Author Topic: Bullying and Panic Attacks  (Read 1924 times)


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Bullying and Panic Attacks
« on: October 13, 2024 »
Hi from the Canary Islands,

I feel very fortunate and thankful for having read Emotional Cleansing and Deep Cleansing. After so many books and some therapy, at least something that makes sense.

I have one question:

Sometimes during the Induction or even during Feel III I feel terrified by my neighbor's voice who has been bullying me in different ways for 15 years. Sometimes it is not her voice but someone who has a similar voices but it's enough for me to panic.

My question is: what should I do at that moment? I feel it very difficult to go on with the practice, I need to go out and see if she is again plotting something against me or speaking badly about me. I loose all my powers. I just freeze. It is as if she wanted to destroy me by any means.
Even in an Alfa state during meditation I panic if I hear her voice.
What should I do then? Stop the work and start in a more reassuring time like night time? Or should I reconduct and integrate what is happening in my inner work (which as I say it's very difficult for me to do because my mind is 100% alert and I panic)?

Thank you very much again for the books and your attention.

« Last Edit: November 14, 2024 by John Ruskan »

John Ruskan

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Re: New / Thanks/ Question
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2024 »
The core feelings are related to the Power center. Being bullied, controlled, dominated, manipulated, abused, etc. There also appears to be some fear present that needs to be processed. We assume that all these feelings are trapped in the subconscious and are responsible for attracting the conditions you describe. From reading the books you should have a good idea of how to work with them.

As you enter alpha and start to access the suppressed feelings, you react with panic. The panic is a first-level emotional reaction to the suppressed feelings emerging; its not a suppressed feeling; maybe it’s just a conditioned response whenever you look inside. In any event, your work then shifts from the core feelings to the panic. Your priority is now to process and get past the tendency to panic. You do this by taking the panic through the steps, however long it takes, days or months. 

Don’t be afraid of the panic. Take it through the steps:

1. RELAX deeply as best you can with the induction and breath.

2. AWARENESS: Visualize your neighbor while keeping them outside your aura. Let the feelings come up and also the reactive panic.

3. ACCEPTANCE: Carefully apply all the principles of Acceptance to the panic. Don’t judge it or run from it. Become aware of your resistance to the panic and drop it. Be ok with the panic. Relax into it.

4. EXPERIENCE the panic as an involuntary energetic reaction. Feel it as an energy in your body. Be present. USE THE BREATH TO MODULATE THE PANIC. A gentle CONNECTED BREATH (as described in Deep Clearing) would work well here. You can breath and be present with the panic for the entire meditation session – 15 to 30 minutes.

5. WITNESS: The most important step. Step back and detach while being fully, non-judgmentally present with the panic.

Remember, you are making the panic to main focus of your work until it subsides, which it will of course do. Stay aware of any other feelings that jump up and take them through the steps.

Sounds like fun, no?


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Re: New / Thanks/ Question
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2024 »
Hi John,

I do appreciate and feel greatful for your time and expertise in clearly describing how I must proceed with the panic and how to work with it.

Some doubts have been perfectly clarified, so it will be much easier to engage in this pressing work.

I also feel very grateful for having made it look less dramatic thanks to your final sentence... those few & cheerful words have encouraged me a lot as well, together with as I say your time and generous answer.
