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DEEP CLEARING is coming at a time when it can provide essential guidance as we contend with appalling levels of negativity all around us. It can be vital in helping you maintain detached witnessing balance in the face of hardships you may be experiencing. It can prevent you from spiraling down into depression or worse. It shows you how to manage and clear difficult emotions, such as the fear, anger, and confusion that are rampant. It encourages you to see the current situation as a rare opportunity for deep release work, as extreme world conditions trigger hidden negativity inside, rather than just as a crises in which you are a helpless victim. If a number of us take steps to clear ourselves on the inside now, not only do we heal and make ourselves impervious to outer negativity, but we create a base that can make a difference in the world.








Emotional Clearing Guided Training
Available only in DIGITAL DOWNLOAD 

John's new audio training program, designed to take you into deep right-brain, alpha-state emotional processing modes, utilizing a combination of spoken guidance, music, and binaural-beat technology. This 10 session set plus 2 bonus music-for-meditation programs progressively teaches you emotional processing skills while releasing deeply-held negativity, empowering you to realize higher consciousness and your fullest potential. more info...

Instant Digital Download
12 MP3 Files that will play on iTunes, Windows Media Player, iPod, etc. (420 mb)
Each MP3 file is approx 45 min.




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Emotional Clearing: An East/West Guide To Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness

This book contains John's groundbreaking East/West synthesis for inner healing, starting on the emotional level, but affecting all aspects of your being including health, relationships, and life circumstances.
more info...

Paperback Book,
336 pages, 6"x9" 2003
ISBN 0-9629295-3-0
Emotional Clearing by John Ruskan
at your bookstore or order online here.






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Emotion and Art: Mastering the Challenges of the Artist's Path

In this highly original work, John Ruskan explores the intricacies of feeling-oriented art. He presents radical insights about the nature of the art process that tell you exactly what it is that artists do, how they can do it better, and how to make art an essential route to enlightenment through revealing and integrating the personal emotional subconscious.
more info...

Paperback Book, 210 pages, 6"x9" 2012
ISBN 9780962929540
Emotion and Art by John Ruskan
at your bookstore or order online here




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AlphaJourney Binaural Beat CD

Being a musician and a meditator, John has a sharp interest in exploring the possibilities of triggering deep meditative, healing states with sound. He has produced a CD that contains various key binaural-beat frequencies of pure sine waves that will entrain brainwaves to the alpha and theta state, where meditation and healing spontaneously occur, and get you up to speed with that Zen Monk people keep talking about.

This product contains not 1, as certain other brainsync CDs, but 11 different entrainment programs.

This is not an album of music or spoken guided meditations, but of tones that entrain the brain to match a certain frequency.

Includes 14 page instructional booklet. Total length: 60 min.

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Instant Digital Download*
11 MP3 Files
that will play on iTunes, Windows Media Player,
iPod, etc.

The 14 page instructional booklet is reproduced on this site.

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Desert Dawn Music CD

John is a dedicated musical artist. Here, his intent is to communicate directly on the right-brain, emotional level, in order to complement the largely left-brain, intellectual mode of writing. Desert Dawn is music that John has composed specifically to induce the deep relaxation, alpha healing state. It can be used for meditation, emotional clearing sessions, bodywork or yoga, or simply for setting a soothing and striking mood. John has carefully researched and designed the sound to produce its psycho-acoustic effect by using slow moving, repetitive, beautiful musical textures - quite unlike anything else on the market. As you sink into the sound, you easily enter altered states of consciousness. There is no talking or binaural beat stimulation on this album. John composes and performs all music on synthesizer and acoustic instruments, multi-tracking for a thick, lush sound. Listen

75 minutes of music, including a natural ocean surf track.

listen to this album and John's other music free at





Instant Digital Download*
8 MP3 Files
that will play on iTunes, Windows Media Player,
iPod, etc.

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Burning Karma Double Music CD

John's artistic side fully expresses itself in his songwriting productions. These are not sentimental New Age types of sounds. Rather, John approaches his music as a means to courageously delve into and reveal to himself contents of the subconscious for integration and healing. While the lyrics range from comforting to challenging as he follows this inward exploratory path, the music is always soulful, mysterious, and trance-inducing, lifting the listener to an altered transcendental state. Best experienced with earphones and lying down with eyes closed. This, his latest album, can be listened to here, or downloaded FREE for visitors to this site.

Double CD Album 106 minutes


listen to this album and John's other music free at





Instant Digital Download*
MP3 Files
that will play on iTunes, Windows Media Player,
iPod, etc.

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Certified Emotional Clearing Facilitator Professional Training




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SUPPORT: Support is available from John for any ECP product on the
Emotional Clearing Forum.





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*Digital Downloads are delivered in zip format. All the files for any download selection are contained in one compressed zip file which must be expanded, or 'unstuffed.' Expansion usually occurs automatically with modern computers, but if not, you must be prepared to handle this simple operation. These steps cannot be provided here, but with a minimum of research, you will be able to unstuff your files. Digital downloading is not recommended for dial-up, slow, or unreliable connections. Downloading the EC Guided Training will take about 15 minutes on a high-speed connection.

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