the Emotional Clearing Forum

Boards => THE EMOTIONAL CLEARING PROCESS => : Anvas August 20, 2022

: pressure
: Anvas August 20, 2022
John hi,
This is Andrej here and I live in Brazil for over 20 years.

First of all congratulations for excellent work!

Past few days I was going through your vídeos and felt good relief.
Got separetad 3 years ago, lost good contact from before with my two daughters and
found myself in difficult financial situation.

The question I have is regarding when you say that I go from my head to my body, to feel it.
Most of the pressure I feel is actually in my head and my neck, so I still feel it in my head...

Kindest regards
: Re: pressure
: John Ruskan August 22, 2022
When I say to get out of your head and get into your body what I mean is to get out of the thinking, left-brain mind and get centered in the feelings, which are primarily located in the body. If you have a physical feeling in the head, there is no problem focusing there as you process the sensations associated with it. Pressure in the head relates to an energetic congestion. Treat it like you would any body sensation - apply the process to it. Feel it on a physical level, and then if emotional feelings come up, shift to them.
: Re: pressure
: Anvas August 24, 2022
Thank you John!