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« Last post by mr-patrick on May 22, 2024 »
Hi John,

Apologies in advance for the multiple posts as of recent. There are one or two things taking place which I am struggling to understand at the moment.

For the past 6 months I have been off from work due to burnout. In short, I was holding a stressful corporate job for over 6 years and between the heavy workload, domineering colleagues and spiritual awakening taking place I was left with no choice but to take a break. Last week I started a new role at a new corporate company and since accepting the role I have been experiencing bouts of anxiety which have gradually gotten worse. Since starting the new job a week ago each night I struggle to sleep due to anxiety.

I have realised that my career no longer resonates with me anymore, and that I need to shift into a career that aligns me with more, but I am also in a position where I need to be able to pay my bills and make ends meat. At the moment my corporate role is all I know. I tell my mind that this is simply a stepping stone to something new and different, nonetheless I still experience strong bouts of anxiety at night and in the mornings.

What I am trying to understand is whether this is my ego creating a story and trying to "hold on", or if these feelings are something else? I was under the belief that anxiety is an emotion of the lower self and not the true self. The job itself seems to be positive so far, with nice people but the anxiety is niggling at me each night preventing me from getting a good nights sleep. I am trying to make sense of the anxiety so I can move forward.

Thanks once again.
It sounds like you’re doing quite well. Continuing practice will smooth out the left-brain intrusions you are describing. However, a few pointers:

You don’t have to rigidly adhere to the steps to make the process work. In fact, you can think them as conditions, rather than sequential steps that you have to follow. Trying to remember if you’re doing the steps will jar you back into the left-brain, as you describe. The primary objective is to be ‘in the moment’ with the subconscious material as it spontaneously comes forward. Learn to find that ‘in the moment’ place, beyond the mind, in your meditation and then allow or invoke feelings, then experience and witness. Relax into the feelings. Go up to the 3rd eye. Experiment with how long you are comfortable being in the 3rd eye without losing the feelings. You can vary between 15 seconds minimum to being there all the time.

The body/energetic sensations you describe are a good sign. Just keep staying with them and they will develop. Try to choose the most pressing emotion coming up at that moment.

I purchased the book Deep Clearing a month ago and have been practicing the emotional clearing process at least 1-3 per week.

I feel like it's working to some extent, but when doing the meditation I feel like my brain has to compartmentalize each step and it doesn't allow me the chance to full relax into it? I also feel like when I reach alpha, trying to tap into my subconscious pulls me out of it, because I then prompt myself to recall an emotion. Does anyone have this issue?

For example I will do Deep Relaxation, Awareness, Acceptance, Direct Experience, and Witnessing.

but sometimes my subconscious will bring forth an emotion, feeling or memory at various points during these stages. It's not very linear. I also will do the practice of asking my Subconscious to show me what the core emotion is behind my feeling, but I find brain creating a logical and rationale root of the emotion or forcing a memory. And I can't tell if this is me straining to make something happen.

I also don't always know which feeling I want to go with at times. I have so many emotions that I have been battling from various circumstances family relationships, child hood, toxic relationships, finances, jobs, self esteem, inadequacy etc. It's hard to kind of just pick one. Even though they all kind of point to the same origin, that I can't quite put into words. Has anyone else struggled with this as well?

Not sure if this makes sense. I am hoping the process will just continue to get easier with practice. But I have realized I have a hard time meditating in a step by step process.

I have tried incorporating a mantra meditation for the first 10 minutes to help ease me into a alpha state, and then asking my Subconscious, what needs to be felt at this time. And weaving in acceptance and witnessing throughout. As the mind will naturally flow in and out of a witnessing state.

I have had some progress though..

I have noticed that I can identify a energetic sensation on the right side of my throat when doing in this practice. I also had an intense session where I felt a heavy blockage in the pit of my stomach/solar plexus. The more I leaned into the feeling, without expecting my subconscious to reveal some hidden secret, the more intense the feeling got. It was like a burning of energy in my solar plexus area. I haven't felt it as intensely since. However, throughout my day I can feel the sensation of fear coursing through my body. Not in a bad way. But it seems like the fearful energy is finally flowing instead of remaining stagnant.

I guess my overall question is: Is there a way to approach this practice in a more fluid nature, since the 1-6 steps in a linear way can feel overwhelming and bring me back into left brain thinking.
Hi Malcolm,

Congratulations on being in a position to establish your own EC business on Facebook.

If your efforts to revive dialogue on this website are unsuccessful, it won't be because John Ruskan has nothing to offer the public. Far from it! Finding another individual with as much knowledge and wisdom as he has would be extremely difficult. Failure to revive activity on this Forum may occur because of the influence that Technology is having on our culture as a whole. Going inside oneself to seek the truth about oneself is being replaced by the ever-expanding lure of artificial intelligence with its embedded promise of making existence easier and more colossally exciting than life ever was before IT came along. And, there are many other social factors as well that discourage looking inward that I will not go into here.

Best wishes for your future on Facebook.

This would be a good question for Jung. He would probably say it’s not something you have to worry about. But if in fact anyone ever does arrive at a clean subconsious, their dream states may evolve into more vivid dreams reflecting astral experiences of all sorts, which they will start to remember upon awakening.
Congratulations on doing the work. The purpose of addictions is to cover over suppressed feelings. When the addictions are stopped, the suppressed feelings will start to emerge, but first there may be / probably will be anxiety or what you are calling restlessness. I don’t know if we could say the ego is purposefully inciting the restlessness. Take it as the opportunity to sit in meditation, first accepting the restlessness and taking it through the steps and then watch for the emerging feelings. On the other hand, don’t be too hard on yourself and demand that you must be perfect. I believe the wifi atmosphere has a lot to do with existential feelings of anxiety that we all experience. We have to take it as just another challenge.
Hi John,

I hope it is ok to ask this question as the topic somewhat sits outside of your books.

I often find myself wondering and pondering the result of an empty subconscious, or at least a "clean" subconscious.

Since starting the work, I have found that my sleep and meditations have gradually changed. I find that when awakening from sleep or meditation, I can barely remember having any dreams, or the prior moments of my meditation. Both now feel very similar to a deep trance state that I struggle to recall.

This led to me ask the question of; once the contents of the subconscious has been released, what becomes of the individuals dream or meditation life. If our dreams are based on the contents of the subconscious mind, what would happen once we have released all of the "junk" from it.

Thanks again.
Hi John,

I hope you are well.

I have been working through the process of releasing the contents of the subconscious for a few years now. In this time I have made great progress, and have noticed significant changes in my physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.

However I am still struggling with a few addictions - the Internet, social media and food addictions specifically. I find that when I abstain from any of these activities, I am faced with feelings of restlessness. The longer I do not indulge in any of these activities, the stronger the feeling becomes. The maximum amount of time I have been able to avoid these addictions has been 3 days at which point the restlessness became overwhelming.

I am familiar with the workings of the ego and wanted to ask whether restlessness is a method employed by the ego? My thought process is that maybe if I can understand the nature of the restlessness, I can move closer towards accepting it.

Thank you.
I am currently creating a Facebook Page to serve as a window for my Emotional Clearing Business.
I completed the Training with John a couple of years ago, and have been working as a Psychic Medium for over 25 years.
'There is a right time for everything under the sun' is a quote from Ecclesiastes that I completely accept as real & relevant in today's world.
John Ruskan's Emotional Clearing Process was & still is a groundbreaker in self-therapy & healing. Both books should stand alongside Jung & others in reference Libraries & on personal book shelves, they do in my home.
I now wish to launch my own Emotional Clearing Business in service to those that may need it, now or in the near future.
I note this forum has sadly been inactive for some time, and would love to engage with others that are walking the EC path.
John's work must continue to be celebrated & brought into the Global spotlight, and as a Trained Facilitator I would be honoured to serve as an ambassador in bringing this concept into broader & wider awareness.
Lets get talking about this incredible gift John gave to humanity once more, it's fair to say, looking around the world right now, the Emotional Clearing Process has a place more than ever before. Many Blessings Malcolm Buckley
Thank you, John.

I have been working my way through the process, and have achieved great strides in many areas. However, with one particularly traumatic childhood event, I am struggling to open the door. I think it's because my subconscious is used to locking it down so far and so deep as a survival mechanism, that it has become diligently trained and inflexible. Sort of like those Russian dolls with multiple layers of defense. I am continuing to work on it, but part of me wondered if it was perhaps related to my intentions. That is why I went back to  the beginning to look at what you advised. I appreciate your input and direction. I am now working on a letter to my younger self giving permission to open that door and experience that level of fear and terror again; letting her know this is essential to moving forward.

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