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Messages - Marie-Therese

Pages: 1
thank you. Very helpfull!

Hallo Harry,
I think i have the same difficulties. When practicing on my own, I come to deeper feelings, but than I try to understand them, to name the core feelings und to find out which chakra there belong to. At this point I get sidetracked and swimm around.
Sometimes I think that this is not so important, because it is also a release of emotions and negativity. But can‘t really see a progress. My be we should try to work with each other. What do you think?

I want to thank you for your amazing work and to work with us just for free. Thank you very much! Very helpfull these times.

The session on tuesday the 18.8. brought me to a point of “not beeing wanted" .... in my professional but also privat life, (privat: beeing without a partner. professionell: not enough customers), so I came to the issue: having no right to life/beeing rejected .... and at the dualistic positiv point: the feeling of beeing wanted, beeing loved.. It was very intens..... and at the same time I find it also very interesting to observe.

For the Attachment/Aversion Syndrome I still find it difficult to grasp. In a way I can find a lot of negative “loups" in my head. Always the same inner voice. But I can not find the compensation for that. For example: There is a lot of selfkritisism “I am not good enough" or “I did something wrong" but I m not clear about, the Point where Aversion clicks in or what I do to compensate.....   my be it is my overactivism? My constant feeling of doing something?
Looking forward to come into a discussion about that. Marie-Therese

I really feel grate changes but at the same time it feels as if it never ends. You can always go further and further! Or did you make other experiences? For example, I am someone who is very self-critical. I sometimes talk to myself in a not very gentile way. I have been working with that for a long long time 10 years or more in different ways. It is much better, but still.... Self-acceptance and self-love is my big issue. Is there a way out? can you change those issues in a deep way?
Thank you for staying beside for our/my questions! That gives trust!

Hi John and all the people doing this amazing work.
Yesterday I did the session “direct experience” for the third or fourth time and asked myself, if it will be possible, that my constant feeling of having a knot in my chest will ever dissolve! I couldn’t imagine because it was so familiar and I got so used to it every time when I did the work with the audio program.
Today when I started my session "third eye" it was the first time that I did not feel this knot any more. There was still a kind of feeling that I know very well: The deep feeling of sadness and fear, without anything special behind it (no event behind it). But this feeling started to feel different in my body yet. I was amazed by that change in my experiences. That gave me the strong hope, that I will go further with that sadness and fear and there will be a release of the lack in my heart.
So even if I processed some strong feelings and I had to cry a couple of times I get more and more deep releases and I am at this moment very very happy about that.
Thank you John!

Hi John,
yes 90 minutes sessions could be helpful! I am working on "Acceptence" and find it sometimes a bit fast. I have not the time to find my resistance and to follow your steps at the same time.
Thank you

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