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Messages - Kate

Pages: 1
Thank you so much John.  That was most helpful.  I really appreciate your insight.

Hi Paul,
Thanks for your reply - talk about synchronicity!  Will check out Wim.  To me, dreams are our higher selves speaking to and guiding us.  It's just a matter of figuring out the symbols.  One book I find particularly useful (in most of her interpretations) is Betty Bethards' The Dream Book.
Kind wishes,

Hi Paul,

Welcome - I’m new here myself, though I’ve also been working on clearing for some time.

Here are my thoughts regarding your dream.  First of all, I think your dream could represent you being cleared of negativity through your processing work.

Also, I think it is showing you that there is nothing to fear about viruses: that they cannot attack you if your vibrations are high.  I am thinking about the work of Royal Rife and the Rife machine against pathogens and diseases.
I am also thinking about Claude Bernard and Louis Pasteur.  They were friends but also professional rivals.  As you may know, Pasteur believed disease was caused by the pathogen, while Bernard believed disease was due to a weakened host and that one could stay healthy despite being exposed to pathogens if one is in equilibrium.  Pasteur’s theory gained favor and was subsequently adopted, likely because the medical industry could profit from it (vaccines, antibiotics, etc.)
But, Pasteur admitted on his deathbed that Bernard was correct, “Bernard is right. The microbe is nothing. The environment is everything”.  

The joy you felt was your understanding of this- that you have nothing to fear and can remain healthy if you are in balance.
Just my two cent’s worth.


Hi John,

My external environment (where I currently live) is not congruent with me (over developed, lack of respect for nature, few like-minded individuals, etc.).   I very much want to move away and have an area picked-out, but it’s not easy for me to move at this time for various reasons.  Yet, being here causes me much distress.  I have practiced emotional clearing for quite some time, but know I still have a long way to go.  Based on the principles of ECP, do I continue to live in an area that does not resonate with me?  If I continue clearing, will it be more likely that I will be able to move to my ideal (more rural) place (that things will somehow easily fall into place)?

Thank you.

« on: May 03, 2020 »
Hi John,

I just wanted to thank you for today's Emotional Clearing Webinar.  I really got a lot out of it and thank you for being so generous with your time and knowledge.

Also, your book has been invaluable to me, as is your guided training audio program.  I continue to recommend your work to my friends and clients.  

Thank you again for all you do.


Pages: 1