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« Last post by John Ruskan on February 12, 2023 »
I talk about shame in the Deep Clearing book, although I don't go too deeply into it. I regard shame as similar to guilt and blame. I see it as an involuntary emotional-mental reaction to deeper core feelings, not a core feeling in itself that needs to be processed. Certainly it's possible to be coerced into shame or guilt, but if one is able to grasp the principles of EC work and develop an inner-focused meditative practice, accessing and releasing core feelings, I believe shame, guilt, and blame will be transcended, regardless of the nature or intensity of the traumatic karmic experience. With clients, I tell them to put the shame aside and go to the first-level emotions and then the core feelings related to the incident. I don't usually regard shame as a built-up suppressed emotion that needs to be processed, but if it is especially severe, some processing time can be allotted to it, stepping back and witnessing. Since shame is not primarily a suppressed core feeling that needs processing, it can be treated to a certain extent by cognitive interventions as well - understanding that regrettable actions were the result of childhood trauma, etc.
« Last post by jude.alexander on February 10, 2023 »
Hi John

I have re-read your emotional clearing book after some years as well as your new book on my kindle over the past few months after contemplating the idea of becoming a counsellor. I'm also looking into your EC facilitator course which looks very interesting. Your ideas are extraordinary and very intricate. It is clear to see you are a very deep thinker much like myself.

I was watching a Gabor Maté documentary: the wisdom of trauma yesterday after watching his book launch online and I had quite a potent thought come to me. A lot of it is set inside a jail and documents the pasts of inmates. These scenes are made to emphasize the effects of childhood trauma, in particularly being physically beaten as a child. A women asked all inmates that had been beaten as a child by a parent to step forward, to which probably 90% them stepped forward. The exercise was supposed to allow them to get rid of some guilt and to maybe generate some self compassion and see their wrongdoings from a newer, kinder perspective. What I admired about the scene was that the mediators of the exercise showed all of the inmates (some who were in for murder and other violent crimes) nothing but compassion and love in spite of their crimes. You could tell they were all incredibly damaged individuals who, for the most part, under their masks, were pure hearted.

After watching the documentary, I started thinking about how even though they were met with love and compassion by Gabor Maté's team, they wouldn't receive anywhere near the same level of kindness in the outside world after being released. No matter how much they are able to 'repent' or embrace a new life path, for example, a spiritual/religious one, the stain of their past will most probably always remain and they won't be able to avoid being painted with that same brush for the rest of their lives. This is especially relevant with serious crimes like murder or sexual crimes such a rape or domestic violence. Once that is the case, it obviously isn't possible to live a normal life and some would argue the potential to ever be truly happy and content with oneself is impossible. You see this in the media when 'celebrities' are found guilty of crimes- it completely derails their careers (in certain cases, rightly so) and public image forever and they are constantly shamed online.

In these circumstances, do you not think it would be much harder to step back and witness your feelings or see them as projections? The shame that is pushed on criminals makes it practically impossible for them to not embody that feeling. Also, surely you can't meditate and feel at peace when you know that the circumstance you find yourself in is very real and can't be distanced from. Sometimes when meditating I try to picture how it would feel if I were to go blind or lose my limbs, as weird as it might sound, just to see if I would truly be able to find inner peace if, god forbid, those situations were to ever happen. Because wouldn't that be true unconditional self love? Whenever I try this, it gets too painful to bear and I just end up feeling overwhelmed and thanking god that I have not been given such a heavy load, but then I also think "there are people out there that have to deal with these misfortunes everyday and cannot simply thank god for their blessings and ruminate gratitude because those blessings simply don't exist for them". I know spirituality is about not over identifying with your physical body or ego, but that is much easier said than done and the ones preaching this message often have never been in a situation as serious as the ones I have mentioned.

Going back to the original comment, I remember reading somewhere in your book that you don't agree with criminals being shamed and that they should instead be met with rehabilitation. Do you think that some crimes are indeed completely void of the opportunity for forgiveness and that shame is just something they will have to become accustomed to for the rest of their lives? Or not?
I know most people in the world are oblivious to spiritual principles as well as what leads a person to commit crimes, so the idea that forgiveness can even come into the equation is unfathomable.

Thank you John. I hope you don't mind sharing some insights.

Kind Regards
« Last post by Kat on January 17, 2023 »

I forgot what I was going to say last week to finish up this post. But I'll not leave you empty-handed today. Yesterday I wrote one of my many cinquain poems (an offshoot of the famous Japanese haiku): (For the record, I weigh 118 lb. and I removed all wheat products from my diet on December 13, 2022.)

                                                                              was the first day
                                                                              when deep breathing saved me
                                                                              from feeding my addiction to

« Last post by John Ruskan on January 14, 2023 »
« Last post by Kat on January 14, 2023 »
Hello again.

I have more to share: 

Without telling you more than you want to know, from birth I was brainwashed to believe that the world is not real. You can't even imagine how destabilizing an effect that belief had on my life. Somehow I managed to become a productive, law abiding citizen throughout my 80 years of life on this planet.

Because I've had such an extremely tough time healing from that childhood (now realizing Karma had me in its clutches), I can't "zip" quickly through the steps and move quickly away from dysfunctional ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Reading lines, paragraphs, pages and chapters here and there has empowered me to slowly move deeper and deeper into doing EC work. If I know anything, I know that EC Therapy is the highest form of truth I have encountered, perhaps for many lifetimes.

Which brings me to the insight I had this morning: It's really and truly safe to accept, love, and care for my own body. I've done that fairly well throughout the last few decades, but I've always felt a certain sense of mental and spiritual alienation from it--and that has now cleared. How? The clearing came when I read more deeply than ever into the section on pps. 196-198, where you discuss "Consciousness shift 10: coming into the moment." On reading that yet again, I saw ever more deeply that on the third dimensional level, the body IS REAL and that I really and truly actually need it. That if I mentally throw it away, I can never regain glowing health.

I could say a lot more, but the library is about to close, so will have to wait until Tuesday (after the holiday) to finish up with this post.

Best -- and thanks again!

« Last post by Kat on January 14, 2023 »
I'd be very happy to send the above post to the Emclear/Amazon page, but may not be able to, because if I need to have a credit card and need to have already purchased something from Amazon, I don't have a card and haven't bought anything from them in over two decades. Nor is it likely they'd have a record of my credit card # from 2008.

That said, I'd be happy to find out from you how I can submit that post to them and even give you permission to submit it yourself if it's not an awkward move for you and Amazon to handle. I recall one of the members of this forum was denied posting his comments because he hadn't spent enough time on Amazon.

Maybe I can get someone I know to submit my post, if he's a duly "sanctified" member of Amazon . . . . .

I'm going to go to new post to share more stuff.

« Last post by John Ruskan on January 13, 2023 »
Beautiful! Please post this as a review on the Deep Clearing Amazon page!
« Last post by Kat on January 13, 2023 »

I'm writing to share some of the benefits I've received so far from studying Deep/Emotional Clearing. This report will be kept as short and simple as possible.

Although I'm fully retired, a business woman took up a long-term place in my life in May 2022. From the start, I recognized two things about her: 1) She's a narcissistic bully, and 2) She's around to help me release deeply suppressed feelings I have from my last lifetime--when I was a bigger bully than she is now.

Before your books Deep/Emotional Clearing, I would have become at least as cagey and combative as she is now and would have ended up with massive, painful setbacks in my spiritual and personal development. It would have been hell on earth had I continued to spend my days trying to figure out how to "defeat" her.

Today, although that woman is not going away any time soon, I can say I now operate from the premise that "Madam X" is my spiritual "doppelganger" and have become emotionally neutral where she's concerned, which has made it possible for me to develop a civil relationship with her. Of course, this new attitude of mine is slowly spreading throughout the rest of my life, and I'm now much less afraid of my own shadow.

Thank you, John!


« Last post by Terminator on January 12, 2023 »
Thanks for sharing  Very Interesting
I talk about the value of breathwork and give detailed instructions in Deep Clearing. I'm not familiar with anapana breath, but it's probably as good as any. The important thing is a conscious and deliberate breath practice, which draws in prana and energizes the chakra system. The 15+45 plan sounds great.

By the way, if you are reporting accurately, to deny anyone spiritual training because they have a "history of depression" seems completely ridiculous to me.
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