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Topics - Ed

Pages: 1
« on: April 27, 2022 »
Dear John,

can the emotional Clearing Guided Training 12 CD Audio Program be regarded as a meditation? I ask this because If I listen to these regularly I have not much time left for another kind of meditation practice.

« on: April 15, 2022 »
Dear John,

thanks for your interesting podcast on Spotify.

I have a few questions and I hope you can share your thoughts about them.
I practice sending love for a while inspired by authors like Klaus Joehle and Jafree Ozwald. There a some variations but basically it comes down to realizing  that what you are is basically love, radiating that love from your heart (or your chakras's) filling every cell in your body and than sending it to others, filling them with this love. They report miraculous, life changing results. My questions:

1. in your book I read 'it may be possible to experience a non-dualistic Higher-Self form of love, but I don't believe it can be attained by deliberate, direct cultivation. But what to think about this miraculous life changing results? And if this does not transform myself on a deeper level, my assumption is that still others profits from that. And it seems to me that having a loving intention to others is better than  having a neutral intention, especially when all feelings are felt and not be denied?

2 What do you think about balancing this sending love with not denying feeling everything I feel about them?  For instance, when some person triggers some fear or anger in me, saying to myself 'I can handle this' and sending love on the outbreath?

3. I visit a kind of naturopath and she does a kind of dowsing to test which kinds of food are good for my health. But she does also test other things. And she is always accurate. I asked to test how good your book and your cd program is for me and she tested that it was quite good for me. But the sending love practices tested even higher. So what should I think of this? A hypothesis is that these test results come from her unconsciousness. But often she does not know about what she tests (for instance your book) and she is always very accurate. She says that the results comes from my Higher Self and my energy field. What would you think about this?

Lots of questions, but these are quite important issues for me. Your thoughts would be appreciated very much.


« on: April 09, 2022 »
Dear John,

What do you think of the practice of Tonglen and do you think it is a good thing to practice this?

"Tonglen starts right off with a counterintuitive instruction: pay full attention to your discomfort (physically and emotionally) and breathe more and more of it in with each inhale."

"While the first part of Tonglen involves breathing in our pain with each inhale, the second part instructs us to breathe out good wishes to ourselves and everybody else in the world that is feeling the same way."

To me it seems to be a good addition to emotional clearing as full attention is paid on feeling the discomfort.

Thanks for your thoughts,


Hello John,

What do you think of intentionally feel the feelings you want to feel. Like for instance, intentionally feeling feelings like peace, presence, gratitude, love etc..
The theory is that by intentionally feeling these feelings they will manifest in your life.

So for instance, instead of looking for love (or peace, or success or whatever), you intentionally feel these feelings so that they will manifest in your life.  Your feelings ar causal then. So by cultivating a feeling of thankfulness for everything you experience, inclusive of negative feelings you would manifest things to be grateful for in your life. I think this goes deeper than the law of attraction as the focus is on causal feelings instead of thougts.

Please could you share your thoughts on this?



Hi John,

I bought the guided training a few days ago. I listened a few times to disc 1: deep relaxation' and it is deeply relaxing indeed. I have a few questions:

1. You wrote "My recommendation is that the first 6 disks be experienced in 6 weeks. Listen to one disc per week, in the suggested order. Listen to that disc 3 times during the week to embed the information into the subconscious.". Is it possible to listen to the disc for that week for more than 3 weeks per week? What about listening to it every day?

2. Can I listen to 'disc 1: deep relaxation' after week 1? Is it OK in the second week to listen to both 'disc 1: deep relaxation' and 'disc 2: the five conditions' on the same day?

3. Do you recommend connected breathing also during the day?



« on: April 03, 2020 »
dear John,

Here is my second post for today:-)
I just started reading your book and I really think you are on the right track. I consider to by your online course.

Can I ask you a question about the corona crisis? First of all I hope all is well with you and your loved ones.

Could you give me some advise about how to deal with the Corona virus anxiety from a emotional clearing perspective?
My wife will give born to our new born son hald april. We live in the Netherlands and I am notice that I am start to worry if proper care in  hospital is available then. Further I am an independent research professional and at this moment there is no work for me. I have some savings and I can survive this for several months but I am starting to fear a big economic crisis and I am worrying my financial perspectives on the long term, if we will be able to live in our house, etc. Besides that I am worrying about my loved once, if they will stay healthy. I am sure lot of other peoples have the same kind of worries.

Another questions: 2 months ago my wife and I agreed to give away 10% of our net incomes to charity, knowing that a lot of people have much less than we do. Now I have less income I am doubting if I should continue with giving away 10% or that this is irresponsible now we might need it ourselves in the future.

I would like to know your perspective on this and your tips on dealing with this situation.



« on: April 03, 2020 »
Dear John,

May I ask your opinion about yoga nidra? I notice that this practice makes me very relaxed but doubt in how much it is effective in integrating charged emotions.
Yoga nidra claims to let 'you move deeper into a samskara, are better able to understand your reaction, and then ultimately can allow the samskara to release into the ocean of consciousness. At that point, it is no longer a deep impression. You are liberated from that samskara!'.

Do you think yoga nidra can be have a added benefit to your practices?



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