could say you are identifying with it in a new, more enlightened way. The goal of the philosophy of dualistic awareness is always to transcend attachment to the positive and aversion to the negative. In so doing, we evolve past being trapped in any particular lower self dualistic syndrome.

Yes, when I say 'alpha' I'm implying alpha or lower, so the 4 - 12 range is fine, and the extra nature sounds are ok as well.

Thanks for the Amazon review!

As you say, the work can extend over periods of time, but this is just a reflection of the deep release of lifetimes of negativity. You appear to have come across an energetic holding that was previously not apparent. So, that's good - you're continuing to make progress. There's no reason to become discouraged, just keep on with the work. I hope you've read Deep Clearing carefully, since it goes into more detail than the previous book.

Also important to never forget is that our personal subconscious Karma determines the childhood we are exposed to. It's vital to drop blame.

What you are describing (block of energy that was stuck in my chest) is typical of what my clients report. We just apply processing techniques to the block and it starts to unravel.

I was somewhat dismayed by the title of your post - struggling, but then you explained further about calming. EC work is never about struggling, it's about acceptance. It's to relax deeply into the alpha state, and just be present non-judgmentally with whatever is there.

If you're asking about other complimentary modalities, sure, other approaches can augment EC work, but they should be right-brain, energetic, such as chakra clearing. Body work such as non-power yoga can help loosen up energetic congestion. It's not a bad idea to do a few sessions with an EC Facilitator.

« on: October 07, 2022 »
Louis - Nice to hear from you. Please get my new book Deep Clearing which has a section Attuning for Health page 280 for working with physical ailments in conjunction with suppressed emotional energy. I don't want to have to repeat what I said there. However, in addition to that section, there are a few points: First, of course, you want to get professional medical advice and follow any prescribed suggestions along with the psychic-emotional healing that we do. Next is the concept of acceptance, which is subtle and easily misinterpreted. As I have tried to emphasize in the books, we do not force ourselves to accept outside conditions; what we focus on accepting is our inner experience - feelings and emotions - to the outside stimulus. Your throat constriction can be considered to be both an external and internal event. Therefore, do not stress yourself out on trying to accept the limitations that the throat conditions brings. Just maintain as much as possible a neutral passive attitude, and keep shifting your focus away from the limitations and on to the inner psychic-emotional experience in the chakra. As you have concluded, there is some kind of deficiency, constriction, or build-up of negativity in the throat chakra manifesting in the physical.

You have not given any indication that you have a processing practice. With a somewhat serious issue like this, you should be dedicated to two 30 minute alpha processing sessions per day. It would probably take a few months to clear up the condition. Don't get discouraged, think of it as this is your meditation practice for now. Follow the instructions in the aforementioned book section. You sit, you may visualize the condition to bring it up, then you focus pointedly on the throat chakra, feeling it, breathing into it, bringing in the healing Earth and Light energies, allowing your awareness of the chakra to keep expanding.

As you work, eventually any associated emotional issues such as you mention will come up if appropriate. There’s no way to tell in advance what feelings are trapped, and maybe even no emotions will come up at all but a healing can still occur, so you don't have to be set on discovering feelings. It usually doesn't help to hypothesize about what feelings may be suppressed. The idea is to clear the mind so as to allow suppressed material to spontaneously emerge in your meditation practice. It would not be out of the question to get with one of the EC Facilitators.

Good luck, and let us know if you are on Spotify. And why is your English so good?

When we encounter energetic blockages like this, our main strategy is to just be present with it, applying the steps of the process. It's always good to review if you are observing the steps optimally while breathing into the perceived blockage, for example, the acceptance step can often be improved - am I truly accepting, is there still unconscious resistance to the sensations?

You can keep working with the physical-energetic sensations and at some point we would expect some emotions/feelings to come up, which you have not described, except for the reference to the possibly suppressed feminine.

My favorite method of determining inner male/female balance is to observe the affinity for the light and the earth in the induction. Also, of course, you can just objectively evaluate your personality characteristics and judge if one is overriding the other and then deliberately cultivate the undeveloped side with activities and attitude shifts.

Body work is always helpful and highly recommended with body sensations, especially a hatha yoga practice that would stretch out that area of the body.

« on: August 24, 2022 »
I think you have explained it beautifully and correctly. Burning Karma in my understanding usually means the surrender to difficulty with equanimity, understanding that the negativity encountered in the world is a karmic debt that must be paid off. In our work, we take it a step further and recognize that if we release the inner negativity through meditative processing, we no longer have the need to attract difficult experiences in the outer world. With regard to the revenge, your thoughts are correct  - if one party no longer blames and seeks revenge, they are released from the bond with the other, and the other will then have to work out the negative energy in other ways, by attracting other conflict, for example.

« on: August 22, 2022 »
When I say to get out of your head and get into your body what I mean is to get out of the thinking, left-brain mind and get centered in the feelings, which are primarily located in the body. If you have a physical feeling in the head, there is no problem focusing there as you process the sensations associated with it. Pressure in the head relates to an energetic congestion. Treat it like you would any body sensation - apply the process to it. Feel it on a physical level, and then if emotional feelings come up, shift to them.

The emphasis in my work is primarily to enable people to cleanse their subconscious suppressed energies. This is nuts and bolts psychology. When we get into talking about the Higher Self, we are getting into a speculative area where very few people can be regarded as experts, and I would not be one of them. It is thought that there is a Higher Self, and also that it is normal to not yet be in touch with it. Getting in touch can be regarded as one of the goals. But certainly, if you feel remorseful for not yet being in touch, you are beating yourself up for no good reason. I would not advise anyone to be fixated on this, there are probably more serious issues in the lower chakras to work out, and maybe you are avoiding them by the fixation. It might be enough to just assume that you are being guided by your Higher Self, even if you are not consciously aware of it.

If you experience 'airiness' or disconnection from 3D reality, processing the airiness would probably help, as well as emphasizing grounding. But will processing help increase the Higher Self connection - possibly, but of course there are other practices that will help as well but that's not really my area of expertise. It is part of my regular meditation to feel that I have shifted to my Higher Self by focusing on the crown chakra and seeing myself with raised vibration and sense of expansion, surrounded by a large ovoid form, but that's my personal thing. Let me again remind you that Witnessing is a main route to activate the Higher Self. As the Witness identity builds, it overcomes lower-self identification and constructs what leads to Higher Self realization. You can practice witnessing with lower chakra issues.

These are subtle questions that pertain to your personal psychic make-up. I think you are probably right that the depersonalization (I've never heard that term before) is an involuntary avoidance mechanism, to stay conscious of and to try to minimize as much as possible with grounding and witnessing. But there is actually a lot of talk on the internet (e.g. David Icke, Matrix) about the 3D world being a simulation, so it could be that you are seeing things as they really are, raising your consciousness, instead of buying into the simulation. In this case, careful cultivation of this sense would be called for. You could be opening the psychic door, and you want to be protected, with the light. On the other hand, airiness, lack of grounding, inability to lock into the 3D world and contend with it as needed, which is part of our mission here, can be a problem. You do need to be able to function on the earth plane. I would work extended with the induction - the protective light, the grounding earth, the witness, and occasionally go up to the crown chakra and feel yourself to have shifted into the Higher Self. And sure, stay with all the info in the books and work on all levels. Good luck.

Ok, interesting point about Basquiat. You are probably right. Especially since you are so articulate, i hope you will help the E & A book by posting a review on Amazon! This really helps me and the work. Thanks!

My personal paradigm is that we all have a Higher Self, which is an actual entity that resides somewhere on the 5th or 6th dimensional plane, and which spawns multiple tiny split-off parts of itself incarnations (simultaneous from its viewpoint) on the 3D time-bound earth plane, in order to gain from those experiences. There is way beyond that the Infinite Source. I suppose we can receive intuitions from both, maybe they are of different types. I didn't realize I had broached this topic in the podcasts, maybe you can tell me which it was, if you remember. You're a good listener!

Yes, stabbing on the canvas is equivalent to pounding mattresses with a tennis racquet. It's outer expression with the intent to be rid of the feelings by putting them into the art instead of integrating, sitting with them and moving them though the EC steps, in which acceptance is one of the keys - maybe one of the keys that you are overlooking. I think I mention in the book that once the art has done its job of  bringing up a suppressed feeling, that's when I would advise to leave the art and sit with the feeling. For me, distinguishing between product portrayal and process art is a major enlightenment. The subconscious will tend to jump out with both.

I think the journey from left-brain regurgitation to right-brain true intuition and discovery can be said to be the growth path of the artist. I personally find that I need time away from the creation before I can see it objectively, and analyze where its coming from because when you are creating, you are not in an objective place. That type of evaluation itself would be uncommon among artists, or anyone, so just being conscious of the question would help you see the nature of what you have accomplished.

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