Author Topic: Intense release of feelings  (Read 9156 times)


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Intense release of feelings
« on: July 30, 2012 »

I have been practicing the process for clearing as described in the book and audio CDs for about 6 weeks.  About 2 months ago I knew the emotional pain I had been living with from childhood traumas and life events was too much for me to continue to handle by ignoring the way my body felt.  After trying many other programs over the years,  I can see how I am progressing in very different ways than I have before.  In fact for the first time in 33 years, I am actually acknowledging that I have feelings.  I have already noticed that I deal with people in better ways and a more cognizant of my surroundings

However,  I do have some concerns.  For the first few weeks I followed the program,  I felt extremely uncomfortable and felt a very raw energy in various parts of my body (head, chest, solar plexus, stomach, hands, and throat) which manifested itself as a buzzing feeling.  This energy has since subsided, but there were times when all I could do was just experience the energy and try to observe it from the witness state. I would have to sit with it most of the day. Is this outpouring of emotions due to my ignoring my emotions for so long?

Now,  the raw energy has subsided, but I am now confronting very strong specific emotions of isolation, lack of nurturing, abandonment.  There are even times when I feel lost In the world as the emotions are so overwhelming.  I can sit with them, but sometimes they get extreme. Unfortunately, I haven't found any technique to back away from these feelings.  Do you have any recommendations to better mange them?

I have also started yoga and working on breathe work while going on walks,  these help, but still significant discomfort at times.


John Ruskan

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Re: Intense release of feelings
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2012 »
It seems that the program is working for you, so that's great. There's always the potential problem of getting too many feelings, but this is better than no feelings. The buzzing energy would appear to be the energy body rebalancing itself - you can help by not resisting but by staying present with it and breathing into it. Yes, I would say the build-up of feelings over the years is now pouring out. You've got a good sense of the specific feelings, so you can keep working with these.

To try to encourage the feelings to subside, the obvious is to slow down a little with the CDs and specific emotional processing. Use your sessions mainly as grounding experiences. Yoga and the breath are excellent for grounding, so keep up with those, and the walks. Keep the light strong around you, and the door to the subconscious closed in your mind. Stay in the witness, no matter what comes up.

See this as positive, that you're going thru a once in a lifetime cleansing, and it may be rough for a while. This often happens. Just stay with it, stay calm, and you'll come out the other side.