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Messages - John Ruskan

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Interesting. I'm not familiar with these remedies. I might look into them and if I get any results I'll post.

A wonderfully honest and intelligent sharing. Thank you. Yes, you got it. The inner resistance to the anxiety results in projections and experiences; replacing resistance with acceptance is one of the keys to resolution. Keep in mind that acceptance is only one of the 5 steps. You'll get max results when you apply all the steps together in a regular dedicated daily practice, as if you decided to meditate regularly, which is what this is, only better. Add meditative yoga before you process and it's more better. Let's try to expand it thru the steps:

1. Relax. You sit and go into alpha, using the ec induction in the book and the breathwork. You feel yourself starting to 'detach' from the lower-self feelings as you drift into the right-brain. You connect to the body.

2. Awareness. You're doing well here, got a good understanding of the basics, not blaming, taking responsibility. In the alpha state, you start to get a better view of what's behind the restless anxiety: it's fear. Fear is the core level feeling. You see that it's a major life clearing mission for you. You see that the protection may have been a major draw in the relationship for you, which seemed to make the fear better for a while. If this is so, the dependency aspect is going to undermine the relationship eventually in some form or another, because you are using the rel to avoid the fear. You appear to have made the correct choice in ending it, coming to grips with the dependency. As you keep sitting, over a period of time, you go deeper into the fear, and related suppressed, past, perhaps traumatic events come up at the right time for integration.

3. Acceptance. You're good here, and your acceptance keeps expanding each time you sit, because you keep uncovering unconscious resistance. Eventually, you find that place of choiceless acceptance, where the mind, the seat of resistance/acceptance has stopped. You are in the moment, now, beyond choice.

4. Experience. This is what you've been preparing for. If you skip this, you won't get far. In the choiceless state, beyond time, fully in the body, you observe and allow the fear. You feel it, deep in your body. You feel it as an energy. You are no longer afraid of the fear - you just watch. You maintain the breath to keep the healing energies coming in.

5. Witness. You shift to the higher self witness using the 3rd eye technique. You are no longer the fear, even though it is there in 'your' body. You are something else - the witness.

You practice this until you feel the shifting occur. Since it is a major issue, it will take some time. But I believe with only a few months of practice, you will see real results. Fear will keep re-occurring after that, not as intense, but you don't latch onto it; you just witness. It eventually withers away.

Crying can be good at the right time; it can coincide with a spontaneous release. Excessive crying suggests that it is no longer performing this function, but has become a means of avoidance - turning away from the core feeling, whether it's the fear or loss of the relationship. Try to restrain crying next time by looking with a clear awareness into the feeling level - look for the feeling behind the event of crying.  Your awareness (intellectual level) can control the unproductive reactive emotionalism of crying as a defense on the lower feeling level. 

As I told Jake, its all downhill from here. Relax into it. Witness everything.

You other guys lend a hand here. Can you relate to Fiona's story? Even if that's all you have to say, tell her that. She's opening up. Put your arm around her. If you have other viewpoints to share, great.

« on: March 15, 2011 »
Clever, colorful, and I do believe there is some value here in making conscious the dark side. I too would like to read other responses - it might turn out to be an interesting exercise in honest sharing. I clicked on this post because I need to see if there's anything in it I should know. But I could also find the part of me that was drawn to it. It appeared to be a hate message directed at me or everyone, and that part wanted to be stimulated by and tie into the hate energy. It's no shame to find this in yourself. Remember my basic theorem of the subconscious - we all have the complete spectrum of dark and light - the collective subconscious. Finding that inside yourself is an essential part of the journey of self-realization and the foundation of authentic compassion. The key is to keep it under the control of the witness - don't be motivated by it or act it out. Shift your sense of "I" to the higher-self witness.

I had irritation and disappointment about the PE post as well, and did remove it. I clicked on it and looked at it for a half second for similar content reasons as above, but with no interest. In the future, I will remove without reading any obviously promotional posting, vulgar or not.

And, I do share your opinion about Hank! I recommend the show also.

A beautiful, passionate, well-founded message that I would urge everyone to inhale. That English is not Jarek's native language I feel adds to its heart. Take in the energy and get mobilized - not only in your practice but here on the forum. We've had excellent activity and questions in the mere 3 days since the forum launched, but no real sharings from the heart until now. This is what's been missing. Let's bring more heart into these postings - get personal, get detailed, what's really going on for you, how have you tried to handle it, what's fucking pissing you off??? Get real. And please start to respond to postings - I don't want to be the only one. As you get more detailed and personal, it will invite more responses. Jarek, you might also get more personal, to balance the beautiful philosophy.

You caught me on the sleep thing - ha! Its like I feel I should be a little impersonal on the forum, and that resulted in not getting too specific - exactly the opposite of what I am asking of all of you! "Normal" sleep of course means nothing. This will work itself out. I usually get between 8 - 10 hours. I value sleep and indeed experience it as a lucid trip to the astral plane. I bring back many inspirations.

Thank you, Jarek. It's starting to happen.

Congradulations! You have entered the path. It's all downhill from here. Do you realize how fortunate you are? - that 99.9% of the world is in the same position but has no clue about where they are or how to heal themselves. You have the information at hand. This represents good karma that you should take advantage of. Now is your chance to reverse the build-up of suppressed feeling energies from life-times of ignorance. Everything I said to Chase applies to you. Make an effort to develop the right-brain by suitable activities, foremost of which should be yoga and breath. Use the hogtie pose that's on Working On Yourself>yoga>posture flow to open the chest. Be sensible and gentle. It's just a matter of intending to heal yourself, and then it happens. It's only a matter of time now. Develop a personal practice, learn the inner skills, keep working, then relax and let the transformation happen around you - you are only the witness. You don't have to try to analyze too much now, (childhood) but its good that you have a basic psychological awareness. Those feelings come up on their own at the right time. Much of my life has been about developing the CECF program. I can't recommend it enough. The facilitator is trained to impart to you an energetic infusion - much like initiation of the past. You take on this energy that is being channelled to you and then it starts to work. You go deeper than you can on your own and healing happens. I see it all the time. It's not talk therapy, and more intelligent then simplistic energy techniques. If this is a possibility for you, why not?

A good evaluation. The negative feeling energy has been accumulating for life-times and the body armoring resistance has also built up to the point where it obscures feelings. Recognize that it will take time to reverse the tendencies of the past, but also be encouraged that you now are at that pivotal point where you are consciously working on yourself instead of suppressing with left-brain resistance. Make the most of this place - you do not know when it will come again.

Consciously developing the right-brain with appropriate right-brain activities is a place to start. Working on the body level can be of major importance here: Yoga and breath. Yoga works on the body level to break up the armoring and allow feelings to come forward into view. Make a priority of developing a personal yoga / breath practice 5 times per week. Learn to love it. I still do yoga/ breath/ meditate/ process every night before sleep for 1 - 2 hours. This MUST NOT BE the power yoga that you see everywhere. Review what I've written about yoga in the EC Book and on the website: Working On Yourself where I've posted a posture flow. You're to do classical, meditative yoga. Frankly, I cannot live without yoga. It's a big big help in successful processing work.

Then, working with the breath can be equally important. Follow the breath instructions in the EC Book. These practices work on you slowly. You'll see some immediate results, but the major benefit occurs over a period of time - years, during which time your energetic awareness develops. I would also recommend accelerated breath practices. Stan Groff MD worked with LSD when it was legal and then switched to accelerated breath, which he calls Holotropic Breathwork, which he thought produced similar results. I concur. This can break thru the armor.

Since psychedelics are illegal, I can't recommend them. Many of us who were around in the '60's found them to be amazingly life-altering and consider it a blessing to have had experience with them. They do remove the armoring temporarily and induce/ teach the higher consciousness that I refer to as witnessing. The danger is that the material that's exposed can then be overwhelming, which is what results in the bad trip, or 'psychotic reaction.' If you're aware of this possibility, and stay detached, and have someone else to remind you to do this, generally you'll be ok.  I'd be cautious about tripping alone for you. I would prepare with the accelerated breath. If you did 10 acc breath sessions, you'd have major shifting and might not feel a need for psychedelics. 'Rebirthing' is also an acc breath regime. Look for acc breath day-long workshops. Not to plug myself, but I also do acc breath with clients, often long-distance, if that's a possibility for you. Working with an EC Facilitator can help - their energy enables you to go deeper - I see it all the time.

« on: March 12, 2011 »
In all relationship questions, the outer reflects the inner. So, the starting point is, to what extent and how does my having attracted a person who appears to be narcissistic reflect me? It wouldn't be a bad idea to assume that here's a flag from the universe telling me that I need to work on my self-involvement. Narcissism is the normal unconscious condition of humans today - everybody's narcissistic. Moving past it can be seen as the name of the game. Those people who we label narcissistic are only a little more entrapped in the condition than normal. Maybe you are the same as normal, maybe you are more. But take this as a sign that now's the time to look at yourself from this perspective. As you observe your own narcissistic tendencies, you start to use the situation instead of resisting. This would be starting on the behavioral level, not yet getting down to processing. Narcissism can be considered to be a form of defending against the subconscious. Pausing that behavior, then seeing what's behind on the feeling-emotional level, then applying the Process is getting down to real work. What feelings are being stirred up by your perception of narcissism in the other? That's what you work with.  When we work on ourselves, the outer changes miraculously and spontaneously. EC work does not primarily focus on how to handle the outside - it's how to handle yourself. 

« on: March 12, 2011 »
Beautiful! You do appear to be moving into a high vibrational, higher consciousness place. This is of course excellent - it is what we want. It demonstrates that working on the feeling-emotional level can be an important, if not central means to consciousness evolution. As you become more and more at home in the higher consciousness, you should always be aware of maintaining a sense of inner balance. You do not want to be unintentionally swept away by the glamor of the high vibrational state so that you lose balance. A good way to think of this is to maintain groundedness. Check in as you contact the earth in the EC induction to make sure you are grounded and supported by the earth - you can feel this energetically. You can be grounded and still at home in the higher vibrational state. If it appears to you that you are grounded, then these changes in your energetic-body needs may be valid. You don't need to compare yourself to anyone else. If theres a sense of ungroundedness - for example, if the mind is getting carried away by the allure of the higher states and superimposing itself on the authentic needs of the energetic-body - as in a 'positive' addiction - you could be deceiving yourself into thinking you need less sleep. If you feel grounded and authentic, then go with it. Its been said that as one meditates, the need for sleep is less. An addiction to a 'positive' object is still an addiction - a means to avoid contact with the authentic self, or a need to artificially maintain your energy. My sleep needs are normal.

Interesting questions. The way I think of it is that suffering is a result of resisting what is, especially on the feeling level. What is is not inherently blissful, but as you successfully move though the process, a blissful feeling results from the experience of liberation from the pain. The bliss is probably also because you have shifted from being attached to the jealousy to being a non-attached witness, a form of higher consciousness, which is inherently blissful. You could say, then, that a distortion or absence of blissful witnessing consciousness results in attachment and suffering.

Remember that the Process is more than watching, although that's a nice way to refer to it. There are all the steps. I've always had success with treating anger. Make sure you are applying all the steps especially keeping a full breath going all the time - 25% of your attention on your breath. Breathe into the anger. Here's a excerpt from the book:

1. awareness. Own your anger. Understand that whatever is
“making” you angry is just bringing up your own suppressed anger.
There is no rational reason why you should choose to be angry.
Your subconscious is just taking the opportunity to project and
clear itself.

2. acceptance. End inner resistance to your anger. Do not think
you have to avoid it. Accept it but do not act on it or blamefully
extend it into the universe. If you blame or attack others who
appear to make you angry, you reject yourself and resuppress the

3. direct experience. Surrender to the experience of the
anger. Feel it in the body, as the energy moves. If possible, use
bodywork that acts on the Solar Plexus. Feel the anger, in the
moment,with no thought of changing it. KEEP BREATHING.

4. transformation. Activate theWitness through concentration
on the Third Eye. Allow the energy of the anger to be and to
find its own equilibrium. Allow the outcome to be directed by
the Higher Self. Allow change to happen on the inner psychic
planes without your conscious knowledge or intention. The
anger will be dissolved, not suppressed, and creative change will
occur spontaneously.

Work not only with the anger but the feelings behind the anger. What's making you angry - rejection, threat, helplessness, failure, etc?

View the outside as the stimulus to the feelings that need to be brought into view, in order to clear. Then you start to see the outside from a different perspective - its actually helping you move towards your goal of releasing the negative subconscious. With this understanding, you make the choice whether to try to change the outside or use it to further your growth. If you try to change too fast, you are running from the aspect of yourself that the external reveals, and the external conditions will reappear, no matter how hard you try to avoid them. However, there may be times when you have had enough of processing the negative and it may be good to make a change. But usually we can tolerate more than we think, and using the process will enable you to break through situations that appear to be too much. The best is when you process without trying to avoid the negative external, and then it changes spontaneously as a result of your inner processing.

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