Author Topic: Challenges with the relaxation audio  (Read 5264 times)


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Challenges with the relaxation audio
« on: December 11, 2022 »
Hello John,

Last night I tried the relaxation audio. Thank you for making this available to use for free.

I had several challenges with the process.

1.) I've rarely been able to visualize on demand. I can lie in bed and visualize the various details of my apartment, because I see them everyday. But when a guided meditation asks me to visualize something I haven't had direct experience with before--such as white light entering the top of my head, or a ball of light moving or expanding, or energy being sent down into the Earth--I am unable to do this. The best I can do (to stay relaxed and avoid trying to force something) is to listen to the voice narrating the meditation and hope that my inner self is creating the experience for me.

Do you have any suggestions for people like me who have trouble visualizing?

2.) Another challenge was with the word negative. From reading the website, I understood that this method is about becoming aware of and accepting our negative emotions, allowing them to clear. I was confused by being asked to use white light to get rid of negative energy.

Can you share what you mean in this context by the word negative?

3.) I was unable to feel deeply when asked to, such as when the meditation directed me to deeply feel the masculine qualities and then the feminine qualities. I didn't feel anything during those parts, except dismay that I wasn't feeling them deeply. I was also unable to feel the witness.

My most noticeable experience during the meditation was becoming very relaxed. But when your voice came back on suggesting I could come back from outer space, I was dismayed because, even by that stage, I was still aware of being in the room.

Is there a way to develop the capacity to feel these things deeply when right now I don't feel them at all?

Thank you,

John Ruskan

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Re: Challenges with the relaxation audio
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2022 »
It's just a matter of practice and developing right-brain meditative skills.

Negative emotions and feelings are perceived as painful and distressful. When we work with the Light, we are bringing in a protective energy that has the power to dispel superficial negative energy that may accumulate around us, but the main thrust of EC work is to extend acceptance and experience to what we normally think of as undesirable emotions and feelings so they can integrate and release from being trapped in the subconscious. The Deep Clearing book explains this in detail.