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Messages - John Ruskan

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We always attribute any body sensations like these to energetic blocks becoming conscious while the energy is moving in new ways through the body channels. What you describe is commonly known in rebirthing circles and is called 'tetany.' It's nothing to be afraid of - just keep going.

Whenever the feelings start becoming too much, it's obviously time to back off and regroup. Remember the basics: the feelings are lodged in the subconscious and need to be brought out for your ultimate well-being. If you go too fast, however, it can be overwhelming. Just take it easy, find your pace so you are clearing feelings but not inviting too much to come up. You can use the basic meditation guidelines just to get calm and centered without pushing too hard. The first program in the guided training is ideal for this.

Negative feelings are reflected in our experience of the world. When the feelings are cleared, we no longer perceive them being reflected back to us, and so circumstances no longer bother us, or we no longer have the need for those circumstances, and things change spontaneously.

Chakras and astrology are very well represented in the New Age - Consciousness - Esoteric literature. If you wanted to find out more about them, and get some verification from others about their validity, all you need to do is search for them on the web, and you'll find tons of information. I think I discuss them adequately enough in the EC book, and also in the Emotions section of the website, to answer your questions. There is no "proof" in the book because I am not attempting to "prove" them. You have to be ready and open enough to grasp them.

« on: April 25, 2014 »
I don't think it's a common phase. I would guess it's just a matter of your personal cycles. We all are always experiencing a number of concurrent life, or energetic, cycles all the time. Planetary transits to your astrology chart can give you an insight into these. You probably have something going on that is adversely affecting your Mercury, for example, so you feel unable to relax the mind. Just stay with it patiently, witnessing, and you will no doubt come out the other side. A cycle of this type can last anywhere from a few days to a few months.

You may also have had a particularly beneficial influence going on at the start, which may no longer be with you. This sometimes happens when we start on the path, to give us a taste of what it can be. Don't worry - just keep on. There's nothing you are doing that could cause the symptoms.

The flashback appears to be a temporary excitation of your chronic anxiety. When suppressed feelings have built up, it can be expected that they will surface on their own schedule. We don't know exactly what might cause them to appear intensely for a day or two. The important thing is to apply the steps of the EC Process as they appear. Working with the breath can be very helpful, as you mention.

We usually think of anxiety as the first appearance of a deeper level, core feeling, which might most likely be fear-related. Try to see the core feeling behind the anxiety, and work with that, although you can also process the anxiety itself, and that will lead to the underlying core feeling.

The meds may be necessary at this point, but you should realize they inhibit your ability to see (and feel) the core feelings, so one of your first goals is to reduce the meds cautiously. You're going in the right direction.

Chapter 7 of the EC book, Acceptance, discusses the various unconscious, mental tendencies we fall into that lead to suppression of feelings. To become aware of these tendencies is not particularly a mental activity, but an intellectual activity - a different plane of being. Becoming aware is the first step to change. As we become aware, the previously unconscious mental tendency - let's say it's perfectionism - automatically starts to lessen. But it would probably be a mistake (and maybe another perfectionist impulse) to want to stamp out all the counter-productive mental behaviorisms with a mental effort. Just becoming aware, and making a reasonable effort to modify undesirable mental/behavioral patterns as best you can even though it's not 100% would be enough, and then you go to the feelings. As the feelings release, the mental patterns also release.

Thanks for the nice words. Regarding pregnancy, I can't really offer any opinion. If it is a time when you would hold back on deep psychological work in general, then that would apply here as well. However, going into an alpha state - with or without the cd's - I would think would be beneficial in terms of relaxing you and releasing stress, which would certainly be felt by the new soul. Going into alpha and contacting the soul - sending messages of love and perhaps hearing what it might say - would be another exciting possibility.

There is no easy answer to the relationship dilemma, because we all approach intimate relationships from a dependent standpoint. Dependent relationships are inherently unstable, stressful, and disappointing. I would refer you to the EC book, the sections on Dependent Love, and Integrating the Heart.

You seem to have an intellectual comprehension of the dynamics - that the purpose of the relationship is to bring up your stuff - but you would appear to not be fully embracing the principles yet. Can you take more responsibility for your experience and go to a deeper level with this opportunity?

Heavy relationships are always karmic, as the fact that you have a strong attraction would suggest. The purpose is to bring up your negativity, so you can integrate it, and for a kind of karmic clearing to occur between partners. What feelings are coming up for you? That's how you start finding the purpose of the relationship. That's what you should be looking at and working with.

How long to stay together? Usually, we don't stay together long enough. As soon as reality sets in and we see the actual facts about the relationship, we start kicking and screaming to get out of here. But that's when you need to apply the principles. In the old days, once married, you were bonded for life, and there may be something to say for that - it may take a lifetime to work through what any serious relationship has to offer.

However, if some time has gone by and you have earnestly been trying to work with it and are no longer getting anywhere, or if your toleration point has been reached, meaning you can no longer process productively and fall back into other non-productive modes, then maybe it's time to part. If you part with bitterness and hostility, however, it's most probably a sign that you have not released what needs to be released, and the opportunity will need to occur again.

It's called "Mind-Body," but it should really be called Mind-Feelings-Body. The Mind and Feelings are two separate subtle bodies, along with the physical, that have distinct characteristics. Mind relates to thoughts and beliefs; Feelings relate to emotions. All the bodies affect each other. I see physical illness as primarily caused by the build-up of negativity in the Feeling Body, not because of beliefs held in the Mind.

Then, there are (at least) two kinds of feelings: reactive emotions and core feelings. The reactive emotion is a mostly involuntary reaction to the core feeling, and it can come from the mind, as well as having a base in the Feeling center. Let's say you have a lot of anger about an abandonment experience. The anger is your reaction; it can come from the mind, from the belief that you shouldn't be alone, that you are outraged that you have to go through this experience, etc. Fear, as another example, could be a reactive emotion, or it could actually be a core feeling.

In theory, reactive feelings that come from the mind can be put aside so you can focus on the core feeling behind it. This appears to be what your coaches are saying. If you continue to focus on the reactive anger, to continue that example, you could be spinning your wheels because you're not getting to the core feeling, which is what's mostly responsible for the illness and symptoms. You're in blame, you're worrying, obsessing, and even building the anger. I'm actually curious if there is a school of psychology that you are referencing, because this is a subtle distinction that I wouldn't expect many modern (especially CBT) therapists to understand.

However, in practice, we start with what we have. Often, there is first an awareness of only the reactive emotion. We have anger, but don't see the core. The anger can even obscure the core feeling. So, we start by processing the anger, but - with the understanding that this may be a reactive emotion, and if so, we expect to release it quickly, and then we'll see the core feeling, where we want to devote our main efforts.

There is nothing wrong with processing a reactive emotion in this manner. Don't forget - the EC process includes acceptance and witnessing - key, crucial elements that you have not mentioned. This state is totally different from just thinking about the anger - mulling it over or obsessing over it.

Reactive emotions can build up also, and then they start to become part of the subconscious Feeling Body, so that they may very well need to be acknowledged and some time spent processing them to release the build-up. This is not obsessing, but informed, beneficial inner work.

The emotions you mention are all lower chakra related. They could be reactive emotions, but it's more likely they are connected with your core feelings, because the lower chakras correspond to these feelings. So, I would say you are correct in processing these feelings and not ignoring them, especially since they are so strong.  And, of course, it follows they correspond to the lower body issues you mention. So in your case, it looks like the reactive feelings and the core feelings are mostly the same: fear, helplessness, anger  (first, second, and third chakras).

With physical pain and illness, our approach is the same as with a reactive emotion. Many times, we don't know the feelings involved, so we start by focusing on the physical SENSATIONS, applying the process and bringing in the healing energies - and - applying witnessing, which is the same as Jon Cabot-Zinn's mindfulness method of handling pain. Once you get the core feeling, you can shift to that, but there is still nothing wrong with continuing to process the body sensations including pain along with the core feeling when working with a physical affliction-core feeling, and I feel it's helpful. That's how I do it with clients. We alternate between them.

Witnessing is the key. You have to keep practicing until you have the experience of what it is. You can't ignore pain, and trying to distract yourself doesn't work that well either. Witnessing and mindfulness are what would be called for, but if you give that a good try and find it's not enough, don't hesitate to use pain meds if you can.


« on: March 03, 2014 »
Excellent responses!

My understanding of "Psychology of Selves" is that it is an analytical approach to categorize and differentiate various personality components. We each have a variety of character attributes, derived from our primary needs and drives. We have developed diverse tendencies, qualities, skills, habits, weaknesses, etc. which can all be broken down, itemized, and personalized. Such an effort could be beneficial, in terms of getting to understand and know ourselves, and as a guide for applying healing techniques.

For example, we might have a hyper-vigilant protector self; a dysfunctional sexual self; a parental self with dependencies upon the children; an artist self who feels imprisoned or frustrated; and an inner child with unresolved trauma. We can work with each of these somewhat independently to heal them. (But of course they are all related to each other).

As we approach inner work from the EC slant, we immediately start to bump into troublesome suppressed feelings. Each of these feelings could be said to correspond to a certain sub-personality. Excessive suppressed fear directly correlates to the hyper-vigilant protector self, for example. In fact, I would say that the fear has created it. Therefore, as we discover a variety of suppressed feelings, we are also discovering what could be identified as sub-personalities, if you were so inclined. As you process and release each feeling, you are healing the sub-personality it corresponds to, in a most effective way.

However, in EC practice, we usually do not emphasize needing to name and personify particular suppressed feeling attributes. To understand that we have excessive fear, and that it tends to make us act out in certain undesirable ways, or draws us into terrifying situations, is usually enough. However, if you like to use sub-personalities, it would be completely compatible with EC.

The way we organize feelings is with the Chakra system. EC is an East/West system. We think in terms of Chakras. Thus, we may have excessive suppressed fear in the Survival Center, to continue our example. Or the Sexual Chakra is blocked. Or the navel nurturing Center is starved and is unconsciously trying to drain energy from the kids. Identifying the Chakra then makes possible other forms of intervention within the EC Process. (Astrology is yet another exceptional method of understanding your energetic make-up that I recommend, that could also work well with sub-personalities).

If you have read the EC book, you did not see the section about beliefs, to which I would refer you. Briefly, we consider that trapped feelings create beliefs, not the other way around. We do not attempt to recondition or replace beliefs, which would be a futile, left-brain, ego-directed mis-effort. If you could alter a belief, the suppressed energy that originally created it would still be there, and still causing havoc. As you release the suppressed feeling, the limiting belief that it created dies away naturally with no effort.

And am I sensing some beating yourself up for no good reason? Intellectual curiosity is a valuable asset, and these are good questions.

Yes, I would say it's part of the learning curve. It also corresponds to the natural swinging between left and right brains.

« on: January 09, 2014 »
It's exciting when dreams become as vivid as you describe. To me, this means you're developing your psychic/astral consciousness, and the astral world, where we go when we sleep, is becoming more real, which is desirable. Your interpretation is as good as I or anyone else could offer. From the viewpoint of our work, however, the key to all dreams is the feelings that the dream evokes. Dreams are another type of projection. Find that feeling, and take it through the process. What's the feeling behind this dream? Is it something like inadequacy, and the dream figure compensates for it? I wouldn’t strive too hard to try to figure it out - just enjoy the ride.

Sure - you can try both reclining or sitting up in meditation pose.

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