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Messages - John Ruskan

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It sounds like you’re doing quite well. Continuing practice will smooth out the left-brain intrusions you are describing. However, a few pointers:

You don’t have to rigidly adhere to the steps to make the process work. In fact, you can think them as conditions, rather than sequential steps that you have to follow. Trying to remember if you’re doing the steps will jar you back into the left-brain, as you describe. The primary objective is to be ‘in the moment’ with the subconscious material as it spontaneously comes forward. Learn to find that ‘in the moment’ place, beyond the mind, in your meditation and then allow or invoke feelings, then experience and witness. Relax into the feelings. Go up to the 3rd eye. Experiment with how long you are comfortable being in the 3rd eye without losing the feelings. You can vary between 15 seconds minimum to being there all the time.

The body/energetic sensations you describe are a good sign. Just keep staying with them and they will develop. Try to choose the most pressing emotion coming up at that moment.

This would be a good question for Jung. He would probably say it’s not something you have to worry about. But if in fact anyone ever does arrive at a clean subconsious, their dream states may evolve into more vivid dreams reflecting astral experiences of all sorts, which they will start to remember upon awakening.

Congratulations on doing the work. The purpose of addictions is to cover over suppressed feelings. When the addictions are stopped, the suppressed feelings will start to emerge, but first there may be / probably will be anxiety or what you are calling restlessness. I don’t know if we could say the ego is purposefully inciting the restlessness. Take it as the opportunity to sit in meditation, first accepting the restlessness and taking it through the steps and then watch for the emerging feelings. On the other hand, don’t be too hard on yourself and demand that you must be perfect. I believe the wifi atmosphere has a lot to do with existential feelings of anxiety that we all experience. We have to take it as just another challenge.

I am just trying to emphacize the desirability of going beyond ego orientation in mystical work of this nature. To truly come into the moment, you have to go beyond personal agenda. However, I can see where the statement can be confusing. Just ignore it and proceed. Maybe later it will make more sense to you as you develop third eye transcendental experience. Glad you are a careful reader.

« on: August 25, 2023 »
Thanks for sharing, but these questions call for a highly speculative philosophical reply and are not what I consider myself to be a prime resource on. Perhaps other readers may want to join in. However, I might suggest that you focus on accepting your feelings as they are, instead of intellectually focusing on future events or circumstances. You are not to be concerned with trying to accept death or not, but what are your feelings about death? Always take it to a feeling level and work with those feelings. Most likely you have fear - so that's your starting point. As you work with / integrate fear or whatever else comes up for you, it will modify your 'acceptance' of death itself.

In theory, we attract people who correspond to our emotional holdings, or with whom we have karmic relationships. As we release those suppressed feelings, we assume the relationship is likely to spontaneously change so that it no longer is experienced as being so oppressive. However, real life situations call for an enlightened judgment about whether to continue or break off or maintain protective boundaries after you may feel you have released much of your personal negativity. I think it can be assumed that you gain a clarity about how to proceed as you work on yourself, no one can advise you about this.

You appear to understand the work. Energetic experiences like you describe are all valid and under the control of the unconscious. It's often not easy to specifically relate chakras and feelings to the energetic experience. Just go with what you are feeling at the time and allow the energetic to complete its cycle. You can't get hurt.

You've got the correct understanding. If you are unable to assert your boundaries without an emotional reaction, it means it's too soon and it probably will not go well. You are probably not objective. I would advise working more on your own to clear the feelings or getting with an EC Facilitator for a few sessions since you appear to be having strong feelings before engaging in a confrontation.

I consider it essential to be informed of the 'realities' that exist beyond the visible 3 dimensional earth plane as part of the spiritual enlightenment process. There has been astounding information coming forth from the 'truth community' over the past few decades that I would encourage everyone to seek out. Most notably is the work of David Icke, and the many who are close behind him. I highly recommend all of Icke's books, especially Perception Deception and perhaps his earlier books for those who are ready for expanded knowledge of the matrix, the reincarnation trap, the controllers behind the scenes, etc. but this topic is beyond the scope of this forum, where we are trying to primarily offer guidance on the need for personal inner clearing of negativity. However, any viewers are welcome to share other comments and sources that have been important for them, such as Cameron Day, who I endorse as well. I don't know of I. Greene.

Thanks for sharing, but I believe you are over-reacting. You answered your question in your second paragraph.

Great question. The quick answer would be yes, positive feelings that have been kept submerged because of the inner blocking to negative feelings will now be free to come into awareness. Your example of strength emerging after victimhood is released is excellent, and this could be important for you in your psychological unfoldment. At this stage, you are working on clearing out the suppressed negativity, and flashes of strong positive complimentary feelings are an indication of successful work, and you should allow yourself to go with the positive and fully appreciate and integrate it.

However, there's more to it. What you have described is still operating on an ego level. This is the level on which popular psychology as well as most current New Age thinking operates. You don't want to forget that, on an ego level, feelings are always dualistic, meaning they are complimentary and depend on each other for their existence. Moreover, your comments suggest that you still have an attachment to the positive and an aversion to the negative.

There's a place where, having accepted both positive and negative, that a genuine transcendence occurs. This means you are no longer tied up with being controlled and dominated vs. being strong and free. The genuine transcendence of any center does convey a type of unconditional 'positive' experience. In other words, the ultimate goal is the middle path, neither being compulsively attached to the positive nor avoiding the negative, where you witness both.

« on: May 03, 2023 »
What I think you are saying is that you recognized that you were projecting, but didn't then know what to do with the feelings, and fell into making-wrong. This corresponds to what I call the first level of projection, where we see ourselves in others because we overlay or 'project' the rejected and repressed parts of ourselves onto them. Then, maybe it combines with the second level of projection, where you start to feel strong feelings, for example you might feel rejected, but this is only a reflection of the stored rejection/abandonment within apparently being caused by another, according to EC theory. So if EC has given you a way to reframe your philosophical approach and work with the feelings, good going!

« on: February 12, 2023 »
I talk about shame in the Deep Clearing book, although I don't go too deeply into it. I regard shame as similar to guilt and blame. I see it as an involuntary emotional-mental reaction to deeper core feelings, not a core feeling in itself that needs to be processed. Certainly it's possible to be coerced into shame or guilt, but if one is able to grasp the principles of EC work and develop an inner-focused meditative practice, accessing and releasing core feelings, I believe shame, guilt, and blame will be transcended, regardless of the nature or intensity of the traumatic karmic experience. With clients, I tell them to put the shame aside and go to the first-level emotions and then the core feelings related to the incident. I don't usually regard shame as a built-up suppressed emotion that needs to be processed, but if it is especially severe, some processing time can be allotted to it, stepping back and witnessing. Since shame is not primarily a suppressed core feeling that needs processing, it can be treated to a certain extent by cognitive interventions as well - understanding that regrettable actions were the result of childhood trauma, etc.


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