There are a lot of transformational stories in the testimonials, on this website and Amazon. I would like to think they could serve as inspiration. However, that said, what we are about here is often elusive. This is the nature of all psychotherapy and spiritual practice. I tend to look dubiously at any one who comes on with a Tony Robbins, cheerleader sales pitch telling you that you will experience miraculous change if you buy this product, and so I am not comfortable with a hard sales line and glorious promises. Change can happen quickly, but more often it happens slowly, so you don't notice it. The secret to this work is to not look for results, but to learn how to be present now, in the moment, with your experience. If you are looking for results, you are not in the moment. If you cultivate being in the moment, that's when change can happen. It happens when you are not looking. And again, that said, if someone has been practicing the EC process and not getting results I usually advise them to carefully look at how they are applying all the steps. Often there's inadequate acceptance. Looking for results can imply subtle absence of acceptance. This work is truly a spiritual approach to higher consciousness, and most other systems that have held up over the centuries are based on similar principles. If you can get yourself to the point where after you sit with difficult feelings, processing them, you know you have released something based on how you feel, then you are on the right track. You won't need any other confirmation. If you don't have this experience, you have not yet developed the skills.