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Messages - mr-patrick

Pages: 1
Hi John,

Apologies in advance for the multiple posts as of recent. There are one or two things taking place which I am struggling to understand at the moment.

For the past 6 months I have been off from work due to burnout. In short, I was holding a stressful corporate job for over 6 years and between the heavy workload, domineering colleagues and spiritual awakening taking place I was left with no choice but to take a break. Last week I started a new role at a new corporate company and since accepting the role I have been experiencing bouts of anxiety which have gradually gotten worse. Since starting the new job a week ago each night I struggle to sleep due to anxiety.

I have realised that my career no longer resonates with me anymore, and that I need to shift into a career that aligns me with more, but I am also in a position where I need to be able to pay my bills and make ends meat. At the moment my corporate role is all I know. I tell my mind that this is simply a stepping stone to something new and different, nonetheless I still experience strong bouts of anxiety at night and in the mornings.

What I am trying to understand is whether this is my ego creating a story and trying to "hold on", or if these feelings are something else? I was under the belief that anxiety is an emotion of the lower self and not the true self. The job itself seems to be positive so far, with nice people but the anxiety is niggling at me each night preventing me from getting a good nights sleep. I am trying to make sense of the anxiety so I can move forward.

Thanks once again.

Hi John,

I hope it is ok to ask this question as the topic somewhat sits outside of your books.

I often find myself wondering and pondering the result of an empty subconscious, or at least a "clean" subconscious.

Since starting the work, I have found that my sleep and meditations have gradually changed. I find that when awakening from sleep or meditation, I can barely remember having any dreams, or the prior moments of my meditation. Both now feel very similar to a deep trance state that I struggle to recall.

This led to me ask the question of; once the contents of the subconscious has been released, what becomes of the individuals dream or meditation life. If our dreams are based on the contents of the subconscious mind, what would happen once we have released all of the "junk" from it.

Thanks again.

Hi John,

I hope you are well.

I have been working through the process of releasing the contents of the subconscious for a few years now. In this time I have made great progress, and have noticed significant changes in my physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.

However I am still struggling with a few addictions - the Internet, social media and food addictions specifically. I find that when I abstain from any of these activities, I am faced with feelings of restlessness. The longer I do not indulge in any of these activities, the stronger the feeling becomes. The maximum amount of time I have been able to avoid these addictions has been 3 days at which point the restlessness became overwhelming.

I am familiar with the workings of the ego and wanted to ask whether restlessness is a method employed by the ego? My thought process is that maybe if I can understand the nature of the restlessness, I can move closer towards accepting it.

Thank you.

Hi John,

I have been working on clearing feelings based around the Power centre, and wanted to ask for your thoughts around a particular situation.

Since childhood I have been aware of emotions of anger and rage. These emotions seem to arise whenever I feel taken advantage of, used or invaded. It was not until I read DEEP CLEARING that I realised that these feelings originated from being bought up in a strict religious household. At that time I felt ignored, helpless and restricted without any say in my own life.

I now realise that this energy has been attracting similar (if not the same) type of relationships into my life. At 35 the energy is currently manifesting in the form of a narcissistic and overbearing boss, the type of individual that I believed I had "escaped" from just last year.

My thoughts are that this is something to be processed and learnt from, and that setting boundaries or regaining my own power in the form of "standing my ground" might be necessary. I recognise that the feelings of being dominated and manipulated need to be felt and processed also.

My question is how do I set boundaries and protect myself without getting carried away by the anger and rage I feel. Any time I attempt to set boundaries, the emotions of anger and rage come up, my voice starts to quiver, and the urge to cry comes up. How can I avoid being swept away by the feelings of being used and taken advantage of AND set the necessary boundaries to protect myself in the moment?

Thanks again

Hi John,

I hope you are well.

I wanted to ask if you might be able to shed some light on a recent experience.

Yesterday in the middle of the night I woke up to what felt like a small "knot" or "void" feeling in my chest. I often struggle to reach my core negative feelings and decided to take the opportunity to breathe into the voidness in the moment. As I breathed deeply into the knot/void my body started to give off a strong urge to shake, my jaw begun to clench but most of all I could feel my body overheating and beginning to sweat.

While I believed I was experiencing repressed anger, I wasn't 100% sure and continued to breathe into the space in my chest. As time passed I noticed that the knot/void feeling begun to grow bigger and bigger. After what felt like 5 or so minutes of breathing, the space in my chest had grown to cover most of my torso. However after not being sure on how to progress I abandoned the process.

After picking up DEEP CLEARING again, I realised that asking the subconscious to provide an image would have made things a lot clearer. However I am unsure as to why the void (or emptiness) increased in size while deep breathing.

While I recognised that the surface emotion felt like anger, the voidness I felt like in my chest felt as if it was in the Significance part of the body (and not the Power). But then I also have to consider that the overall feeling felt very much like an empty bubble expanding in my chest which would suggest the Nurturing space.

Any advice would be welcomed.


Hi John,

I hope you are well.

For the past 10 months I have been making good progress with the clearing of 'emotional debris' that lies within. It has become a process of calming the body and mind, breathing into the chest and acknowledging the energy that comes up for me. After each session the emotional energy tends to linger with me for a few days but I have noticed that the intensity has lessened greatly over recent months. I now understand that the process truly is slow and gradual, but I am sticking with it.

Something that I have noticed is that I seem to have what feels like an 'island' of energy in the pit of my stomach that is waiting to be released. The reason I say this is because there have been 1 or 2 occasions where I have had an urge to cry/grieve and don't seem to be able to. I recently realised that I was emotionally neglected as a child, and have been working with a therapist to process these emotions. In one of our early sessions we explored my past, and my therapist explained to me that my upbringing was quite abnormal and must have been tough. I immediately felt the urge to cry, something that does not happen often, but what coupled this urge was what felt like a block of energy that was stuck in my chest. I certainly wanted to cry, but it was as if this block (of energy?) was preventing me from doing so. I was able to cry slightly, but I could almost tell that there was a lot more to be released.

Since this occurrence, I have had 2 other scenarios where this has happened. One in a group therapy setting, and another during a dream.

Would you mind sharing your thoughts on the above? The practice of sitting with myself and slowly dispersing the energy is working well, however I feel as though there might be a number of opportunities to release energy that are being missed here.

Thank you

Hi John,

Thank you.

Much (if not all) of what you have said here has rung true.

The entity attachment for me was the big one. After reading your article on spirit releasement and doing some research I realised that I seem to have all of the symptoms pertaining to an attached entity. The depletion of energy, the poor concentration and focus, unexplainable depression, dramatic weight loss, irregular back pains. Not to mention personality changes and mood changes. The realisation has definitely taken me by surprise.

Yesterday I was able to get myself an appointment with a spirit releasement therapist. I talked him through my symptoms and we then went through the process of removal. There was definitely a struggle on my part to allow my subconscious mind to come into play, and there were certainly some strange sensations that took place. I felt quite a struggle to let go and surrender myself to the process but was also able to understand my life situation a lot better. The therapist made clear that an attachment had left and emphasised (as you did) how important it is to clear and ground oneself always.

After finishing the spirit releasement session, I expected to feel 100% back to normal. While I do feel better, it has made me realise just how much my blocked energy points have been affecting me emotionally. After yesterday’s session I have realised that the cause of my energy blockage relates to shame from a previous relationship. I was in a relationship that turned out to be quite toxic. The partner at the time fell pregnant and being young and from a traditional Christian family I felt a lot of shame around not being married to her. In short, I began suppressing my sexual urges, the unconscious shame cut me off from a lot of people that were close to me, resulting in loneliness (and likely further blockage). In conclusion, the shame and loneliness has left me in a ‘safe’ routine-based lifestyle, with little to no pleasure, keeping me blocked.

Thanks John, your single message has set me on the right course to finally fixing and understanding my life. If I can follow up with a final question:

I have begun yoga (using the exercises listed on your site), however I am lost at the best way to unblock the relevant chakras. In my first year of experiencing the chakra blockage, I went to a reiki practitioner for help clearing things out. While I felt extremely relaxed after the session, it wasn’t long until I felt back to my 'old self' with strong heavy feelings. Would you still suggest going down the Practitioner route? My worry is that I attend a session, only for the blockage to remain. Can these blockages be cleared out myself?

Thank you

Hi John,

A big thank you for your books, Emotional Clearing especially. I feel privileged to have found it in this lifetime.

To quickly summarise, I have been struggling with suppressed emotions for the past 30 years. A severe sex addiction (through masturbation) has sadly left me with symptoms of impotence for the past 4 years. After reading your book and realising that my addiction was the effect and not the cause, I begun emotional clearing.

For the past few months I have been experiencing muscle tension and bodily shakes whenever I reach what feels like the negative emotions. Upon breathing into the relevant chakras, my muscles twitch, then start to tense, then a strong urge to shake comes over my physical body. I believe I am dealing with feelings of shame and loneliness, and whenever I mentally remember past scenarios that involved those feelings, the muscles in my arms begin to tense up and my body begins to shake (quite violently) if I allow it to. It is not painful in any way, but it can be difficult to breathe correctly. It is an extremely strange sensation that is difficult to explain in words. I also notice energy moving up my spine during the session.

Once the session is over, I feel quite relaxed but I also notice that the feelings being processed are stronger for the next day or 2, almost like old feelings have been bought to the surface.

At this point in recovery I have no idea if I am moving in the correct direction, or if this work is having a positive affect. Not to say that I doubt the process, but this has been a cycle for me for around 2.5 years. Friends and family are worried about me and say I have changed, I struggle to relate to the people close to me, and I just feel as though life is passing me by while I wait for these old feelings to pass. Am I right in thinking that I am going through the process of processing 30 years of suppressed emotions?

Thank you


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