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Messages - John Ruskan

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I think you have identified the first 'loop': feeling rejected which is balanced by the urge for being wanted and loved. This is of course one of the most basic human predicaments. It is natural to crave closeness and relationships but it is easy to get caught in the trap of thinking the closeness will fix the loneliness. It seems to work for a while, but then the loneliness comes back and we blame the relationship for not have met our expectations. The aversion is to the rejection/loneliness and the attachment is to the idea of closeness. To break the syndrome, you become aware of how you are being driven into compulsive attachment syndrome, and try to ease up on it. Don't be so compulsive about finding the positive; cultivate independence. Then, process the negative feelings of loneliness which have probably built up in the subconscious and are driving you into an excessive compulsive hunger for closeness. As the suppressed negative feelings of loneliness are released, you won't be so fixated on finding outside closeness.

For the self-criticism, the compensating feeling you most likely would be driven to attain would be something like approval or recognition. But the most important thing is to process the negative feelings of not being good enough. You don't need to necessarily recognize what you are attached to, although its helpful. Maybe you are not being driven to attain anything, and the attachment/aversion cycle is not fully forming. Working with the negative feelings is the starting point and if you need to see how you are being driven to compulsively attain the positive as compensation, you will eventually see it.

Astrology is a fantastic tool for analyzing character and personality potentials. I have always studied the chart of all my clients, whether I discussed it with them or not, to get insights into what made them tick. However, while it can provide a quick summary of a person's psychological make-up, to truly go into the depths of the practice requires time and dedication. The birth chart - a picture of the heavens at the exact time and place you were born - is interpreted by an astrologer or can be provided by a computer read-out. A quick computer reading (which you can find on the internet) can be a good place to start, but for a more detailed and integrated - meaning all the elements of the chart are made into a big picture - consulting with a professional astrologer is best. And yes, it will definitely point to and help clarify issues you are contending with. The limitation with it is that it points out the energetic potentials which result in your karmic experience in the world, but does not really solve them. It's easy to fall into the trap of just trying to avoid the negative potentials which we all have. I was an astrologer before I developed the EC work, which I did because of the frustration I experienced by just trying to avoid or minimize the negative aspects of my chart.

Yes, we assume that many if not all physical symptoms are the result of suppressed emotional-energetic negativity overflowing into the body. Starting to work on the physical level is a valid strategy, similar to Vipassana meditation. Focus on the physical sensation, applying all the steps of the process to it. Eventually, we expect the emotional aspect to reveal itself, and processing can shift to that.

Dream interpretation is not something I specialize in, but I would agree with the comments made so far. Generally, I advise that the dream be regarded as another 'movie' from the subconcious, and the important thing is to recognize the feelings it's bringing up and to process those.

This is an important question that applies not only to where you live, but to relationship issues, job issues, anything. Do I stay or do I get out of town? We want to understand the question from a spiritual perspective, and also a pragmatic perspective, if indeed the two can co-exist.

From a higher consciousness point of view, we are placed in circumstances and relationships because we have unfinished business, or something to "learn," or karma to work out. These experiences are often difficult, and we can fall into the trap of fantasizing about / living in the future, missing the present moment and the opportunities it brings for growth. On the other hand, someone with a high vibration will not be comfortable or appropriate in a low-level vibration environment, and will not feel any qualms about moving out of it - it's just not right for them.

How are we to "grow" and "learn" from our present circumstances? That's where ECP comes in. We attract negativity on the outside because of inner negativity; inner negativity becomes known to us as painful feelings; if we work on a feeling level, we clear the inner negativity and fulfill our karmic purpose. If you move on too quickly, before you have released the negativity that attracted that situation to begin with, you just attract the same thing again in your new environment. We see this in the classic example of someone who keeps getting into an abusive relationships, either emotional or physical, over and over. Or someone who fails in their career attempts, over and over, because of no apparent fault of their own.

I generally advise clients to make a diligent effort to apply processing techniques to the situation for a certain time period, say a few months, before making any radical moves. See if this results in an inner shift in you. You say you have been doing EC work. Take a look at the feelings you've been working with - try to determine how they relate to your question. Look at the feelings your environment is bringing up in you. Try to go deeper.

At a certain point, after you've given it your best effort, hopefully you'll be able to see that you've cleared at least some inner negativity and are ready to move on. If you are apparently being prevented from moving on by circumstances, this would seem to suggest that higher guidance is telling you that you have not completed your mission yet with regard to the situation. In theory, when things are complete, a shift will happen spontaneously, without your needing to exert a huge effort, or you will no longer feel the need to move. Sometimes, however, things don't go according to theory, and some effort is required. But when it does happen spontaneously, it's a beautiful experience, and it becomes clear how inner blocking has been responsible for the outer experience.

There's also the pragmatic side to it, that we have just reached our 'toleration point' and can't handle it anymore. This needs to be taken into account as well. That's when we bail out, but usually it means we can expect the situation to repeat at some point.

1. Of course, you can listen to any disc more than 3 times per week, or every day if you want.

2. Yes.

3. Yes.

« on: April 03, 2020 »
The virus scare must be regarded as just another event that is triggering suppressed feelings in the subconscious. Now is the time to really apply EC principles to whatever is coming up in you. Usually, it's going to be fear-based. Look for the fear behind all the worry. Go to a feeling level and take it through the steps.

The video I just posted about the Prana Breath is a key way to handle not only the immune system but to maintain emotional stability. This gives you an energetic means to balance emotions and not just verbal advice. Use the breath practice twice a day.

I will try to get a video up in a few days that will try to be more comprehensive about the situation.

I can't advise you on the 10%.

« on: April 03, 2020 »
Technically, Yoga Nidra is supposed to be yogic sleep, and is practiced lying down. Benefits can be obtained from the deep relaxation. Meditation with specific EC intent should be done sitting up, since you are generally more alert. Yoga Nidra can be useful to access the subconscious; however, you may be too sleepy to take advantage of it and to apply the EC steps. See how it works for you. If you are able to process suppressed feelings coming up, then it is working.

Releasing the samskaras sounds good, but I don't think it happens just by going into the yoga nidra state. I would say there must be alert conscious awareness of the feeling and the EC process.

No one fully understands how Karma and reincarnation work. What I have stated is a generally accepted principle, I believe. But I wouldn't rely on needing to meet another person again if you haven't fully worked things out. We just don't know how things work. Maybe we can work out unfinished interpersonal karma in the between lives phase. Maybe one person works out the issue and no longer has the need to meet, so they don't. I would avoid cultivating any expectations.

It's excellent that you shifted out of victimhood and have taken responsibility for that relationship experience, and have experienced an inner release. There is no requirement that you discuss this with any other person. We assume that if you have made a genuine shift, the other person will sense it. That you are not in contact now might not matter. A good therapist will never advise a client on what to do - you have to sense if it feels right to make contact, will the other be open to it, are your motives pure and not subtly ego-serving, etc. I couldn't say if it is important for his evolution or not.

I understand that you may be feeling some guilt about sending the blameful message and you are wondering if you should correct that, but again, I can't advise on this. Any guilt may be misplaced and should be dropped. If you can't drop it, it might be another point to take through the process. There may still be another unresolved layer behind it.

"Sleeping with audios"? Sorry, I can't really give you advice on your sex life, and you should capitalize his name anyway --- oh, wait a minute, I see what you're going for.

Of course, if you're sleeping through much of the programs, one would assume it's not as effective as if you were awake and consciously taking it in. There has been talk about subliminal programming that reaches the subconscious mind when the conscious mind is out, and people have tried wearing earphones all night in bed to attempt to reprogram the subconscious. Maybe this is what you are thinking of when you ask if the programs can be at all effective when you are asleep, but I really couldn't say. It's possible, but probably doubtful. Maybe you can testify if this works or not - I don't have any experience with this.

If you go asleep only occasionally when listening to the programs, it's not a problem. If you go asleep all the time, first, obviously, you probably need more regular sleep and rest. The programs put you into a deep alpha state, somewhat bypassing the conscious left-brain mind, so that your body will take over and give you what you need.

Another possibility is that sleep is a form of resistance to the subconscious emerging.

Probably a good strategy to start cultivating would be to listen to the programs in sitting position - preferably meditation pose on the floor where you're not leaning back but sitting up straight. Even if you didn't have the sleep issue, this is a good thing to do for at least half the time you spend with the programs. It develops a different perspective that for me works best when I am processing any heavy emotional material. At least start out sitting up straight and then lean back against a wall if you need to. It is important to develop the capacity for meditation pose. You should be able to sit in meditation pose for 40 minutes easily, but this comes with practice.

« on: December 02, 2019 »
Yes, forgiveness is only necessary or possible when you believe the other is responsible for what happened to you and for your feeling experience. When you take responsibility for your experience and drop blame, you bypass the need for forgiveness. Forgiveness is no longer required since you now see that the other was not really the primary cause of your pain.

When people talk about the need to forgive, they are still operating on a lower level of consciousness. They still believe that they are a victim, and that the other was the cause of their pain. They do not understand the first basic principle of EC work, that the inner suppressed negative attracts experiences to us, in other words, that's Karma in action. Trying to force yourself to "forgive" when you still blame the other is a pseudo-spiritual mind twist that can never really lead to satisfactory results.

I go into this in more detail in the EC book, to which I would refer you.

True forgiveness is the realization that blame was a mistake.

Thanks so much for sharing. I've been through the same experience. When you apply the EC steps to the grief - just accepting, feeling it deeply and witnessing - it dissipates instead of getting trapped inside.

« on: September 02, 2019 »
Energy psychologies do not usually involve specific reprogramming of the subconscious. They apply various energetic techniques which propose tp bring negativity to the surface and release it. The EC format can be quite helpful here, applied to the feelings that will come up during the treatment. Traditional hypnotherapy attempts to take advantage of the suggestibility of the alpha state to reprogram past trauma, but in my view, this is a mistaken quest. Even Freud gave up trying to effect healing with hypnosis. Negative feelings stored in the subconscious just cannot be modified by administering positive imagery or feelings, in my opinion, based on my experience. They must be directly released with some method such as the EC Process.

There is a lot of negativity in the world, and it can stimulate the negativity we hold within, contributing to the chaos we experience. You are going through tough times. Let's assume this is a period of intense cleansing, perhaps a lifetime when you have chosen to work on yourself.  Such deep work can lead to a period of disorientation, as you are describing, when feelings that have been buried for lifetimes are coming up to be cleared. You do seem to be knowledgeable about psychology, but don't hesitate to seek out individual help. You may need more than just the AA meetings. Take it slow. The EC processing principles still work with extreme difficulties, you just have to remember to carefully apply them, especially the witnessing step. Keep going to the feelings behind the chaos. I would also advise you to emphasize working with the EC Induction everyday, to strengthen your aura and to ground you - you need psychic protection and basic stability before working with serious emotional states. Work with the light and the earth, as described in the EC book. Thanks for sharing. Maybe some other people will have helpful feedback.

« on: July 17, 2019 »
How boring would the day be without a healthy dose of disgust, as well as hate, rage, or desolation? Any negative feeling is just the negative pole of a particular DUALISTIC pair. You sound like you are bemoaning this negative feeling instead of welcoming it in the spirit of wholeness. If it is jumping up for you when you are quiet that means it has built up in the subconscious. Recognize that disgust goes along with its opposite, which would be something like fondness, or comfort. The more you are attached to the positive, the more the negative will manifest in your life. Don't spin your wheels rationalizing the benefits of any negative - just make a place for the feeling, and detach and witness it, with the object of transcending the dualistic pair. Doesn't matter what the object of disgust is - yourself or something else. Your question is seeking an intellectual answer, I would have preferred if the question was "How do I take this feeling through the EC process?" You can also think of it as a first-level emotion that is hiding some other deeper core feeling behind it, that you should get to. Process the disgust, and see where it takes you. Shift into an experiential processing mode and out of an intellectual mode, trying to figure it out. Thanks for an interesting question.

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