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Messages - John Ruskan

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It sounds like you have been successful in processing the negative. Positive emotions don't require processing, although it's still a good idea to stay unattached and witnessing all feelings - positive and negative - so you don't become identified with and dependent upon the positive.

Suppressed feelings influence thoughts of the conscious mind more than the conscious mind can influence the suppressed feelings. If nagging thoughts of painful events keep coming up, it's just a sign that the suppressed feelings associated with the events have not yet been substantially released through processing. Often, it can take a while to release the deep accumulation of feelings that most of us harbor. Exactly how long it takes depends on the amount of suppressed feeling energy, and upon your particular right-brain skills in applying ECP techniques. That's why we say this work is for the long-haul. If you have only been practicing for a few weeks, you are still coming into a balance with your practice.

If it's possible to go into a processing mode when the thoughts/feelings come up, this would be the best approach, because now the feeling is spontaneously coming up, possibly more than it will during your regular meditation time. (Feelings are stimulated by the constantly moving Moon.) If it's not possible to process now, or if you have already been working with the feelings enough for the day, then "enlightened diversion" may be called for.  This is not considered suppression since you have been and will be working with feelings; you just need to discipline the subconscious. The subconscious will eventually understand that it has been getting enough quality attention though your processing meditations so that it doesn't need to act up at other inappropriate times.

In practical terms when feelings jump up: Keep separating thoughts from feelings. Go to the core feelings behind the thoughts or memory, and even if it's only for 60 seconds, detach and witness the feelings, no matter where you are. Bring in the breath, and breathe consciously and deeply as you witness, then drop it and focus on your activity.

Fully understanding the theory about why it's necessary to accept feelings, as explained in the EC book, can be helpful. Acceptance is a higher state of consciousness, closely aligned with witnessing, for which we slowly build our capacity. It takes time, a dedicated practice, and it's normal to fall out of the higher states.

Anxiety has both mental and emotional components. When the mind is resisting, anxiety is higher, as you describe. When the mind comes to rest, through acceptance and witnessing, anxiety is lessened. At this point, it is easier to see the core feeling behind the anxiety, which is likely to be fear-related.

The optimal strategy when anxiety comes up is to relax the mind, and go to the core feeling behind it, applying the ECP steps to that. You can also process the anxiety itself, if you can't immediately find the core feeling. If there are past incidents that come up related to the core feeling, that's helpful too. Let those memories trigger core feelings.

With acceptance, remember it's always the feelings you are focusing on and accepting, not primarily the associated events or circumstances.

THE EMOTIONAL CLEARING PROCESS / Re: compulsive behaviour
« on: September 10, 2013 »
Normally, our stance on compulsive behavior is that it is motivated by some negative feeling buried in the subconscious. We either try to avoid the feeling by indulging in the behavior, or we unconsciously believe that the acting-out will eliminate the feeling.

In EC work, we track back and process the feelings behind the behavior; then, the behavior theoretically will die off on its on since it will no longer be "needed." An important part of the process is witnessing, which seems like it might be what you are describing as your change in awareness. You also say you think you have cleared the emotions related to the compulsion, which is great!
As you keep witnessing the compulsive impulse, you keep moving in the direction of being free from it. Not criticizing yourself if you succumb to it, as you describe, but continuing to detach and witness it will eventually release it.

The energetic perceptions you describe are an excellent sign that you're moving forward.

« on: September 06, 2013 »
The blocking that we have to negative feelings also blocks the positive. Work on the negative, and you will eventually be able to connect to the positive.

« on: September 06, 2013 »
Fantasy inner dialogues, positive or negative, are a reactive behavior to suppressed core feelings. Find the feeling behind the dialogue, and process that. There could be more than one core feeling involved.

There could be more than one core feeling behind any belief.

« on: September 03, 2013 »
The board has been non-functional for a few months because of technical problems. It is now working and we hope members will start checking in. When you post, it alerts members.

« on: December 31, 2012 »
I assume you mean that when you are maintaining a regular (daily) practice with psychic exercises, you experience this hyper out of balance condition most of the time. Then, when you stop the daily routine, the out of balance condition normalizes. You're not doing the exercises continually throughout the day, right? A moderate daily practice of an hour, let's say, would be reasonable. I'm not sure what you mean by "longer period."

I agree with all the possibilities you cite. It's hard to know exactly what's going on, but it's probable that there's too much stimulation, and you need to regulate the practice so you're getting positive results, and build up slowly. I would suggest grounding, but you mention that grounding also produces the state. Sorry I can't be more specific - just try easing off.

The basic idea behind Emotional Clearing work is to let feelings come fully into consciousness without the normal interfering actions of the mind, such as resistance, blame, avoidance, acting-out, etc. When you allowed the feelings to come up instead of pushing them away, they went thru their complete cycle and started to clear. 

You don't necessarily need to recognize the feeling. Sometimes there's just a big release of tension which is very healing. As you get more into the work, however, you will be able to specifically recognize your feelings, and this is desirable and important for in-depth healing.

From your description, it may be that your feelings have something to do with not being good enough. When you realized that you could perform well there may have been the release of the self-doubt.

Of course, as an artist, you have other options available. Instead of pushing feelings away when you are performing, you include them in the performance/composition. But there are even more sophisticated approaches to using your art as a means to emotional wellness, which I talk about in my book "Emotion and Art" which I would recommend for you.

It seems that the program is working for you, so that's great. There's always the potential problem of getting too many feelings, but this is better than no feelings. The buzzing energy would appear to be the energy body rebalancing itself - you can help by not resisting but by staying present with it and breathing into it. Yes, I would say the build-up of feelings over the years is now pouring out. You've got a good sense of the specific feelings, so you can keep working with these.

To try to encourage the feelings to subside, the obvious is to slow down a little with the CDs and specific emotional processing. Use your sessions mainly as grounding experiences. Yoga and the breath are excellent for grounding, so keep up with those, and the walks. Keep the light strong around you, and the door to the subconscious closed in your mind. Stay in the witness, no matter what comes up.

See this as positive, that you're going thru a once in a lifetime cleansing, and it may be rough for a while. This often happens. Just stay with it, stay calm, and you'll come out the other side.

I discuss yoga on the website.

Hi Carl - nice to hear from you. It sounds like a core issue for you is the rejection/abandonment. It came up in the last relationship, it got suppressed with the meds, and now it's come up again, possibly attracting the kind of relationship that will correspond to or evoke those feelings. Understanding this is a good start. If you use more meds, you take the risk of again suppressing, but sometimes meds are needed short-term if things get too intense and you're not getting immediate help from the process. You have to be the judge.

Try to see the upside: Here's the opportunity to clear this difficult part of yourself that's been around for lifetimes, and the relationship is serving that purpose. It will take some time. It's just a matter of developing the skills required as you apply the EC process, which is based on meditation principles. You wouldn't give up on meditation after trying it for a week, right? Its the same here. Be patient, start a dedicated personal practice, and there's no question it will kick in at some point.

Include: A basic yoga (not power yoga) practice 5 days a week. This loosens up the energetic congestion. Breath practice as well - sit and breathe as I describe in the book twice a day for 10 minutes. This will do a lot to relax you. Keep studying the steps of the process and carefully apply them.

Acceptance can be thought of in several ways: You look at the normal resistance in the mind to the pain and put the resistance aside for the moment: Become a little more ok with the pain - relax into it. Then work on the witness. When you're in the witness, you're beyond the question of acceptance or rejection - you are present with what's happening now. Witnessing is one of the things to cultivate so you can step out of your mind. You can include the third eye focus (that I describe in the book in the EC Process induction) for 5 minutes twice a day with the breath. Be careful as you practice that you're not pushing yourself - this can be another problem. Just relax and be confident that you're going in the right direction.

The EC Guided Training Set would be very helpful, and of course if it's an option, there's nothing better than some personal counseling to jumpstart you. But you can do it on your own. Use the tools. You'll get there.

« on: May 14, 2012 »
Tremors and trembling often spontaneously occur during the EC process, and I always advise to just let them happen - they are part of the body release. As far as intentionally inducing them, I have no official opinion. It could be ok, or it could be that artificially pushing the body might be overstressing it .

Hi Richard - As clearing begins, any kind of physical symptom can occur in conjunction with the clearing process. Negativities surface in the body, and this can cause discomfort and doubt. We always view these symptoms as part of the clearing, but we must always be cautious and not go too far. The symptoms you describe in the hands are often encountered as energy fields are stimulated. The sweating and blood pressure seem to indicate that you are going too far and fast. Just slow down and carefully observe yourself. If you're getting extreme reactions, stop the program and relax. It's a positive sign that the program is affecting you, but you must pace yourself. When there's a lot of suppressed negativity, these are the kinds of reactions that may occur. Just slow down, and you'll be ok and you'll get a lot from the work.

Yawning is a common occurrence when doing breathwork. The prana that the breath brings in results in the impulse to yawn, but lessens as you build up your energy reserves. Beyond this, I have not heard of burping / yawning ongoing in conjunction with EC work, although it is always possible. As clearing starts, it affects the physical body, and any kind of reaction can occur. Always observe common sense, and pull back on the EC work if any physical symptoms seem extreme.

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