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« Last post by Yacob on August 11, 2022 »
Hello, John.

I love that I can speak to you in this way and I’m excited to be apart of this community. I have both of your books- Emotional Clearing and also Deep Clearing. They really touched a nerve in me in a really positive way and I want to continue to learn from you.

These questions have come to me somewhat intuitively during meditation recently and continue to prod me in my daily sessions. My first is about not being able to feel a feeling of connectedness with my higher self. I actually saw this as a serious issue because I assumed the whole point of this type of meditation is to unify with something greater than a conscious ego, so I thought I was doing something wrong. I then got to the point in your new book where you break down all of the chakras and all of the associated emotions and was surprised to see that you’ve mentioned feeling cut of from source, despair, airiness, disconnection as well as clinical disassociation are all feelings that you should treat in the exact same way as more simple feelings such as jealousy, anger, insignificance etc. I’m really intrigued by this concept. Does there come a point where you have to do more than just take a feeling of being cut off from source or airiness through the emotional clearing steps? For example: become more intellectually informed about concepts such as karma, higher self, kali yuga, and really understand why it is so important to treat all difficult circumstances as opportunities to clear suppressed negativity? Or is that approach too left brained? Do we always have to keep these concepts in mind whilst processing a difficult emotion? I feel that if I did this, it would potentially resolve my feelings of being unable to feel the power of a higher self or even to buy into the concept in the first place.

I might also mention that for a very long time, actually for most of my life, I’ve struggled with depersonalisation, which is very similar to disassociation. Especially during stressful times, I feel completely and utterly as if I am living in a dream or a simulation, where nothing around me is real. It is a very scary and debilitating condition that I’m yet to fully get ahold of, even with psychotherapy. I have come to understand that this is probably my brain’s attempt to protect itself from painful feelings as it would rather convince itself that the current reality isn’t real rather than feel overwhelming pain. I have tried sitting with this feeling as well as related feelings like despair, panic, fear etc and taking them through the steps which has proven to be probably the best approach I’ve ever used. It gives me a lot of relief. But the problem with it (and this ties into my first question) is that I lose all sense of connection to reality and the 3 dimensional world. This then causes me to forget my reason for clearing negativity which induces a strong feeling of depression. Just sitting with it seems to make it worse if I don’t simultaneously remind myself that this is in fact real and it is an opportunity for a really significant clearing.

So, to summarise, would you recommend me to stay anchored to all of the information in your books relating to karma, higher self, Kali Yuga, and remind myself that I am truly connected to something much greater than a physical body whilst processing depersonalisation/disassociation? And should I also take this approach with other, more simple emotions?

Sorry for rambling on. I hope you understand my points and thank you so much for your input John.
« Last post by John Ruskan on June 10, 2022 »
Ok, interesting point about Basquiat. You are probably right. Especially since you are so articulate, i hope you will help the E & A book by posting a review on Amazon! This really helps me and the work. Thanks!
« Last post by John Ruskan on June 07, 2022 »
My personal paradigm is that we all have a Higher Self, which is an actual entity that resides somewhere on the 5th or 6th dimensional plane, and which spawns multiple tiny split-off parts of itself incarnations (simultaneous from its viewpoint) on the 3D time-bound earth plane, in order to gain from those experiences. There is way beyond that the Infinite Source. I suppose we can receive intuitions from both, maybe they are of different types. I didn't realize I had broached this topic in the podcasts, maybe you can tell me which it was, if you remember. You're a good listener!

Yes, stabbing on the canvas is equivalent to pounding mattresses with a tennis racquet. It's outer expression with the intent to be rid of the feelings by putting them into the art instead of integrating, sitting with them and moving them though the EC steps, in which acceptance is one of the keys - maybe one of the keys that you are overlooking. I think I mention in the book that once the art has done its job of  bringing up a suppressed feeling, that's when I would advise to leave the art and sit with the feeling. For me, distinguishing between product portrayal and process art is a major enlightenment. The subconscious will tend to jump out with both.

I think the journey from left-brain regurgitation to right-brain true intuition and discovery can be said to be the growth path of the artist. I personally find that I need time away from the creation before I can see it objectively, and analyze where its coming from because when you are creating, you are not in an objective place. That type of evaluation itself would be uncommon among artists, or anyone, so just being conscious of the question would help you see the nature of what you have accomplished.
« Last post by djed.s on June 06, 2022 »
« Last post by John Ruskan on April 27, 2022 »
I would not regard the EC Training CDs strictly equivalent to formal meditation. You should not abandon regular meditation practice, without any external guidance. You don't want to become dependent on any external guidance. Your total meditation time should be no more than half with the CDs.
« Last post by Ed on April 27, 2022 »
Dear John,

can the emotional Clearing Guided Training 12 CD Audio Program be regarded as a meditation? I ask this because If I listen to these regularly I have not much time left for another kind of meditation practice.
« Last post by John Ruskan on April 15, 2022 »
I appreciate your enthusiasm for the work, but these questions are beyond the scope of EC.
« Last post by Ed on April 15, 2022 »
Dear John,

thanks for your interesting podcast on Spotify.

I have a few questions and I hope you can share your thoughts about them.
I practice sending love for a while inspired by authors like Klaus Joehle and Jafree Ozwald. There a some variations but basically it comes down to realizing  that what you are is basically love, radiating that love from your heart (or your chakras's) filling every cell in your body and than sending it to others, filling them with this love. They report miraculous, life changing results. My questions:

1. in your book I read 'it may be possible to experience a non-dualistic Higher-Self form of love, but I don't believe it can be attained by deliberate, direct cultivation. But what to think about this miraculous life changing results? And if this does not transform myself on a deeper level, my assumption is that still others profits from that. And it seems to me that having a loving intention to others is better than  having a neutral intention, especially when all feelings are felt and not be denied?

2 What do you think about balancing this sending love with not denying feeling everything I feel about them?  For instance, when some person triggers some fear or anger in me, saying to myself 'I can handle this' and sending love on the outbreath?

3. I visit a kind of naturopath and she does a kind of dowsing to test which kinds of food are good for my health. But she does also test other things. And she is always accurate. I asked to test how good your book and your cd program is for me and she tested that it was quite good for me. But the sending love practices tested even higher. So what should I think of this? A hypothesis is that these test results come from her unconsciousness. But often she does not know about what she tests (for instance your book) and she is always very accurate. She says that the results comes from my Higher Self and my energy field. What would you think about this?

Lots of questions, but these are quite important issues for me. Your thoughts would be appreciated very much.

Dear Friends,

I'm pleased to announce that I have begun a Podcast series for the Emotional Clearing Process. If you are not familiar with podcasts, they are an audio-only show that can be played on a mobile device as well as on a computer. The advantage is that shows can be listened to while driving or walking, and perhaps even offer a different and more soulful communication mode than a video.

I will be posting a new show each Friday. There are 3 shows already posted. Each show is from 20 to 30 minutes long. Each week I will be discussing a different aspect of EC work, drawing from past talks and interviews I have given, workshops, Q&A sessions, counseling sessions, and new material that I will be recording. I will also be including some right-brain, artistic presentations such as excerpts from my Moon Walking book combined with music. At the moment, I am not planning on interviewing guests.

I believe the mix of styles and formats will attract and maintain your attention if you have an interest in EC work. I hope you will give it a try. The next show coming up (#4) is an interesting Q&A session.

And, as with the DEEP CLEARING release last year, I would like to humbly remind you that in the modern world, ratings and reviews are what make or break any new release. If you are on a Podcast app, it only takes a few seconds to give the show a 5-star rating, or if you are an enthusiastic supporter of EC work, you can write a quick review of just a few words which carries more weight - you don't have to spend a lot of time composing an elaborate review unless you want to.

Here are details about getting set up:

The Podcast is now available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts, but I would like to concentrate on Apple since it is the biggest and a healthy audience there will make a ripple in the Podcast universe.

To listen to Apple Podcasts, you need to have the app. On Apple gear, this is usually already included. Open the app and search for "the Emotional Clearing Process". This will take you right to the program.

After you get to the program page, be sure to clik the +subscribe button in the upper right.

If you don't already have the Apple Podcast app, you will have to download it. You can search for "download Apple Podcast app."

If you want to listen on a computer, you can get the app by going to:

and then choose "allow the page to open podcasts."

I hope you are all well and that the advanced knowledge we are sharing will help get you through these difficult times. I hope this Podcast, my latest effort, will prove to be beneficial to everyone.

My warmest regards to all-

« Last post by John Ruskan on April 10, 2022 »
I'm not familiar enough with the Tonglen practice to be able to comment on it, but after you understand the principles of EC work, you can of course combine it with any other healing or spiritual practice that appeals to you. The sentences you mention are interesting in that they seem to offer an ancient confirmation of the EC method.
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