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Topics - jambonsambo

Pages: 1

Hi John,

Within trauma healing spheres I have come across this idea of "increasing capacity" .  The language around it is a little obscure at times but I have taken it to mean an approach that increases the capacity of the nervous system to deal with more and more difficult degrees of trauma and deeper types of emotional pain without disassociating or falling into compulsive addictive behaviors.

I like the analogy I read of upgrading a person from only being able to handle a 30watt charge of emotion trough increasing capacity to being able to handle a 50watt charge and so on.

With your Em Clear approach in mind I see a parallel between this concept of increasing capacity and the idea of activating the witness in the third eye location as you describe it in your book with that dual witnessing approach where you both feel the intensity of an emotional charge but still are in touch with that higher perspective.

So I am wondering if increasing capacity and evolving more and more witnessing capacity are one in the same thing although framed differently. Is witnessing capacity something that you can always build upon? I mean can you develop the ability to witness deeper and deeper and thus handle more and more difficult subconscious material. Does it work like that?

Thanks for Reading,


Hi John,

I was listening to your podcast titled: Severe Trauma / left Brain Dominance /Inner male and female.

In it one of the participants mentions pain and blockage in the feminine left side of the body.

I am experiencing for nearly a year now a very intense and often debillitating dull ache under my left armpit. It feels like an upward force that is unable to move past an obstruction. It some times migrates upwards through the throat and into the head and will cause the third eye area in the centre of the forehead to pulse and feel like there is something rotating in there. This aspect is quite pleasant and very calming. I imagine that when this force reaches that centre it activates some kind of calming parasympathetic nervous system circuitry.

Then the cycle begins again with the very uncomfortable pressure buliding beneth the armpit again.I should add that medically I have been physically examined and nothing shows up of note.

Reflecting on the content of the podcast I am suspecting there is some sort of blockage to feminie energy on that side of my body. I grew up in what in retrospect was a kind of toxicly masculine environment, going to an all male school and being surrounded by very macho sports coach type male role models. The feminine was deeply supressed and openly mocked and made to be seen as a shameful aspect of personality. In my home I did not have a mother due to bereavement so the feminie was absent there too.

Have you any thoughts on trying to work on this blockage and help this energy flow more freely or experiences from the peope you have worked with through the lens of emotional clearing?

Thanks again,


« on: August 24, 2022 »

John one of the ideas that really stuck with me from your books is this idea that the negativity and suppressed emotional energy in us attracts circumstances and situations which serve to bring up the stuck emotional energy for clearing.

So I take it that if we are to conciously move towards our suppressed uncomfortable emotional material with the intention of taking it through the process then by experiencing and thus clearing this negativity voluntarily we wont need that car crash or that illness or drama or negative event which seems to come out of nowhere or at least we will have lessend the frequency of such things in our lives.

This makes a lot of sense to me and not just even on a slightly Woo Woo level but in a very practical sense as person who has less anger or sadness in the subconcious will have a better nervous system and will think clearer and make better decisions across the board and thus have less seemingly random mishaps or misfortunes.

Taking it a bit futher , Id like to hear your thoughts on this ; I was thinking about an interplay of karma involving people who may be locked into say a revenge feud or some sort of drama.

But if one of the party, say "A" is concious and can sit with their part of the negativity then they cut a kind of karmic bond linking them with "B" so that they no longer need to go though any sort of Drama with "B"  to resolve that low frequcncy of emotion. You could say that "A"s contractual obligation with that Karma is fufilled and is no longer an attractive source of Drama for "B" in that relationship/situation. Unless the other "B" does similar work then they will attract the negative events required to bring to light their share of the suppressed energies but these events will not involve "A"  as  they have cut that Karmic bond.

I have heard the term " Burning up Karma" before  , and this term seems appropriate here. I was thinking about it in the sense of revenge or vengence between two people which is very cyclical and seems to create an endless cycle of Karma. The phrase "revenge is in the hands of the creator" is spoken by an indian in the movie "the Revenant" as he explains that his family was murdered by rivals , his heart bleeds but he does not seek revenge. This seems like another way of wording what I was trying to illustrate in the paragraph above that it is not up to us to be agents of karma but only to work with our own material and any balancing out or "justice " that needs to happen will naturally come about as the other parties negativity attracts such into their lives.

Sorry for waffling on a bit ,
Enjoying the new podcast,


Hi John,

I am summoning the courage to do a 10 day Vipassana retreat. My intention really is to go there and witness the uncomfortable emotional stuff that comes up in the meditations as I would in the Emotional clearing process with the Third eye witness activation. I am still trying to work out if this is in line with that tradition or compatible enough with it to the point where I wouldn't be doing a totally different style of meditation to that which i am being thought at the retreat.

I know that you mention Vipassana in your new book so I am wondering what you think of this method of using a 10 day retreat as a means for integrating emotions and clearing karma?

Thanks and best regards,


Hi John,

I just read a recently published book by Holocaust Survivor , best selling author and Psychologist Edith Eger. " The Gift 12 lessons to save your life".

In a chapter called there is no forgiveness without rage she writes the following

" Scream and pound your fists into a pillow, Go to the beach and yell into the wind, Grab a giant stick smash and beat the ground.

" The opposite of depression is expression"

"When a patient comes to see me looking rigid and masked I say " I feel like screaming today shall we scream?" "

This is just one source that I could quote here but I could easily find many others. I personally have come across Therapists who have encouraged me to beat pillows, punch mattresses and physically express my anger. This seems to run against the philosophy of Emotional Clearing.

So it seems to me that there is a schizm in the healing professions when it comes to this point. The Expression movement which encourages cathartic release and the Experiencing movement which encourages inward experience of negative energies over physical acting out.

Do you think expression in a safe therapeutic container still has some value or is it misguided?

Intuitively I feel that getting like revenge for a past violent assault that really impacted on me when I was a teenager would be cathartic and bring some closure, however the idea of experiencing these angry vengeful feelings in the body without acting them out but feeling them in the body to bring resolution seems truth to me also at times, I'm torn. Any perspectives? Is revenge ever justified or , does it integrate or does it always  just re suppress ?


Hi John and all others ,

I was wondering if anybody has experieced an excessive urge to burp and yawn constantly as a result of emotional clearing . I am currently experiencing this and my instinct is that it is related to some emotional clearing work that I am doing . If anybody has had this bodily reaction it would be great to know how long it lasted and what it may signify .

all the best ,



Hi John ,

I was wondering if in your opinion using journal work or writing to integrate anger could  actually be a form of supression .I feel I am making a lot o f headway into experiencing emotions directly, one of the more uncomfortable ones is anger .I seem to find some  relief in writing or scribbling out the anger . I am aware that this could possibly be a form of suppression . I remember that you metioned in your book that it is more important to experience rather than suppress . I am unsure if maybe writing is actually an aid to helping me experience anger or a form of projection and blame that is supressing anger . The writing technique I use is a  very stream of conciousness like style ,just feeling the anger and letting my hand write what comes into my mind  .



John I just came across your book and I couldnt put it down. I wished I had read it years ago . I went through a period of grief when I was a teenager or rather I should say I didnt go through it I suppressed it totally until the point where my body started to revolt and even then I took antidepressants to keep the lid on it all. It has all started to come back up into conciousness now and Im quite literally stuck so I found it a definite example of synchronicity that your book landed on my lap . I am doing some tai chi at the moment , as far as I can tell it ticks a lot of the right boxes as far as bodywork is concerned and I actually credit it with churning up a lot of repressed grief and anger I hope to start yoga soon also on your recommendation  .

I am noticing a cycle where the emotional suffering I go through builds and builds and eventually saps a lot of my will and energy and shows up as aches in my heart and throath chakra areas , then there comes an emotional release which I can  usually trigger through listening to emotive music or it may be brought on by something like  watching a movie that relates to the grief  issue . The tears and deep sobs seem to relieve some of the pressure and I start again at the beginning of the cycle .

I was wondering is this  outpowering or release through crying is always necessary ? Is it enough just to feel and experience the raw energy of the depression/sadness / grief without mental judgements  in order  to integrate  or must there also  be crying or a  release through the mouth .

Another thing which really resonated with me from your book was how you spoke of people losing their place in the world as they engage in this type of self work. I no longer feel motivated by the things which used to motivate me and  yet I  have a lot of negative energy to integrate so i feel like I am in a bit of a no mans land and it is scary indeed .

Thanks again John , as someone else here said this approach to dealing with the human condition would be invaluable if it was introduced to young people in school settings


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