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Messages - John Ruskan

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« on: April 01, 2016 »
I'm so glad the work has been helpful for you.

Apparently there are a few different schools of Kriya yoga. I was initiated into Babaji's Kriya Yoga, which can be found on the internet. It's main discipline is Kriya Kundalini Pranayam, which is a sophisticated breath system I have not seen equaled. We were instructed to NEVER hold the breath, although it was not explained why. Leonard Orr developed the Rebirthing system from this, and introduced the idea of the connected breath as essential to the system.

Learning how to smoothly connect the in and out breath is another facet of the breath which can lead to subtle physiological-psychological deepenings. To me, it feels like the prana builds up more effectively, and that it leaks out if there is a short pause between in and out.

However, I also use the traditional breath of in-hold-out, with a ratio of 1:4:2, and find the long pause to be very effective in packing prana into the body. I have not found the short pause between in and out to be generally part of traditional, well-founded yogic breath techniques and practices, but of course I could be wrong.

« on: June 09, 2015 »
Hi Tom,  Sounds like you’re working with major clearing issues. Keep in mind that this may be the lifetime you’ve chosen to take on this work. It’s crucial and you shouldn’t allow yourself to be overwhelmed. Your primary focus should be to be stabilized within the light, in the witness, unidentified with any lower self negativity that’s coming into view. From there, you open to the dark at your controlled pace to process it.

There are different Kundalini schools, so I don’t know what you did specifically, but it probably doesn’t matter. I don’t think you could do any real damage from just one session, whatever you did. You could have stirred up some negativity, as you say.  So just back off and take it easy.

The basic idea behind Kundalini work is to raise the root chakra energy to the upper chakras. A nice way to incorporate this into your practice without going overboard is to just visualize and feel energy going up the middle of your spine as you inhale with the yoga breath; and down the front as you exhale, for maybe 10 breaths. Doing this regularly every day sets up the pattern in the subconscious, and over a period of time, it’s likely the energy will respond. I believe the kundalini energy is related if not identical to sexual energy, so your sexual needs may change as you practice over time. But be careful about trying to modify ordinary sexual release with celibacy, etc; especially with heavy issues as you mention, this is how you could get into trouble. Let the sexual expression modify itself slowly as you just stay with the breath repatterning exercise.

Boundaries don't strengthen necessarily because feelings are integrated; strengthening boundaries is one of the prerequisites to feelings work. Weak boundaries contribute to the "taking on" of psychic energies around you, which compounds your own negativity resulting in excess negative feelings. That's why we always start all processing sessions with the invoking of the light, which is the traditional method of psychic protection and boundary affirmation. Working with the light over time will build your boundaries on the psychic level, which you will experience on a real life level with less interference/overwhelm/domination/manipulation from other sources.

Thanks for your beautiful sharing.

Hi Anna,

The hindrances, such as I mention in the EC book, usually are to be thought of as arising from an automatic reflex to moving forward in your inner work. Since dark always opposes light, there comes into play an opposing force when you set out to advance consciousness. This opposing force could take the form of outer forces, or it could seem like an inner part of yourself. Then, the type of hindrance you encounter appears in the mind – you doubt, you become restless for more, you resent, or you experience opposition/sleepiness in meditation, etc. If you are tired at the end of the day, however, this could easily be the cause of your sleepiness.

What we normally refer to as resistance is not so much from automatic opposing forces, but the natural inclination of the mind to turn away from pain. Negative feelings are painful, and we intuitively want to push them away, but this works against us, creating suppression. This kind of resistance can be somewhat unconscious. We may be unable to contact feelings at times; or unable to see the deeper patterns because the mind creates a barrier. It’s just a matter of staying present with the process, including the resistance or hindrance. If you feel stuck, witness it, don’t fight it. But you can also try to become aware of the unconscious pushing-away tendency of the mind, and put it aside – it’s a matter of finding that inner tension in the mind during meditation and consciously relaxing it. Resistance/hindrance usually has its own timetable, and we have no choice but to relax and allow it to run its course. Relaxing into it allows it to dissipate.

I have always found Chopra to accurately present traditional spiritual principles for the general public; I’m not familiar with Dawkins.

« on: September 27, 2014 »
Thanks so much for your wonderful sharing. It’s fulfilling for me to know that my work is meaningful for others. I’ve thought in the past that ECP could be helpful for those in the 12–Step program for the reasons you describe, but it hasn’t caught on yet. If you or anyone else has any connections to the movement and can suggest how to introduce it, or can even help out, that would be super.

« on: September 25, 2014 »
Thanks for the feedback and the suggestions. A 90 minute session sounds like a good idea - I'll put it on the list.

« on: September 25, 2014 »
You’re doing good work, and becoming very sensitive to your internal energetic influences. Two years is not that long, however, in terms of the huge effort that is required of any of us to make major consciousness shifts. As you keep working, I have no doubt you will move through this difficult phase.

The first thing that comes to mind as I read your description is that you are probably sensing an entity that has become attached to your energetic aura. This is nothing to panic about – it’s quite common, even though it is not generally known. There’s been some major research done in recent times about this phenomena. (Baldwin, Modi)

Entities will leave as you continue clearing up your suppressed emotional negativity. In the mean time, accept it as an unavoidable condition of existence on the earth plane, and even see if you can learn from it – it is helping you become aware of your negativity by exaggerating it.

For more info, I refer you to the emclear website, EMOTIONS > SPIRIT RELEASEMENT. Don’t worry, you’ll come through this.

I've watched a few BK videos, and I would have to say that it appears there is no consideration / acknowledgement in her system for the existence of the suppressed subconscious, and the need to somehow release it. Trying to effect lasting consciousness shifting through the intellectual self-questioning she proposes appears to me as nothing less than ignorant and ludicrous. As I become more aware of how dark forces are ruling the earth, I'm tempted to think that she has been promoted specifically to mislead seekers, just like the general trend in psychotherapy today with the Cognitive emphasis. Contrast this with other more valid teachers such as Eckart Tolle who understands that there is a Pain Body that must be confronted, and who advocates a meditative approach.

Body sensations such as you describe represent energetic congestion in the chakras, and the subconscious presence of the associated suppressed emotions. As you work with them, they will start to integrate into awareness and eventually clear. This may not happen immediately - you need to develop your capacities for self-healing. Having them start to appear as "energies" instead of physical sensations is the direction you want to go, and coincides with the sense of coming into the moment during Direct Experience. As you develop the capacity for deep relaxation during the session, you won't feel the need for stress-reducers after the session.

Feelings have a life of their own, and sometimes may not be summoned when you want to do a session. But the important feelings usually are able to be brought up when you want. You just need to keep working. And, I believe I mention in various places that I recommend sitting when doing heavy processing. Try to include at least as many sitting sessions as horizontal sessions.

Thank you for your heart-felt message.

For those of us who regularly work with the body-mind-emotion continuum, there's no question that the build-up of inner negativity eventually carries over into and creates most if not all of the body's physical illnesses. This inner negativity has an energetic basis, and so can be related to the energy body, the chakras, and the pranic system. The energetic negativity becomes known to us as feelings and emotions, so when we are working on a feeling level, we are not only affecting our emotional health, but most directly our physical well-being.

A case like yours would definitely be karmic, especially since it occurred at an early age. Even if there were outside factors that might be pointed to as contributing to the condition, it makes no difference. You attracted and were susceptible to any such influences because of your karmic predisposition. As you mention, I prefer to view karma as the carry over from the past of the suppressed subconscious. Feelings/energies that were not released come with us into the new life and attract or create appropriate circumstances in order to be worked out.

So - working on a feeling level with the intention to clear the negative subconscious is, I would say, a most effective route to healing the physical. There are other modalities that work on an energetic level, such as Pranic Healing, with which I am familiar, that can be helpful as well. I always encourage people to try any modality they are attracted to. But I tend to believe that any form of energetic healing must include releasing into awareness the trapped feelings involved. When you are experiencing Pranic Healing then, it is reasonable to expect that feelings will be coming up if the healing is having an effect. You can't assume that you will just be 'healed' without your participation; working with the feelings is a critical way you participate. At that point, you apply the ECP protocol to the feelings, because if you don't they will be just re-suppressed; simply having them come into awareness is not enough to bring about the cleansing of the subconscious. This principle applies to any type of energetic healing. In this way, ECP integrates with any valid form of energy work, as well as being effective on its own.

I had a client a few years ago, with whom I worked for about 8 months. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer. At the end of our work, the cancer appeared to be in remission. In checking with him some years later, it was still not a problem. He was also doing many other things such as diet, supplements, yoga, breathwork, etc., but our work was the primary psychological/medical intervention. He never did chemo or radiation or surgery, which is what was advised by his doctor. Here's how we worked; it's actually quite interesting: As we surveyed his emotional landscape, it became apparent that his core emotional issues were based in the Power chakra, which in my schematic is located in the perineum, which is close to the prostate. I would say that the energetic negativity in the Power center had carried over to the nearby prostate, weakening it and making it susceptible to the cancer. The Power center feelings were that of being controlled, manipulated, dominated, used, mostly in the workplace. These are the feelings we addressed, using ECP. We also sent light to the prostate and brought witnessing consciousness to it. My presence as the facilitator accomplishes much the same thing as a Pranic Healer would, since I am consciously sending prana, or the light, to all clients as we work together. Indeed, all forms of energetic healing could be thought of as being very similar in how they work.

For you, I would advise a similar approach. Learn the ECP system, find out what your core feelings are, which chakras they are connected to, and do the work. I'm not sure what chakras would correlate to your particular condition, but as you get into it, it will start to become apparent. Energetic assistance from others can be helpful, but I always make a point of saying that you can do the work on your own. Is any condition incurable? I would tend to agree with you. There will always be an end point. At the same time, everyone doing this kind of work on themselves must realize that we are undertaking a momentous task in clearing the residue of many lifetimes, and it is going to take time. But when you start working, you realize that that's enough - knowing you are going forward, experiencing the gradual expansion of the soul.

« on: August 01, 2014 »
If the answer inspires you, it is probably the right answer. When interpreting dreams, I always advise to look for the feelings the dream invokes in you. The feelings are the important part, and they would somehow have to connect to your answer.

Back in the 80's, when I was learning about body psychology, I attended a weekend workshop given by John Pierakos, who was the well-known and respected founder of BioEnergetics. He was an MD and his specialty was approaching psychological issues through the body. Someone in the group asked him what he thought of the current body-building craze that had just started to get off the ground. He somewhat sadly said that he thought it made it much more difficult to do psychological work, driving and suppressing feelings deeper into the subconscious, making it harder to bring awareness to them.

I had a client a few years ago who was a personal trainer and body-builder himself. His chief issue was that he could not contact his feelings. I told him the Pierakos story, but he said he couldn't stop training (addiction?). We did try a few accelerated breath sessions, which seemed to help. The intense experience of the rapid breath tends to cut through the body armor which lifting supposedly creates. At first, we had a breakthrough and he thought he had found the answer, but after a few sessions the results seemed to lessen. This might be something to try however, if you can locate a Rebirthing, Holotropic or other breathwork practitioner nearby, but I think nowadays this is hard to find. Unfortunately, it's not easy to do it on your own, one reason being that the effort tends to make you drowse off, and you need someone there to just keep you awake. I talk about it a little in the EC book. If it works for you, it could be a monthly part of your routine, although it's kind of a band-aid approach to the basic problem.

Since you seem to be saying, especially in your third question, that you're not getting to the emotion, it seems highly possible that the lifting is interfering. But there's no way to prove it, except by taking a sabbatical from lifting to see what happens. Would stretching counter the tightening of the body while continuing to train? It would certainly help, but if you're still not getting to the feelings, then it's not enough if lifting is in fact the culprit. An ideal approach would be to stop lifting for 2 months, maybe continue with reasonable aerobics or swimming, shelf the goal of increasing muscle mass for a while (you've probably got enough) and continue with a hatha yoga stretching practice, which I believe will keep muscles toned so you don't lose what you've got. Don't fall into the power yoga trap, do something like the sequence posted on the emclear site - just gentle stretching while maintaining your focus on body sensations. Of course, I recommend yoga to everyone as a primary means to uncover suppressed negativity, which to a large extent is believed to be trapped in the body.

However, other factors that enter are that men in general have a hard time connecting to feelings. This might have to do with the heavy body mass compared to women, and the left brain mode most men are in. So you're not alone in having difficulty finding the feelings. What we are trying to do is evolve, however, and part of this means coming into a left-right brain, inner male-female balance. You have to determine if extreme body-building, which is primarily an aggressive, materialistic, masculine, left-brain endeavor can co-exist with this coming-into-balance agenda, and find out exactly how much of a negative influence heavy lifting is on the feeling, intuitive, right brain world that you should be developing as part of your consciousness growth.

Other questions:

1. That's great with the lightbulb. This is a concept that is not understood by most New Agers - including healers who ignorantly keep pushing the 'just change your beliefs' idea. Everything is good in this paragraph until 'Both times I found myself meditating on the idea of total acceptance and that I am enough and that I don't need to be anything more than I already am at this moment.' You want to include acceptance as part of the ECP steps, but when you're in acceptance, you're not thinking about it, if this is what you mean. Thinking about anything is more or less the state of non-acceptance, or resistance. When you drop the resistance, the mind stops, and you enter the other zone of being - being with the feeling with no thoughts about whether it should or shouldn't be there - it just is. You have to cultivate the experience of being, of shifting to another zone, and that's why we work with the Third Eye. Then, you don't want to be thinking that you are enough, etc., when you are processing. This is more thinking and another attempt to recondition yourself - what you want to go beyond. It's true that it's not easy to get to this point, but that's what you're learning. I put the sections on affirmations in the book because when I wrote it, affirmations were more popular than now. But now, I rarely advise clients to use affirmations. They can easily become misused as a reconditioning tool, it involves too much mental effort, and this is not what we are about. Continuing patiently with the process is enough.

2. As we sit with feelings, hopefully we will build the capacity to be in the moment at all times, and be able to process as feelings come up, but this is usually more difficult than sitting and giving full attention to it. Sitting with the feeling also gives you more time and opportunity to go deeper, to connect to other feelings, etc. The difficulty in bringing up the feeling when sitting seems to relate to what we have discussed.

3. You're doing well with objective awareness about your core issues and chakras, so you are doing good work now, which you should not overlook. Just becoming aware of these negative beliefs is having a helpful effect. However, it is desirable to eventually connect to specific feelings. You want to get to the core feeling in the body of 'not good enough' not only the intellectual belief. This feeling will be behind other associated emotions, for example, the emotion of depression, discouragement, or maybe even chronic fatigue. The lower body chronic pain points to possible lower chakra suppressed issues like anger, fear, sexual energy issues, power issues that will eventually be uncovered. Keep in mind that Vipassana meditation teaches you to stay with the body sensation. They believe that focusing primarily on the body is enough to clear the 'sanskaras' - their term for suppressed negative energy. So while it would be good to connect to emotional feelings, and you might consider some life-style steps to move in this direction as discussed, I would suggest you be content with awareness of body sensations alone, and assume that you can do adequate self-healing. There are a few certified EC Facilitators who actually prefer sticking with body awareness. Focusing on the body requires the same cultivated concentration as focusing on feelings. Maybe research Vipassana - Goenka. Combining the ECP tools and concepts with it I would say extends its effectiveness.

Yes, I think the theme of transformation would be one of the most important for the eighth house, and so should be a major focus for you. This would mean resolving personal karma and transcending the personal ego, moving more and more into an 'enlightened' state. EC work is of course directly concerned with these goals, and working on a feeling level to resolve the negative suppressed subconscious is crucial to moving forward in spiritual transformational work. This has been often overlooked by many who enter the enlightenment path, but this is one of the reasons I organized the EC process, to fill that void.

« on: July 11, 2014 »
One of the foundational ideas of EC is that the past is present now, all around you, in the form of your feelings and emotions. Although you may not remember specifics, feelings and emotions are the most important aspects of your past experience - and this is what is carried forward from life to life to create your experience now and to be resolved. This is your karma, and as you work on a feeling level, you resolve your karma.

In theory, then, we don't really need to know the specifics about the past in order to work on ourselves. Applying the principles now can be completely effective. You say a 'thought' occurred to you. What's the feeling behind the thought? Something like 'I'm no good.' Take it to a feeling level, and apply the steps to that feeling.

We often need to work more on acceptance. The mind interferes when a negative thought/feeling comes up and becomes judgmental, shameful, etc. Put the mind aside and just be present on a body-feeling level with the feeling as you witness it. Remember the dualistic nature of the mind - there will always be the negative. Don't let it throw you. Our intention is to transcend and integrate, not eliminate the negative.

That said, when I'm working with clients, it's common for past-life flashes to come up, and we always honor these and spend time with them to make the most of the opportunity. These recalls are always highly subjective, and we assume there is validity if a strong feeling is associated, but in the end, we don't know for sure if they are true past life memories, and it doesn't matter.

So, my take would be you've got enough to go on now, and if you really need the 'past life' memory, it will come up guided by the higher self, but you don't need to push for it. However, if you want to, it's easy to play around with it. Enter alpha, bring up the feeling by thinking of associated events, and then consciously create a fantasy to match the feeling. At first, it may be only a product of the mind, but eventually a 'real' past-life memory is likely to appear. Stay in the witness and apply the EC steps.

Always remember that you still need to take responsibility for any past-life experiences - the feelings stimulated then are still coming from the suppressed subconscious.

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