Author Topic: Disgust  (Read 6438 times)


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« on: July 16, 2019 »
Hello John,
I have a question about disgust, disgust towards the self, specifically. It seems that whenever I feel aligned, connected and present, this disgust arises at my ego/protective peronality's behavior and way of being. I can see how this can be a useful mechanism to distance myself from what no longer serves me, or the world, however I also feel wary that maybe this is a step in the wrong direction and just part of my conditioned inclination surfacing. What are your thoughts on this? Have you experienced anything similar along the way towards awakening?
Kind regards

John Ruskan

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Re: Disgust
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2019 »
How boring would the day be without a healthy dose of disgust, as well as hate, rage, or desolation? Any negative feeling is just the negative pole of a particular DUALISTIC pair. You sound like you are bemoaning this negative feeling instead of welcoming it in the spirit of wholeness. If it is jumping up for you when you are quiet that means it has built up in the subconscious. Recognize that disgust goes along with its opposite, which would be something like fondness, or comfort. The more you are attached to the positive, the more the negative will manifest in your life. Don't spin your wheels rationalizing the benefits of any negative - just make a place for the feeling, and detach and witness it, with the object of transcending the dualistic pair. Doesn't matter what the object of disgust is - yourself or something else. Your question is seeking an intellectual answer, I would have preferred if the question was "How do I take this feeling through the EC process?" You can also think of it as a first-level emotion that is hiding some other deeper core feeling behind it, that you should get to. Process the disgust, and see where it takes you. Shift into an experiential processing mode and out of an intellectual mode, trying to figure it out. Thanks for an interesting question.


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Re: Disgust
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2019 »
Thank you for your reply. I would not say that I am bemoaning it at all. It seems to have a momentum which helps me move to make more empowering choices, but it is suprising because so often in spiritual or self help circles people talk about "self love"- no one ever mentions feeling liberated by self disgust, but that is almost how it feels. But either way I believe you are right, I need to move into experiential processing mode and away from intellectualisation. Thank you again.