I've been doing the guided meditations for at least three weeks now, and am feeling SO much better, that I first want to say Thank You...
- to John for sharing his knowledge,
- and the Universe or Guiding Force or whatever, for bringing John's work into my awareness.
(Interestingly, ever since I began this inner work, almost every single day I have come across a reference on the radio or internet, on the importance of processing feelings! Wow! I must be on the right track.)
As I work on the situation and the emotions, questions come up, and I'm hoping for some guidance with them. Most of them center round a confused understanding of resistance. Here's my first...
I feel better and calmer after the meditations. But later in the day, my mind and my thoughts simply WILL go back to the painful memory/ event. They keep beating me up, reminding me, mocking me, and I lose my peace. How can I stop this mental abuse of myself? And is an effort to stop the thoughts - by talking back to it, by engaging in some positive activity, or perhaps by practicing some other form of meditation - considered repression? Am I repressing thoughts? Am I repressing feelings associated with the thoughts? I'm not sure how to understand and proceed here.
Any guidance will be appreciated!