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Messages - John Ruskan

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The originators of humanistic Western psychology - Freud, Jung, and their followers who started numerous schools of psychology, all understood that trauma resulted when painful feelings were prevented from completing their natural cycle of building and dissipating, but instead were forced into the "subconscious" by involuntary, unconscious shutting down, perhaps followed by dissociation of consciousness in severe cases. These different schools may have advocated different methods of clearing the subconscious, but they all were based on the need to go to the trapped feelings and "re-experience" them in order to release the trauma. "Re-experiencing" was understood to be the basic means to resolve the feelings. No magic bullet had been discovered that could by-pass the need to experience fully the original feelings which had not been adequately experienced when they had first occurred, and so had become trapped, resulting in what has become known as "trauma" or in modern terms, PTSD.

The more sophisticated Eastern mystical schools also acknowledged the existence of and need to release the trapped subconscious. They also recognized how these trapped feelings served on a psychic level to attract corresponding negative experiences into our lives. They referred to this as Karma. In the yoga basics that I learned when I was starting out, we were taught to use meditation as a means to clear the subconscious. When you sit in meditation, trapped, suppressed, traumatic feelings will jump up to be released. In order to be successful at this, the correct stance must be adopted, which is what the Emotional Clearing book is all about. If you don't understand these fine points of how to align your inner self when you approach negative feelings, you are likely to just spin your wheels, stewing in negativity instead of releasing it. The 5 steps are summarized on the home page of the emclear site and discussed in detail in the EC book and in my new book, DEEP CLEARING, which will be released this year.

Then, we have the New Age and modern psychology. While there are good things taught here, it's unfortunate, and even tragic, that the importance of authentic work on yourself has been minimized and distorted. It has become just change your thinking, your beliefs, reprogram yourself, see things differently (Cognitive Psychology), and you'll be fine. The existence of the subconscious has been minimized, or blithely assumed to be reprogrammable. People who have no experience with inner work are taken in by this bs, and are led down a path to obliviousness. This is all part of the undermining of authentic mystical/psychological traditions by an increasingly materialistic, left-brain, scientific culture.

The important thing to get is that the subconscious cannot be reconditioned - that's just its nature; your thoughts and beliefs are the result of trapped subconscious feeling energy - not the other way around; trying to change or reprogram thoughts and beliefs with an effort of the mind is totally misguided, impossible, and will get you nowhere except frustrated.

But maybe the most compelling advice I can offer you is just to note that I have been in private counseling practice now for over 20 years, and I have consistently seen that this approach works and does not result in "re-traumatizing." My conscience would not allow me to advocate any method of inner work in which I do not have complete confidence.

Here's an excerpt from the new DEEP CLEARING book, which describes the same process as in the EC book, restating it in terms that may be more appropriate for a contemporary audience:

you can’t hurt yourself

"You may question if it can be harmful to keep negative feelings in awareness as they are being processed. Don’t we become or attract to ourselves what we think, and so shouldn’t we be trying to get rid of negative feelings and think positively? Doesn’t accepting and focusing on them make them worse?

First, it must be understood that negative feelings represent toxic energies already trapped in the subconscious body-mind, already influencing you. They are attracting negative conditions to you right now, whether you are “thinking” about them or not. Just bringing them into conscious awareness does not increase their power. On the contrary, bringing the feelings into conscious awareness is the beginning of deflating their power and releasing them so they no longer influence you.

Second, we bring feelings into awareness within a well-defined, psychotherapeutic format, for a limited period of time, as we work on them. This is not the same as wallowing in the feeling or letting it overpower you – it is the opposite. Wallowing and being overpowered are where we normally are. When you bring full attention to the feeling, especially when you detach from and witness the feeling, you start to reverse this.

Third, humanistic psychology has always been founded on the general principle of getting in touch with feelings and thereby resolving them – not denying, turning away from or dismissing them. You now have a unique formula to successfully accomplish this complex task.

As we will discuss in more detail later, any healing method based on getting rid of the negative instead of integrating it, by trying to substitute good for bad, positive for negative, or through “expression” is an unenlightened approach, destined to fail."

Since this is an important topic, I will respond to any other comments posted here, and I encourage readers to make a contribution.

Feeling/emotions are not mental; they occur on their own psychic plane. Learn to distinguish between mental thoughts in the head and right-brain, body-based feelings/emotions.

In our work, self-rejection occurs when you resist, make-wrong, or deny any feeling/emotion, including any negative feeling such as fear. We do not consider feelings of any type self-rejecting, but it's our attitude them, ie, our mental mind-set, that rejects or accepts.

« on: March 07, 2018 »
I'm so glad you are finding the program effective. But no, I did not consciously correlate musical frequencies to the stages of the work or the chakras, but maybe there was some unknown guidance helping out. My intent with this music was to make it lush and supportive, without attracting unnecessary attention to itself.

The basic premise of EC work is that inner negative suppressed feelings limit our success in the outer world. You say you work hard on your growth, but you don't give any hint that you understand EC work or are applying it to yourself. That would be the answer to your question.

Taking a feeling through the processing steps does not mean you are thinking. You are in the meditative witness mode, watching and observing the feeling as you apply the steps. Maintaining awareness of the feeling is not the same as thinking about the feeling. You are not caught up in the mind just because you are aware of and are exercising discretion about how you relate to the feelings.

In processing, you want to quiet mental activity so that subconscious core emotional feelings can come into view. It's normal for thoughts to jump up and interfere with processing but you just put them aside unless they have a strong emotional component, in which case the feelings behind the thoughts then become the focus of your process.

As you practice entering the alpha-state meditative processing mode, you should be able to feel it. You should know when you are there, and you should be able to tell when the mind has jumped up and taken you away. You want to stay with feeling the feeling in the body, in the moment, and not get swept up into thinking about the feeling - what to do about it, how that other person is to blame, why is this happening to you, etc.

« on: November 28, 2017 »
Can you explain what you mean by "lead myself through emotions."

In theory, it's possible and desirable to process feelings as they come up in activity. Once you acquire the appropriate skills, you will naturally be more present with feelings. The instinctive unconscious repressive mechanism lessens; you are less in the mind, and more in the moment. However, "meditation" for me still represents the optimal conditions for a serious working through of suppressed built-up feelings. You can deeply experience the steps and the consciousness shift each entails. Driving, by the way, can be considered to be a type of meditation, especially on long-distance trips. You are not preoccupied with any pressing activity, the subconscious can jump out, and processing can occur. But still, I feel that sitting quietly with eyes closed is always the best. But how does it feel for you? You should be able to tell when you have resolved a feeling by processing it.

I would not say that it is normal for negative issues to particularly intensify when starting to do this work. It could/can happen, in which case you just keep on, but I don't think you have gone deeply enough into the work at this point to generate such backlash, and I can't say that I have seen it happen regularly with clients I have worked with. If and when the backlash does occur we attribute it to the inertia of the negative energies. Sometimes just because we are now paying attention to the negative subconscious it may seem as if there is more negativity. Can we attract people who mirror our issues? - sure. That just means we have not yet taken responsibility for outer circumstances and the core feelings behind them.

Although I understand and can identify with the impulse to try to figure out what's going on, you are asking heavy left-brain questions that can't really be satisfactorily answered. There is also the subtle motive to find who/what to blame for your experience. Try to keep shifting to the spiritual, right-brain orientation that is needed to succeed in this work, and recognize that the left-brain mind cannot provide meaningful resolution. Accept and witness whatever is going on in your inner psychic world. Trust that you are clearing centuries of negativity, and trust that your Higher Self is bringing you the exact experience you need - you'll come out on the other side.

Thanks so much for the positive feedback! We all have a long way to go, and this kind of work is even more important in today's world.

There are a lot of transformational stories in the testimonials, on this website and Amazon. I would like to think they could serve as inspiration. However, that said, what we are about here is often elusive. This is the nature of all psychotherapy and spiritual practice. I tend to look dubiously at any one who comes on with a Tony Robbins, cheerleader sales pitch telling you that you will experience miraculous change if you buy this product, and so I am not comfortable with a hard sales line and glorious promises. Change can happen quickly, but more often it happens slowly, so you don't notice it. The secret to this work is to not look for results, but to learn how to be present now, in the moment, with your experience. If you are looking for results, you are not in the moment. If you cultivate being in the moment, that's when change can happen. It happens when you are not looking. And again, that said, if someone has been practicing the EC process and not getting results I usually advise them to carefully look at how they are applying all the steps. Often there's inadequate acceptance. Looking for results can imply subtle absence of acceptance. This work is truly a spiritual approach to higher consciousness, and most other systems that have held up over the centuries are based on similar principles. If you can get yourself to the point where after you sit with difficult feelings, processing them, you know you have released something based on how you feel, then you are on the right track. You won't need any other confirmation. If you don't have this experience, you have not yet developed the skills. 

« on: December 17, 2016 »
Excellent choice! I've read all RM's books including Ultimate Journey several times.

« on: December 16, 2016 »
Good questions. Don't confuse mental and emotional. You are supposed to be getting out of the mind and into feelings

Both body sensations / body ailments in general and emotional feelings are assumed to caused by suppressed negative psychic energy. If body sensations are dominating your meditative experience, it's not a problem. Let them become your focus point and take them through the process. Stay with them for as long as necessary - minutes, days, or months. Body sensations are a completely valid pathway to subconscious holdings. Eventually you will be led to the corresponding emotional feelings, and then you include them in your process. Go with whatever is most dominant - body or emotional, they both lead to clearing the suppressed psychic negativity.

You don't necessarily need to push back to historical memory of how things originated. In theory, the past is projected upon and reflected by the present, and working with present manifestations in body or feelings will release the past. In practice, however, if past memories spontaneously jump up as you are processing present experience, you should include them in your process, just as you would a present-day event. See them as if they are happening now. They have particular significance for you and can lead to helpful past life recall, if that's what you need. Let yourself be guided by your unconscious higher self. Just remember that when you go into a recall, whether it's childhood or "past" life, to apply all the steps of the process to that scenario. For example, make sure you are taking responsibility for the recall experience and not falling into blame.

« on: December 16, 2016 »
Harri - Glad to see you're doing the work. Since you obviously have such good taste in reading material, we can't help but wonder what #1 would be - maybe you'll take the leap and share that with us.

In recent years there has been a deluge of information about clandestine operations going on in the world. It's all centered around what could be called the Illuminati phenomenon. If this is what you are referring to, it is of critical importance and quite fascinating, and all of us engaged in expanding consciousness need to fully informed. I have been studying it for the last few years and have been trying to decide how much to include in the EC program. At the same time, we must be aware that a central purpose of all this stuff going on - wars, gender, aliens, immigration, politics - all this information on the web and you tube is to keep you hyped up and distracted, making it difficult to go within. Wifi, microwaves, fluoride, cell phones, etc. all do the same on the physical level.

I discuss the tingling starting on page 251 of the current EC edition, the Integrating Breath. It normally happens when you start to hyperventilate with accelerated connected breathing. It's not anything to be concerned with, just keep going. It's a sign that you are doing it correctly. Leonard Orr, the Rebirthing founder said hyperventilation occurs when the exhale is tensed and forced. Try to relax the body more on the exhale. But pushing the breath like this can be a major tool for dislodging the subconscious for those of us with enough warrior spirit, so congrats on that - it's not easy to do - and keep up the good work.

The EC audio training is only available here, and since I'm opposed to the commercialization and mind-manipulation of any holiday, I have not joined in by altering prices.

« on: November 02, 2016 »
Hi Amy- Thanks so much for your beautiful words. They do encourage me. I am always so pleased when I see that my work has been understood, appreciated, and has been effective.  In today's world, with the immense challenges we are facing, working on yourself and raising your vibration is really the best way we have to counter the negativity. If you have not already done so, I would ask you to please post this testimonial on Amazon, where more people will see it and be encouraged to do the work.

HI Amy- Thanks for the kind words. You are doing the third eye correctly. I usually just tell clients to keep their eyes closed, and look up into the blackness in the middle of the forehead, straining the eyes slightly. There can be a "cross-eyed" feeling to it, but I usually don't refer to it as such. As long as you are focusing attention to the middle of the forehead while lifting the eyes you can't go wrong.

As for the continuity of the discs, I don't think it's critical to be strictly in sequence.

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