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Topics - shrah25

Pages: 1
Hi John

On a personal front, it's been a pretty difficult time with the biz - after working with you in late 2019, the biz took off and for the last couple of years but it's been amazing - but the last couple of months have been weird and ive fallen victim of some of FB's algorithm changes and that has hit me hard revenue wise.  Huge amounts of fear, survival level wounds have been surfacing and im doing my absolute best to clear as much as possible but I actually have a feeling im going through a healing crisis right now - weird stuff is happening (I could go on for ages about stuff you just wouldn't believe!) and it's almost as if the universe is teaching me how to make peace with what is and truly heal from some of my long standing wounds of jealousy, chasing success, never feeling like it's ever enough, failing to truly stepping into joy for what I do etc and I feel like I need to ride out the storm but I was curious, how much do you know about healing crises?  I'm assuming you would have gone through them before and how have you managed to get through them before? I'm really battling at present and its getting me into some dark places and I'm having to double down on your meditations etc.  But boy it's so hard :-(
Thanks so much

Hi John

I'm just going through your book and I'm a little confused about the following paragraph:

"Self-rejection, however, is not an energy-based feeling; it is of the mind, not the body. Self-rejection is a conditioning of the mind, a means of shutting out experience. Processing techniques that release emotions therefore will not help to change conditioned mind-sets, such as blame or guilt. In fact, trying to process blame or guilt will not work, and holding blame or guilt in your consciousness as you do feelings during processing will only reinforce the blame or guilt".

My understanding of em clearing work is that when you process the underlying feelings beneath, say fear, then you will outgrow the fear and not have that sort of mental activity occurring on a regular basis. 
However isn't thinking fearful thoughts a form of self rejection and does this mean that processing of fear won't actually changed the conditioned mindsets?

I hope you can clarify this cause this is causing a bit of confusion for me...


Hi There

One of the greatest challenges I have in my life is that, whenever there is something that I desire greatly, I find it extremely difficult to get myself into the right emotional state and vibration to be able to draw that experience into my life.
My life is extremely sensitive - in that - whenever I feel bad, its incredible how life slaps me across the face so quickly.  However, when I feel great, I don't quite get those experiences that I am after.

I'm working hard to become a relationship coach  (something i'm very good at), but business growth is a real battle right now and I don't want to get into that mindset of "Oh well, who cares if it doesn't happen" - because that seems to be the mindset that yields me the greatest rewards. 

But my question is how can I create the greatest shifts so that I am in alignment with manfesting my desires?  I work so hard on my own growth - read, meditate etc etc but I i'm really struggling to make that shift and I am conscious that if I don't make the changes I need to, then i'm affecting those who need my help greatly.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Hi John

I firstly wanted to say how grateful I am to have come across your book about 6 years ago.  The approach was exactly what I needed as I had been conditioned for so many years to try and fix my situation mentally but for me, it just never worked.  I could never understand how my peers would just shift their thoughts and it create dramatic shifts for them but doing the same thing for me had little to no effect.  Hence, i've realised that for me, the emotional and spiritual work is crucial to my healing.  

Anyway, in the middle of 2015, I felt like I was going to have a heart attack.  I was anxious about my work, tense all the time, fearful and so on but this time, it all just felt a little different.  After speaking with my wife and my spiritual teacher, I recognised that this was the signal I needed to put an end to my IT career and focus on my passion which is coaching others.  So fast forward 6 months, I quit my job, moved back home whilst my wife is studying to be an orthodontist in another part of NZ.

I'm almost 2 years into the journey and its been one hell of a rollercoaster.  Essentially i've niched down to being a relationship coach and my intuition has guided me to focus on things online as opposed to getting clients in a more traditional sense.  I have big dreams.  I want to help people all over the world, run workshops, seminars etc and also have a passion for helping women in India who are victims of sex slavery.  I'm extremely good at what I do but here's my challenge...

I've been blessed with talent in so many areas of my life yet I always tend to fall short of my potential.  Now my fear is that I am goign to manifest this is my coaching practice and that scares the bejeezes out of me.  You see - it always feels like when I get extremely close to things taking off, suddenly something happens out of nowhere and it gets taken away.  By all accounts, i'm doing all the right things in my coaching business and the feedback I'm getting has been incredible but i'm not manifesting things in the way that I would like.  I've been working hard on surrendering and trusting that it will work out in divine timing but there are some fundamentals that I need to deal with  ie I have enough money saved up for probably about another year (if i get no income at all) but that's not really good enough for me as I want to establish things in a solid manner so that when my wife finishes her post grad study at the end of next year, we have stability to start planning children and helping her build her practice.  In addition, I really want to make sure that I never step foot in another corporate job again (no offence to anyone working there!).  

Things have particularly gotten a little scary for me in the last month.  June/July and Aug were my best coaching months since I started...and then I started to really focus on some emotionally healing and within a space of 3 weeks, literally all of my clients have left.  Either because of money, one went into surgery, one needed to figure out things for herself and a couple of others vanished without any word (even though they both said they got more out of my coaching in 2 months than they had with a counsellor in 7 years!)...

So that's really jolted me and i'm having to work extra hard to ensure that I am living in faith and trust.  
In addition, all of my new prospects keep saying the same thing - I don't have the money or I need to think about it.  I'm working on some sales strategies (i've been using some so-called proven methods online) here but I also think that there is something to be said about me attracting these people and them reflecting back to me my own insecurities about money.  

I've just purchased your audio program so i'm looking forward to that but in the meantime, I have two questions:
1)  Is it normal for things to turn pear shaped when you begin some deep clearing work? ie all these clients leaving?  Are they opening the door potentially for other great things as a way of entering new beginnings?
2)  Do you think attracting these people with money issues is a reflection of my own insecurities about money?

My apologies for the long message!  

I would really appreciate your thoughts on all of this.


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