the Emotional Clearing Forum

Boards => THE EMOTIONAL CLEARING PROCESS => : CarlStevenson June 18, 2014

: Change in Outer Circumstances
: CarlStevenson June 18, 2014
Hi John,

I have stopped using the 6 week guided training as the emotions coming up were to much to handle. I feel I am stuck now with chronic anxiety and would like your advice on how to continue. My life is pretty goodin my outer circumstances besides my job which seems to be one of the reasons I am unhappy. Is it true that if I do become emotionally clear that outer circumstances that make me unhappy would change for the better?

: Re: Change in Outer Circumstances
: John Ruskan June 18, 2014
Whenever the feelings start becoming too much, it's obviously time to back off and regroup. Remember the basics: the feelings are lodged in the subconscious and need to be brought out for your ultimate well-being. If you go too fast, however, it can be overwhelming. Just take it easy, find your pace so you are clearing feelings but not inviting too much to come up. You can use the basic meditation guidelines just to get calm and centered without pushing too hard. The first program in the guided training is ideal for this.

Negative feelings are reflected in our experience of the world. When the feelings are cleared, we no longer perceive them being reflected back to us, and so circumstances no longer bother us, or we no longer have the need for those circumstances, and things change spontaneously.
: Re: Change in Outer Circumstances
: CarlStevenson June 26, 2014
Thank you for your response John. It makes perfect sense that what I feel within my job is already within as I have experiencied similar circumstances before. Everything truly comes from within.