the Emotional Clearing Forum

Boards => THE EMOTIONAL CLEARING PROCESS => : Rick October 12, 2020

: affirmations
: Rick October 12, 2020
Thank you for your great work John.

In your book from 1994 I read you don't believe affimations work because of their surpressing effect. This is also my personal experience. In your book you made some suggestions how to use affirmations in a better way.

I was wondering if you think it is helpful if I use them in the following way (these expamples cover some things I need to integrate):

- it is OK to feel humiliated
-it is OK to feel unsafe
-it is OK that I am bullied.

I have the feeling that this helps me to make more peace with reality and that this helps to feel what I feel and to uncover feelings that I might not want to feel.

Your thoughts about this would be appreciated!
: Re: affirmations
: Rick October 12, 2020
Oh, and by the way, when do you expect your new book to be published?
: Re: affirmations
: John Ruskan October 12, 2020
Yes, I don't believe that affirmations should be used to try to get rid of negative emotions/feelings, for the reasons you state, but can be used to encourage acceptance of them. Your first two examples are regarding feelings; therefore affirming that its ok to have those feelings is in line with the ECP protocol.

Your third example is not exactly a feeling, but an event, or something you experienced. The key here is to always to go a feeling level. So, its ok to have the feelings that come up in this experience. These feelings would relate to the 2nd chakra power center, and be along the lines of being dominated, controlled, abused. You can affirm that its ok to have those feelings.

However, your focus should be on the feelings, not the event. So, we are not affirming that its ok to be bullied, or to lose your money in the stock market, or for your girl friend to leave you, but we must always accept the feelings associated with any distressful event. See the dif? Always go to a feeling level.

New book, DEEP CLEARING, should be out within a few months. I'll be notifying the forum members.
: Re: affirmations
: Rick October 13, 2020
thanks John, I see the difference