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Messages - jdhistory

Pages: 1
1. I am up to FEEL II since my last post. Since then, I have realized that deeply rooted feelings of inadequacy are the root behind many of my other feelings, such as feeling enslaved/coerced in relations with my family.

This is a hard feeling to deal with. I think I have become aware of it, but I am not sure how to go through acceptance. I know I am supposed to accept the FEELING and not the circumstances. But eventually the feeling always comes back. It is rooted in many areas of life: job, marriage, and basically everything else, reappearing with many different masks on. I know that if I analyze the situation from an intellectual perspective, the feeling of inadequacy is not really grounded in reality. But the feeling always returns, even when I think I have had a breakthrough. I don't know what the original root cause of it is. Probably something in childhood! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

2. Is it possible to learn transcendental meditation from a qualified instructor while going through deep clearing?

I thought I could practice TM for 20 minutes a day, and deep clearing guided meditations for 40 minutes once a day or every other day as time permits. I have currently been using the guided meditation downloads for a week and a half once a day, and I am on awareness at the moment.

Thank you for all of your work, John. I am still new to this but it is making a big difference already. I am able to sleep again without prescription sleep aids and I don't feel like I am "white-knuckling it" through every day anymore (most of the time). Feeling and releasing the feelings, especially at the end of the day, is profoundly cathartic. I wish I learned about this sooner.

OK, thank you for everything.

Thank you.

As stated in my last post, I started this week with deep clearing on F1.

In one of my sessions I started crying once I felt the feeling. This made it hard to breathe right and it felt like I fell out of an alpha wave state. Should I try not to cry? How do I do that without activating my left brain and losing the feeling?

edit: I should also state that I have "trained myself" not to cry over the course of my lifetime. I usually don't cry even when it is acceptable to do so. Maybe this is it all coming out now?

Hi everyone, first post.

I am in the FEEL 1 stage of deep clearing. So far the book has been really insightful and I have done 4 clearing sessions with mixed results. 1 session last night on my porch during a downpour was incredible, I felt kind of detached from my body and reached the witness and felt a weight lift off my chest and it was amazing. I am going to have to do a few more sessions with that emotion because it is really deeply rooted.

But I have a problem sometimes.....a feeling comes up and I "lose" it. I basically feel it mentally and physically, and it is uncomfortable, I am not pushing it away, just experiencing it, but since part of me is focusing on breathing the feeling loses intensity and fades away. I should note that it doesn't feel ike I am "done with it".

Looking at other posts I am making a couple of mistakes: I thought the phases of clearing were sequential and they are not, so I am applying too much logic and left brain to the process. I am also trying to bring up specific emotions, which according to another post I shouldn't really try to do, I should just let the emotions come to me in the alpha wave state. Is there anything else to try?

Pages: 1