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Topics - PLM_41

Pages: 1
« on: May 04, 2020 »
Hello, I am new to this forum and wanted to say Hello.  My name is Paul and I live in Orange County, Ca.  I did 6 years of EC without really even knowing what it was called between the years of 2007-2012 when I practiced meditating religiously with a binaural beat program called Holosync.  In a nutshell, the audio tones underneath the sound of rain at frequencies gradually altering my brainwaves down to a delta level on a daily basis somehow pushes repressed feelings to the surface.  A truly unbelievable process...

Anyway, that's not really why i'm here.  Other than to just connect with other like-minded EC'ers, I hoped to get comments about what I found to be a somewhat profound dream I had last week after doing some EC for the first time in several years.  Here's the dream:

I was in a yoga class with a teacher I used to practice with about 4 years ago.  She was hands on during the class in the dream and noticed at the crown of my head a "soft spot" which was about the size of a dime and asked me what it was? (Think of watermelon having a small, rotted area...)  I told her that I'd noticed it before and wasn't sure what it was.  I scraped it softly with my thumb and it produced a sticky, clear serum substance that once was met with the oxygen in the area pretty immediately turned into a small, clear sack.  Maybe the size of two jellybeans.  We noticed inside the sack were little dots that were seeming to multiply … and as we looked closer under a magnifying glass these "dots" appeared to look similar to what a corona virus looks like ...although they didn't have nearly as many horns as , say, a corona virus does!  Nonetheless, it was alarming.  I reached up again with my thumb and , of course, another clear sack formed with these "little viruses" inside.  In the dream I was pretty concerned.  Then my yoga teacher grabbed a needle and poked a hole in one of the sacks I was holding in my hand.  What happened next was truly psychedelic is the best word I could describe it as.  The little bubble sack oozed with the most vibrant, beautiful colorful liquid that poured down my arms.  The color were so vibrant it was unreal.  I noticed sparkles in the liquid and reminded me of designs you'd see on beautiful, Christmas wrapping paper.  Also, think of watching a black and white movie then the movie turns to full color...that was a bit like what it was like in my dream.

My buddhist therapist who's always been pretty good with interpreting or informing me about some of my dreams, but this one he couldn't put into words exactly what I'd experienced. He just said it was definitely a meaningful dream.  The feeling I got upon waking up was elation.  A very positive emotion.  But I wish I understood where it came from and why I had the dream.

Thanks and be well,

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